Image by MSNBC News
There has been another mass shooting at a school in America. This time, at Virginia Tech. The toll is unprecedented in American history. 32 dead and over a score wounded. What is going on here in our western civilization? Are we as a western people becoming uncivilized? Or are there people in our midst who are forever angry and never finding grace?
AGAIN TOWARDS THE END OF THIS PRESENT AGE.We live in the land of Pollyanna. We believe the best for our future. And for the angry ones in our midst we tend to believe that if everyone were privileged or educated or understood then our society would find perfection. Is this possible? Or is it a fanciful illusion of optimistic humanism?
Certainly the dozens of counselors being rushed in will seek to smooth over the situation. A morass of psychological therapies will be mixed in with an outpouring of politically correct platitudes. Then there will be the moralistic head wagging and empty references to "aberrant behavior". The talking heads in the television media will talk on and on about this being a "senseless irrational act".
But is this really the case? Could it be that there is a hidden spiritual agenda here? Just who is pulling the strings of these deceived and deadly people? Could there be a deeper spiritual principle at work here, something important that we have not being told? This was a monstrous act. Is there a lesson to be appreciated here? Can we put the Virginia Tech shootings into some sort of meaningful historical, even spiritual context?
Let us begin by asking this question.
Have we seen such massacres in history before?Indeed we have. These same sort of despicable acts of mass murder of helpless innocents were showcased in the earlier history of Israel. These genocidal outrages were committed by the Edomites, the descendants of Isaac's firstborn son Esau.
What can we say about the character of Esau? Well this much we know. He scorns his spiritual inheritance and blessings. He is profane man, a hunter and a hustler. He lives by the sword or by force of arms. He has no spirit at work in his life other than that which belongs to his own self-life. He is a man of the flesh. He ignores the spiritual dimension to life in general and the Spirit of his fathers in particular. Does he put his trust in his guns and military armaments first and foremost? Perhaps so.
Esau was always inclined to be violent and wrathful. He has little patience for those whose proclivities tend toward nurturing and cultivating (as did his brother Jacob whose pre-occupation was with the family of his fathers and with the flocks). The spirit of Esau scorns the nurturing role. He considers it evidence of weakness. He is not inclined towards cultivating crops or shepherding as did his brother Jacob. Esau prefers to hunt and to kill his food by taking it down as a hunter. Esau may well be the stereotypical hustler, the predator, and the "bad guy". Do we find such people in rich western countries including Europe and the U.S? We certainly do. Such characters are becoming more popular than ever.
Where are these genocides being committed? Which countries have the most murders per capita? Is it not out here in the west and especially in America? In those cowboy westerns might we be able to discern the Edomites? Could they be those nasty bad guys with the black hats? The characters played by Clint Eastwood in "Pale Rider" and in "Dirty Harry" come to mind. In the movie "The Unforgiven" we can discern heavy overtones of the spirit of Esau. Esau's spirit is restless, just as we saw in Isaac's prophecy over him. He is forever angry. He has a chip on his shoulder. And he just never repents or comes to redemption.
Esau's history is an awful and tragic story. His angry fist id forever raised in the face of God. His head is bloody but unbowed. His heart never melts or breaks. And so he never finds forgiveness or grace. Because of this Obadiah the prophet pronounces God's judgment upon Esau and his total and ultimate doom. (Obadiah vs.18)
So what does an ancient character from the Old Testament have to do with us in western Christendom today? Well discernment of spirits is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As we discern the spirit of Esau in the scriptures we can look up and view the world around us. We can see the character of the Edomites at work today. We see it conditioning hearts, minds, and behavior for indiscriminate remorseless bloody violence in the video games. Then we can go into the video store. And right there in a huge horror section we can see Esau's spirit entraining souls there as well. There is nothing especially spiritual going on here. This is just a matter of straightforward observation.
