The Origin of Anti-Semitism.
A study by Gavin Finley MD
- - 2004
Our coming Messiah rules in the hearts of His covenant people in the gentle bonds of agape love. The pagan spirit of gnosticism has been in rebellion against Hashem from the Garden. The spirit of Belial or rebellion wants to lock up this cosmos as a humanistic realm under human authority. The Holy One of Israel created this universe. But Greek Gnosticism wants to lock Him out of the very earth and cosmos He Himself created. So this earth is a planet in rebellion against YHVH-God who comes to eath as Emmanuel, a name meaning "God with us". The Holy Scriptures bear record of His-story hear on earth, past, present, and future. And it bears record of Messiahand His coming rule from the throne of David.And so there is a spiritual war going on. And there exists in this world a driving hatred directed specifically against those who belong to Messiah and particularly against those who bear witness to His reality here on earth. Like the Jews for example.
It has been called antisemitism. But as we shall discover, this is a poor word to describe this malignant hatred, a hatred directed at the Jews, hatred of Israel, and a hatred of all forms of Zionism including Biblical Messianic Zionism. Zionism is an array of great expectations for the restoration of Israel. It is in a spectrum extending from the national Zionism of Eretz Israel and the return of Judah to the Holy Land and the Biblical Messianic Zionism of the Evangelicals.
So what is the true origin of antisemitism? The word "antisemitism" meaning "against the Semitic people". But the word is unhelpful. It is a cloak word, a smokescreen covering up the real story. The word is vague, ambiguous, and only partially true. Worse still, it actually obfuscates the truth. The word "antisemitism" might be "good enough for government work". But as we shall discover,it is a sloppy label hiding an abominably evil spirit. Later in this article we shall offer a better more descriptive word to replace it. The label does precious little to describe what we see when we lift the lid on this basket of corruption to reveal the true origin of antisemitism.
Why is this happening? The Biblical record provides clear answers, - for those who really want to know. Our Jewish brothers and sisters do not need to continue to cry out forever, "Whats it all about?!" There are a slew of clues and answers to be found in the Holy Scriptures. King David wrote a song, a full description, and a very telling and a prophecy concerning antisemitism as it comes to its peak at the climax of the age. The song references a very specifically directed conspiracy by the nations, the goyim against something that the Jewish house has, a hidden treasure national they themselves are scarcely aware of. In this prophecy King David laid out clearly the jealous raging of the godless heathen gentiles, against Israel's Messiah at the climax of the age. The Ruach Ha-kodesh wrote down and laid bare the hopeless plans of the wicked in their final campaign against YHVH-God and their rebellious attitude to His return into the cosmos as Messiah, this time not as High Priest, but as the King of kings. The lyrics of the song David wrote are recorded for us in Psalm 2.
Why the rebellion against the God of Israel? Look at Him in the image pictured above. Do we see a tyrant Messiah who wants to :keep us in chains" and "limit our freedom"? Did not King David come to know and love Hashem during his tribulations and exile in the wilderness of Judea? And did he not write in Psalm 23 the most beautiful poetry of that wonderful relationship that can be enjoyed with the God of Israel? So why the abhorrence and the rebellion?
Many have been the tragedies of antisemitism. The heinous acts committed against our Jewish brothers and sisters down through time have been legion. And how often has the cry gone up to heaven, "How long, O Lord?"
What is the origin of antisemitism?
Will this monstrous outrage ever come to an end?Oh yes, it most certainly will! Messiah will return to this earth to judge and execute the wicked, to deliver His Elect, and with those who remain separate the sheep from the goats. The coming Messiah will reconcile the accounts, settle accounts for everyone in fact. But His coming will not be just on any day. He will return to judge on a certain future Tishri 10. This is a highly auspicious date. It is in fact the most awesome, sombre, moed/appointed time or set apart/holy day on the Hebrew calendar. The ultimate epic climactic blockbuster Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur will in fact be the 6th of the Seven Feasts of Israel to come into its New Covenant fulfillment. See this YouTube video on the Seven Feasts of Israel.
As we read in Leviticus 25:9 at the beginning of a new 49 year cycle, in the 50th year, the shofars of Jubilee are also blown on the very same tenth day of the seventh month. We now know for a certainty that the trumpets of Jubilee are scripted to sound forth right on this blockbuster future Yom Kippur on the last day of this age. In Daniel 9:24-27 the prophet Daniel is told of a period of Seventy Weeks/Seventy Sevens. The first 69 of these 70 weeks ended on a certain day the prophet Amos spoke about. One week, a seven year period remains. At the end of those final seven years, which are up ahead somewhere, ten 49 year Jubilee cycles and the 490 years of the Seventy Weeks Prophecy will come to an end. And on that day, even amidst the blowing of the trumpets of Jubilee, Antisemitism will come to an end. See this YouTube video.
