IN EXILE ON THE ISLAND OF PATMOS.Art used by permission of
Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
Visit her 'Revelation Illustrated' website.
by Carol S. McCarthy
As Christian believers we are the people of destiny. Our generation now faces the divine drama at the climax of history. As the curtain opens on this final act each one of us will discover that we have a vital role to play. God knew that we would be alive in this hour. And the choices we have made in times past now cause us to pause and re-evaluate our situation. Why are we are now finally recognizing God's voice above all others?Because…as Galatians 4:4 says…."but, when the fullness of time had come, God..sent forth His Son, born of a woman…." There is a designated time for everything in life. God's Word also says…."To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven". Ecc. 3:1
From the end of the Old Testament to the beginning of the New Testament, there was a span of time, of a little over 400 years…when God was silent. Many lived and died without knowing or hearing His voice through the prophets or the priests. God's silence "spoke volumes" to them, though, revealing His displeasure of a people who turned to their own ways, living unrepentant lives.
Amazingly, as this 21st century generation emerges on the scene, God's clear voice is once again being heard, by those who have ears to hear. And not just ears to hear, but, eyes to see. God is moving in unprecedented ways across the earth in the natural realm and also in the spiritual realm.
We are seeing "natural" events unfold before us. Wars, rumors of wars, real hatred between ethnic people groups, whole governments falling, epidemics without a cure in numerous nations, drought, famine, severe weather pattern changes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. And, this is all happening simultaneously with more intensity than ever before.
God is speaking to His people, much louder than in times past. He is telling us that the season has changed, and that we are no longer just in the end times, but at the "end of days". Knowledge has increased just as His Holy Word has said. Men's hearts are failing them for fear of what is coming upon the earth. Yet, in all that is coming upon mankind in this hour, God has prepared a people who are ready to enter this pivotal moment of time in the world, with the antidote and answer for all chaotic woes the earth is suffering.
The God of all creation, the Captain of all the hosts of heaven, is fully at the helm in this hour. He has a remnant, a people who have been hidden in the shadow of His wings. They have been taught by His Spirit through His Word. God's master plan of history, as we know it, is culminating as the powers of darkness contend with the powers of heaven. God has chosen a people who love Him passionately without reservation, and are fearless in the face of the legions of hell.
Herein is the "patience of the saints" spoken of by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. (Rev.14:12) That final act of this age will see Gods end-time congregation tried as by fire. And a chosen remnant, will overcome all hindrances and obstacles, whether great or small to bring in the final witness and victory. (Dan.12) The very essence of the life of Jesus inside each believer will withstand every assault from the enemy of our souls.
"And they (we) overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their (our) testimony,
and they (we) did not love their (our) lives to the death."
(Rev. 12:11)We are the privileged people of whom the prophets spoke and who would be alive at the coming of the Lord. We are preparing the way of the Lord by being those who by our holy conduct and godliness are looking for and hastening the "coming day of God". (2 Peter 3:11-12) We are the ones "building ourselves up in our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit…keeping ourselves in the love of God". "And, on some have compassion, making a distinction, but, others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh." (Jude 20-23)
The Lord our God has given us a task and responsibility as no other previous age has known. Technology and science has catapulted us into both the best and worst of times. What we are seeing and experiencing in this hour is not unlike what H. G. Wells prophesied in his novels which then seemed so far-fetched to his generation.
This final divine drama of the age was pre-ordained from the foundation of the world. Our sovereign God, the possessor of heaven and earth, is the choreographer. And the stage that is now being set. Jesus Christ is the Bright and Morning Star, and we, His Church, His Chosen People, and Royal Priesthood, have been mandated to stand alongside Him in this final production. The revelation of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is being displayed in explicit ways and no longer veiled in secrecy or confusion.
The validity of God's own Word is moving into hearts and places that were once closed to Him. The Church has taken an "about face" if you will, to her plans, agendas, and programs to reach the masses. Finally, coming into that place of worshiping Him in Spirit and Truth, (John 4:23-24) facilitating the final things spoken of in the Word of God to take place.
The angels in heaven and earth, stand in amazement. Their Creator is allowing men and women, who were created a little lower than themselves, to be a vital part of God's final act. Even, as of now, many of those angelic beings have set the trumpets to their lips, ready and set for the baton of God to orchestrate the streams of people and nations to move in unison to either eternal salvation or eternal torment, separated from the splendor and beauty of God.
Now is the time to let the light of God shine by His Spirit who lives within us and to be those emissaries who will give the true answer to the world's dilemma. This world has never achieved that elusive man-made utopia. God has placed us as tools in His hand to implement His Work. We are called to bring His Word to a people who are otherwise perishing and without hope.
We now stand upon a precipice. Humankind faces cataclysmic events of a magnitude never seen before. But we, His people, will endure to the very end because He is the God of peace. He is our mighty, strong tower. He is our safety and the very essence of His life inside us causes us to be bold and courageous in this hour.
We are seeing kingdoms, nations, and leaders sweat almost drops of blood over what is coming on the earth. They are perplexed, wringing their hands in dismay. Yet, this is also the time for the Church to arise, fearlessly preaching the Gospel, setting the captives free, healing the sick, raising the dead, and truly loving each other with the love of God.
Jesus told His disciples, (including us), to watch and pray, lifting up your heads for your redemption draws nigh. His Kingdom work will be completed before He returns to earth to sit upon His throne. All His enemies will have been vanquished, including death. No more darkness, war, poverty, or sickness. His rule and reign shall begin, and the peoples of the earth will stream to His Presence. Therefore, we say with all the generations that have preceded us,
"The Spirit and the bride say 'come'.
And let him who hears say, 'come'.
And let him who thirsts come.
Whoever desires,
Let him take of the water of life freely."
(Rev. 22:17)
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