In the beginning, two nations wrestled within the womb of Rebekkah, namely Jacob and Esau. Esau was born first. Then Jacob came out grasping the heel of his brother. Jacob means, "heel" or supplanter. The children of Jacob spawned the Judeo-Christian people, with their nurturing ethic and culture. Jacob was a man of the flocks and the tents of Isaac, his father, and particularly Rebekkah his mother. But Esau was Isaac's favorite. He was a hunter and a free spirited man of the field. He was a wild man. In selling his birthright for a mess of pottage he showed that he had no interest whatsoever in His spiritual inheritance. He was an earthy and phallic sort of a person. Esau preferred to 'take down' what he wanted in the wild rather than cultivating gardens and crops and tending to the flocks.
THIS IS AN IMPORTANT YET UNTOLD STORY.And where are the Edomites now? If they are in existence today it is difficult to imagine that the sons of Esau are still to be found just within their ancient borders near the Dead Sea. 4,000 years have passed by. Likewise it is unrealistic to expect that we can find end-time Mystery Babylon by poking around the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon 50 miles south of Baghdad in modern Iraq. It would be a useless exercise. The people have gone. They have moved on to other places. The Mystery Babylon John spoke of in Revelation 17 and 18 will not be found in their old haunts by the Euphrates River back in the cradle of civilization. They have grown up and left the cradle. Now the people of 'Mystery Babylon' and the sons of Esau as well have moved on. And today they are somewhere else.
Consider the Jewish people, the children of the patriarch Judah. They were uprooted by the Babylonians in 587 B.C.. Then after their return from Babylon under Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah they suffered the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.. Then they were scattered again by the Romans in the following years. Their land was named 'Palestine' after the Philistines, Israel's worst enemy. Today we are very well aware of just how far the Jews have gone since their scattering from their ancient homeland in southern Israel two millennia ago. Up until the 20th century nearly all of the Jews remained scattered far from Jerusalem and Judah. The Diaspora were seeded among all nations. If we had visited the land of ancient Israel in earlier centuries we would fail to turn up the sovereign nation of Israel or even any significant number of Jewish inhabitants. Today, of course, it is a different story. But still only 4 million of the 20 odd million Jews are back in the land.
So what can we say about the children of Esau? Wasn't there also a scattering prophesied for his seed as well? -Mal.1:2-4 Was he a homebody with a heart for his domestic national interests? Far from it. He was a man of the field. Was his ancient land all that precious to him? Probably not. He was a vigorous and an active free ranging soul. So he has most likely gone from his ancient territories.
So where are the Edomites today? Isaac's blessing on Esau was that he would end up dwelling in rich countries. -Gen.27:39-40 If the Edomites are around today might they be found in nations such as ours here in the west for instance? Why not? Isaac's blessing states, "Behold your dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth." Modern Jordan, in contrast, does not fit the bill here at all. It is a poor country. As much as we would like to imagine Esau's people, the brothers of Jacob, being still restricted to his ancient borders perhaps living as troglodytes in the caves up in Petra or living in tents and riding camels up in Bozrah after all these ages this is unlikely. We are deceiving ourselves to think he hasn't moved out of those rocky territories southeast of the Dead Sea. Thousands of years have passed by. The spirit of Esau is probably now flowing in the nations far abroad. Today's Edomites are probably now hustling their way through life within new borders as citizens of prosperous countries. Isaac's blessing over Esau, (Gen. 27:39-40) suggests he will be found in the "fatness of the earth". That means we might expect to find him in modern times among the peoples in wealthy nations.
So whatever happened to the children of Esau, those godless vengeful angry and sometimes genocidal people. They are written about extensively in the Old Testament biblical record. What is happening today at Mount Seir and at the site of Esau's old citis of Bozrah and Petra? Well the answer is that Bozrah is an empty ruin. Similarly Esau's other city of Petra further down the Arabah is a deserted place of empty caves of no present worldly significance. The ruins are there, but the people have gone.Where have they gone? Where are the descendants of those ancient inhabitants of ancient Bozrah and Petra? Where are the Edomites, today? Are they still around? And if so, where? And how might we recognize them?
Let us go to the Old Testament first. If we take a look at the Edomite character Doeg, who arose back in the time of David we can immediately begin to see some Edomite character traits in this man.Doeg was a common soldier in Saul's army. He rose to prominence during one dreadful day of wrath brought into being by the jealous rage of King Saul against David. Upon discovering that the priests of Nob had given David food and shelter King Saul was incensed. He immediately flew into a rage. He ordered his army officers to slaughter of all the priests of Nob. None of Saul's men int eh army of Israel would obey this heinous order. It was a call for genocide against the holy priests of Israel. But King Saul's murderous anger did draw in Doeg who happened to be an Edomite. He stepped forward to respond to the order. And here we see an example of Edomite wrath at its grisly work. Doeg killed all the priests of Nob without showing any mercy whatsoever. Then he proceeded to kill all the women and children in the city as well. He then killed every animal. By the time the Edomite had finished slaughtering all life there was not a living human soul or animal left in the city. -1Sam.22:16-19. Such was, and is, the murderous genocidal wrath and anger of Esau when he is stirred.
Let us move forward in time a thousand years. We know Esau's sons were around and impacting holy history at the time of Christ's first advent. The Herods were Edomites. Yet they ruled over Israel under Roman mandate. The Romans found the Edomites useful in performing their wishes. Brutal Roman ways were never a problem for the Edomites. One of them, Herod, butchered his own children when he feared they might replace him. And Herod's barbarous massacre of the children of Bethlehem is a well known part of the Christmas story. The wise men after there visit with King Herod were not inclined to return to see Herod as he had requested. They returned to their own country by another way.
So is Isaac's firstborn son still in our midst today? Have we seen any evidence of his anger and murderous wrath? Well this past century has seen genocides too numerous to recount. The 20th century saw more Christians martyred than all the previous centuries combined. Current martyrdoms are rising. They numbered approximately 150,000 last year. Genocide of good people and innocent unborn and born babes and infants is on the increase.
What other evidence do we have of genocidal wrath in modern history? The Boer War in 1901 saw the first concentration camps for civilians. Tens of thousands of innocent Boer women and children were incarcerated behind barbed wire in compounds. This martial law policy was instituted in the Transvaal in South Africa by the British. Lord Kitchener realized that the Boer farmers were using guerrilla tactics. They were striking at the British by day and being supported by their womenfolk from their farmhouses by night. Lord Kitchener elected to deal with this by sanctioning brutal tactics and martial law. Under this horrific policy the women and children were rounded up at gunpoint and penned up in concentration camps throughout the Transvaal. This is a little known piece of British history that I was not taught in grammar school. Many women and children sickened and died in these awful places of incarceration. Was the policy 'successful'? Yes it was.
Dear saints, here is a truth that governmental leaders will never reveal to its citizens. The enforcement of a police state or martial law is necessary to win a guerrilla war. It worked in the British occupation of the Transvaal and it worked in the German occupation of France and Europe during World War 2. This pacification of the country was undertaken by a heartless police state, martial law, and a program of terror. This was instituted by the British and the Germans. History shows that as a program of social dismemberment these measures did break the will of the captive nation to fight.
The Americans were defeated in Vietnam. This was because they had become bogged down in a guerrilla war because at that time they were unwilling to institute a police state in Vietnam. They were unprepared to carry out the orders necessary for such an inhuman and monstrous system of conquest. After all, they were fighting to win freedom for the people of South Vietnam. Freedom and police states don't go together too well. And this war had a lot of reporters and photo journalists keeping an eye on things. It would have been very hard to get regular U.S. soldiers to get into the nitty gritty of setting up an American gestapo style administration over the Vietnamese villagers. Special forces did conduct a secret "phoenix program". In the areas in which they operated these brutal programs did have some 'success'. But they used inhumane methods including torture to gain information from the Viet Cong. These unsavory phoenix operations could not be hidden from the American reporters and cameramen forever. Despite enormous air power and firepower the Americans did not have the political will or desire to rule with an iron Edomite fist over the Vietnamese civilian populace as their occupiers. The eventual outcome was inevitable. The Americans eventually were forced to withdraw from Vietnam.
Not so fortunate were civilians under totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union and China. The police state genocides by the communist leaders Stalin and Mao numbered in the range of 40 to 60 million each. Cambodian communist leader Pol Pot set a process in motion that would see over three million or one third of his citizens perish in the killing fields. This was just because they were in the wrong social class. The holocaust against European Jewry under Hitler's Nazi regime took 6 million to the death chambers.
Lest we become comfortable in our own sense of self-righteousness what can we say about the allied bombing of German cities in World War 2? The American 8th Air Force bombed by day and British Bomber Command sent the Lancasters over for "area bombardment" of German cities by night. With the area night bombing raids there could be no attempt was made to concentrate on hitting military targets only. It has been well documented that the bombing of cities did not stop the German war machine. Only the invasion of Europe by the allies did that. As the war was ending was there any military reason to bomb the cities of Hamburg and Dresden until the whole city, including the asphalt roads were all burning as a single fire? Was anything to be gained for the war effort against the German military machine by conducting this genocide? 80,000 civilians, including women and children, perished in the firestorms of Hamburg. A similar number in died in the Dresden firestorms. This horrific campaign killed as many civilians as the A-bombing attacks on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Were these round the clock firestorm bombing campaigns against these German cities by British and American bombers a military necessity? The diabolical scheme used by the allies used alternating bombing raids using incendiaries and high explosive charges. This would set the whole city ablaze in one huge fire. Even the asphalt roads would be be caught up in the inferno as the flames roared in towards the center of the city. Was this anything other than a program of terrorism? Do we see shades of Edom in the genocides we and our enemies have perpetrated since the advent of airpower?
If this hasn't been enough what are we to surmise about missile technology for delivery of nuclear warheads? Are modern wars turning into contests between our Edomites and the Edomites working for our enemies? And what can we say about modern nuclear warfare waged against whole countries? Such warfare threatens to destroy all life on the planet? While we can do little to prevent it is Esau and his MAD policy now in the driver's seat of history just as the patriarch Isaac has prophesied?
There is no doubt that the scriptures indicate that Esau will come to prominence again in the end-time. - Gen.27:39-40 Will wild Edomites be used in the coming New World Order as hatchet men as they were under the Romans? Will Esau re-emerge to be used again just as he has been used by world powers in past history? Daniel gives us some reason to think so. - Dan.11:41 The Edomites in ancient history repeatedly committed genocide against the people of God. They were capable of monstrous acts of cruelty and without remorse. Are Edomites destined to commit genocide again? Could they re-emerge under the cover of the A.C. during the the second half of the 70th week of Daniel. Could they take up a role as wardens of God's people during the Great Tribulation?
AS WORLD HISTORY ENTERS THE END TIME DRAMA.If you are a red blooded man you might be wondering right now if Esau can be stopped. Can he be stopped by negotiation or pacification or bribery? No. Not at all. Can he be stopped by force of arms? Perhaps, he can. Perhaps for a while. But the scriptures clearly indicate that carnal Christians who decide to take up the sword in the end time scenario will be decisively defeated. -Dan.7:21, Dan. 12:7, Rev.13:7 And then if you are entertaining survivalist fantasies for the future 70th week you might need to ask yourself this question. If you do take up arms just how many innocents will die as a consequence of your action? If you are a Christian believer and the scriptures declare that you cannot win in any carnal engagement in the 70th week then why attempt it?
All this sounds depressing. But now it is time to tell the 'rest of the story'. A spiritual warfare will be underway during the Great Tribulation. And in this campaign the saints will be successful. -Dan.7:18 & 22. Wonderful resources for waging spiritual war shall be coming to us in the future. Contrary to what pre-trib teachers have said, the Holy Spirit will be with us and powering up in the 70th week. He will be with us right through to the blow-out climax at the 6th seal. -Joel 2:28-32. And ask yourself this question as well. In running away from your witness and in choosing to strive in the flesh against spiritual powers could it be possible that in the anger and wrath you yourself might be likely to take on Esau's spirit? Are you prepared to initiate yourself into bloodletting? if so, then are you prepared to run the risk of becoming an Edomite yourself?
How can we be sure Esau will rise again to prominence in the end-time? Well there was a prophecy pronounced by Isaac as a leftover blessing on Esau. Esau was the firstborn. You will recall that his brother Jacob had tricked him out of both his birthright and his blessing. But Isaac did indeed bless his son Esau. -Gen. 27:39-40. And the blessing promised Esau was that he would come to prominence and break free of his brother Jacob. This is a scripture we must face honestly. Laodicean religious establishment sources will not publish or broadcast this troubling information. Is it out of ignorance? Or is it for fear of political, civil and marketplace disturbances? For whatever reason, this information on the re-emergence of the Edomites has been cloaked in a shroud of secrecy. Nevertheless, here is that blessing which Isaac pronounced over his firstborn and favorite son, Esau.
Then Isaac his father answered and said,
"Your blessing and dwelling shall all come from the fruitfulness of the earth and the dew of the heavens above. By your sword, (gun), you shall live and serve your brother, (i.e. serve Jacob, the cultured, shepherding, caring brother). But the time will come when you will grow restive, (a wild man), and break loose and you will tear his yoke from off your neck." -Gen.27:39&40.(Amplified Version + GWF amplified);Here is a four word commentary on this prophecy which is manifesting before us. "No more Mr. Niceguy". We are already seeing the signs of this changing of the guard. Violence dominates the popular imagination and is fed by a huge dream works industry of music, word and screen. Sex and violence permeates the entertainment industry. Behind closed doors abortion dismembers and sucks out our unborn children into blood spattered bottles. "Patriot" bombers and abortion doctor assassins retaliate in kind and are even defended in some radical Christian circles. Video games program our children to kill without remorse. Schoolchildren take arsenals of weapons to school at Littleton High and at Jonesboro. They laugh as they shoot down dozens of their classmates. We are growing to be a people without natural affection. Our own children are forgotten in the rush for material things. Rap and hard rock music is pervasive, brutish men are favored and elected to public office, and good honest men finish last. This wasn't always the case. Hopalong Cassidy and Roy Rogers have passed away. These new "unforgiven" men in black are gaining popularity. Drug pushers in the "hood" are capturing the imagination of the younger set. “Bad” means good and young ladies give bad guys the eye. The spirit of Esau is here. We know he will return with a vengeance when he breaks free of what he perceives to be his chains and acts out of his dark inner desires. The nations and ethnic groups are raging and will rage even more as history wrests from them the sovereignty required to bring in the global rulership necessary for peace.
It seems that the final acts of the play are scripted for no-nonsense strong men like Esau. He will rise to the occasion even as the history of this age comes to a climax. Esau is breaking loose. He is casting off of the gentleman's yoke of his more civil Judeo-Christian brother, Jacob. This is just as Isaac prophesied. Esau has pledged to kill Jacob and that theme runs right up to a climax in the age. During the Great Tribulation as henchman for the Antichrist he may well try to do just that. How far will he get? God is still sovereign. He cares for His own. -Ps.91 We can be sure that even in spite of Esau's vendetta against us that God is our refuge and our fortress. He will provide a protection and refuge for His Elect people.
As for Esau's spiritual and/or physical descendants just what can we expect from them? The prophets are uniform in their assessment of Esau's character. He is a profane personality who despises his spiritual birthright and ignores the blessing offered him. He doesn't have time for pursuing the things of God. He will never repent. He has always eluded the flows of grace and he is always angry when he perceives that this present world system has dealt him the short straw or a raw deal. He is also prone to become angry at God and other covenant partners such as his spouse or sexual partner, his business or work partners, or those who are in authority over him. He is prone to rages and fits of anger and the people close to him are at greatest risk for his domestic violence. We are seeing this increasingly with the road rage and the airline hijackings. In Israel we are seeing raging against the nation of Israel by Palestinians bombing buses and firing upon settlers right in Judah's own land of Judea. The tomb of Joseph in the west bank" was recently desecrated after it was handed over to Palestinian control. The spirit of Esau is capable of murderous wrath against his brother.
Where does Esau finally end up? Well late in the great tribulation angry men are seen shaking their fists and blaspheming God.-Rev.16:9 Is this a vignette of Esau at the very end, still refusing to repent? I believe it well may be. He cuts off God and rages against God's people. God says He hates him. -Mal.1:3 But nevertheless, Esau, just as Isaac's blessing prophesied will indeed be given his chance in history. God will give him an opportunity to show what is inside him. It is a story that must be played out and recorded in the books of holy history for all eternity.
Let us look at the coming 70th week or seven year period of holy history. The latter half is known as the time of Jacob's trouble. Jacob is Esau's twin brother. It is probably in this late time interval, the end time, that the nation of angry, flushed red Edomites, will break free of the restraint of God's covenant. Like Hitler's S.A., the brown shirts, they will trample the usual standards of law and order. Showing disdain for the mores of general decency and consideration for others they will rise up against all godly men. The nation of Esau will apparently be allowed autonomy under the Antichrist. The prophet Daniel tells us that the Edomites will escape out of his hand.-Dan.11:41 The Antichrist will apparently not even bother to mess with them. Will they will be used to serve his purposes? Will Edomite anger be harnessed by the powers of Antichrist for his dark agenda? Could this be possible? It appears that anger against Jacob will indeed be a part of the end time global scenario. Could Esau be involved in the great tribulation? I believe we have good evidence that he with his profanity, wrath and anger could well be a vital part of the endtime drama. Jacob's character, on the other hand, is that of the nurturing keeper of the flocks. Esau, on the other hand, is the quintessential hunter, the hustler, and the predator. Jacob is the one who has embraced the covenant of promise now found in the culture of the Judeo-Christian family. Esau rejects God's promises and does not esteem his own spiritual inheritance as a son of Abraham. Esau in the endtime will again wrestle with his brother Jacob. This is known as the time of Jacob's trouble. (Jer.30:7) The two will struggle again just as they did before they were born when they wrestled against each other within the womb of their mother, Rebekkah.-Gen.25:22-27
The last days will see an apostasy against God. -2Thes.2:3 Is this last day apostasy an expression of anger against the covenant of the God of Jacob? If so, then might the 70th week and its abominations be the historic background in which Esau, flushed red in the face with anger, will rise up once more against the God of Jacob and His covenant people?
In Gen.27:39-40 we saw that Jacob stole Esau's birthright. We also saw that Isaac did have a blessing left over for Esau. That blessing states categorically that Esau would eventually break the yoke of restraint put on him by his nurturing brother Jacob. He breaks this yoke off his neck and comes out into history to assert himself. In his emergence does he come out from among many nations? This is quite possible. Most Bible commentators have ignored Esau as a factor in the end time. And they are also silent about the significance of the Messiah returning in wrath and deliverance at Esau's sheepfolds of Bozrah.-Is.63, Mic.2:12-13. They have apparently locked the Edomites up in ancient history and forgotten about them. Is this correct? Is Esau limited to the desert sands of the Middle East and the remote past? Is he just a memory? Is he just a topic for lectures in ancient history, perhaps illustrated by discoveries from some archaeological dig on a ruin near Mount Seir? Is Edom just a ghost of our long lost past. Is he just a half forgotten dream wafting around in the desert wastelands south of the Dead Sea?
Dear saints, it is important that we know and understand that Esau and the nation of Edom is not just so much ancient history. His spirit lives on. The spirit of Esau is not limited to bloodlines and DNA. The spirit of Edom still contests for the souls of men. His big moves are yet future. Daniel places him squarely in the time of the Antichrist.-Dan.11:41 If we look at Esau's character and then look around at the genocides we have seen in this past century and particularly in recent times we shall soon find reason to suspect that the spirit of Esau is very much with us today. The scriptures give us no basis whatsoever for thinking that the spirit has ever been destroyed or ceased from expressing himself in the nations. When the present Pax Americana comes to a close and the curtain of history goes up next time the key players will enter onto the stage of end time history. The years to come will see the apocalypse of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. It will be here, in the time of that climactic witness to the covenant of our Lord Jesus that the modern Edomites shall arise among the antagonists. The scene will be a lot closer to home than the rocky wastelands of Jordan. And it will not be ancient history. Rather, it will be our modern history, into which the 21st century Edomites will return with a vengeance.
This information is for fathers and young men only. -1John 2:12-14 It is difficult for us to face these unpleasant, even fearsome truths. But there is one thing we need to keep in mind through all of this. Our Lord Jesus is in control of all these coming events. And it is not by the strivings of our flesh but rather in Him that we win! Isaiah paints an awesome picture of the returning Messiah coming in at Bozrah. -Isa.63 The prophet Micah also saw the "Breaker", (the Messiah) returning in vengeance to terminate the Great Tribulation at Esau's city of Bozrah. He saw Him come in a great deliverance. Micah says that Messiah finds His sheep as a noisy multitude. He finds them at the end of the age penned up or imprisoned in Bozrah. Bozrah means 'sheepfold'.
AND UNDERSTANDING THE FINAL FATE OF ESAU.This is an incredible scene. All the tribes of Jacob, (this would include all of the combined Jewish/Messianic and the gentile "ecclesia"/"called out congregation"/church remnant),-Gal.3:29, would appear to be in some sort of exile or captivity together. All elements of Jacob, the entire remnant elect of God are gathered together as the "sheep of Bozrah". In ancient times Bozrah was the place of Esau's sheepfolds. Yet Edomites were never renowned as a people of gentle shepherding. Being penned up in Esau's sheepfolds might not be the nicest place for God to gather His endtime elect. So what is the message here in this intriguing Hebrew picture story? Is Bozrah some sort of a tribulational global incarceration network out of which God delivers His exiled remnant people? Or might Bozrah be one single geographical place which fits the spiritual description of the ancient sheepfolds of Bozrah? -Mic.2:12-13. It is against this background of end time Edomite domination that the "Breaker", our returning Christ/Messiah returns. Isaiah sees Him return at the Bozrah/sheepfolds, a pastoral town in the ancient territory of Edom.
Micah 2The returning Messiah as we see Him in this perspective appears in the midst of His people there at the sheepfold of Bozrah. It is time for a breakout! The returning Messiah comes as the Shepherd at the dawn of the new day. He breaks them out in the manner of the shepherd breaking open the rock enclosure that had kept his sheep penned up during the night. He returns in deliverance of His own. He also comes in wrath and vengeance against the enemies of His people. -Isa.63. Micah sees Him as He breaks open a passage out of the sheepfold just as the new day is dawning. And so He leads his people out in a joyous release and on to the green pastures of His Davidic Messianic Kingdom. This Bozrah story is as much a part of the the return of Christ as is the story of His return in the clouds of heaven to gather His elect.-Mat.24:29-3, 1Thes.4:17 And it is also as much a part of the story as His coming at Jezreel in the battle of Armageddon which brings deliverance to His people at Jerusalem.-Zech 12, Rev.16 This unexplained element, the Bozrah story, is an important part of the apocalypse. It has not yet been addressed or expounded upon and the vast majority of teachers and commentators on bible prophecy have completely neglected it. But it is exceedingly important that we know that our Lord returns to judge His enemies. He will surely deliver His hard pressed people. This is why He comes in vengeance at Bozrah. He is not slack concerning His promises. Nor will He abandon His own. As we come into the end time we must know that. He is surely coming. He will deal justly. He will bring wrath on His enemies. And He will bring His own people out in a glorious deliverance. His coming back to earth again is our blessed hope.-Titus 2:13 He is surely coming. What an awesome day of deliverance that will be!-Mic.2:12&13.2:12 I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men.
2:13 The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the LORD on the head of them.
Micah 2:12-13Blessings to all who love His appearing.