All this will surely happen on some epic future climactic Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is a day of fasting and self abasement before the Holy One of Israel. This ultimate wrap-up Day of Atonement, Day of Reconciliation, Day of Accounting, Day of Reckoning, Day of sentencing, Day of Pardoning, coming on the tenth day of the Tishrei moon will come into its grand final fulfillment on a day like no other. It will be the last day of this age. And it will be nothing less than Judgment Day!
What a Day that will be! This spellbinding future Day of Atonement. is destined to become Grand Central Station to the end-time. On this awesome final Yom Kippur/Day of Covering the trumpets of Jubilee will be blowing.
Messiah is not confused and befuddled about the origin of antisemitism as our religious leaders seem to be. His coming will root out and terminate antisemitism and bring this evil age to an end. Hashem will save His people under all 12 tribes of Israel. This will include a huge company, a "melo-hagoyim" gathered out of the lost ten tribes of Israel. But that is just the beginning. Hashem was not satisfied with that. See Isaiah 49:6. And the Servant of Israel Isaiah spoke about was destined to become a Light to the Gentiles drawing men, women, and children to Hashem from all the nations all around the world. We can see the magnificent result of His global plan in Revelation 7.
In Psalm 2 we see that Antisemitism does not seem to be tolerated by Messiah at all. The wicked will be smashed like pottery. Jeremiah declared in Jeremiah 16:14-15 that this second Exodus at the end of the age would eclipse the deliverance of the Children of Israel in their former exodus out of Egypt. Jerusalem will see the Messianic intervention and deliverance as He destroys the presumptuous eastern and Western dominionist/crusading armies gathering at Jezreel at the Battle of Armageddon. His Elect and Chosen people, the living and the dead, will be raised up and restored at the end of the age, precisely as Ezekiel saw. Ezekiel 37:1-14 records Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry bones.
The full and complete future restoration of all Israel coming at the last day of this age is an established Biblical fact. Messiah will also save and deliver His covenant people incarcerated out at their place of exile in the epic Bozrah deliverance. This is described by the prophet Micah in Micah 2:12-13. The angel's of Hashem's wrath will pluck up the wicked as tares, carrying them off kicking and screaming for the fires. See Matthew 13:30. The anger and the raging of the heathen will end. And as spoken by the prophet Obadiah the restless anger of Esau and the hateful and murderous rage of the latter day Amalekites against the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be terminated.
Messiah will then go on to judge the nations, separating the sheep from the goats at the Sheep-Goat Judgment. The Millennium to come will see Messiah minister and nurture ministry as High Priest of Israel. He will judge in righteousness across this world from the Throne of David. And so here at the Throne of David we see the issue. We hear murmurings and begin to become aware of that age old rebellion which is the root and the true origin of Antisemitism.
Messiah is the Prince of Peace, or shalom. That peace that comes with the rule of righteousness. As the plans and purposes of Hashem unfold here on earth we see that in this New Covenant spoken of by Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:31-33 Messiah's Kingdom is to begin in the heart. Here in the New Covenant we see that Hashem has ordained that His coming as the Suffering Servant satisfied the punishment for sin. And as High Priest Messiah purchased this salvation with His blood, thereby fulfilling all righteousness to bring His peace and shalom to human hearts. When Messiah comes the second time in His Kingdom role He will regather all Israel and bring them home as one nation/Congregation/Commonwealth of Israel. He will judge the nations, restore the ecosystems, and bring this sin-sick earth and cosmos back to the harmony and beauty it once knew. The Old Testament poets saw this full and magnificent restoration. They often made mention of it at the tail end of their pronouncements of judgment on wayward Israel. See this PDF compendium of scriptures laying out the restoration of Israel.
The people and the earth will rejoice in that day.
And His glorious Millennial Kingdom will last one thousand years. (See Rev.20).So now we come right down to the spirit and origin of Antisemitism. It is in fact the spirit of Belial, (or rebellion). And as we shall see documented Biblically in this article, the hatred is very specifically directed against the Throne of David. As we discover in Psalm 2 godless Edomites and profane men belong to the coming anti-Messiah/Antichrist/anti-Anointed One. So they join the powers of darkness and suffer a torment that absolutely terrifies them. They despise, hate, and loath anyone who reminds them of Messiah's coming judgment and rule. They fear and dread this future reality with a passion. The reason is quite obvious. The return of Messiah will see Him sit in judgment on the Throne of David. At that time He will terminate the present gentile/heathen/goyim rule. He will sweep the hierarchies of evil, angelic and human, clear off the planet!
It is important to understand that the powers of darkness rule from a hierarchy of pure evil and that this is headed up by wicked beings in the angelic realms. The thrones of the rulers and powers of darkness are centered not on earth with men but with the hierarchies of evil angels in the lower second heaven. The current misrule and illegitimate rule over this planet by deceived and wicked men is a programming fthat emanates from these wicked angelic principalities and powers. This is because the first Adam lost the dominion to the serpent back in the Garden at the Fall. The Second Adam will crush the head of the Serpent and restore the Beauty and the Union that was lost. Right now the dark powers loosed up in the lower heavenly realms are ruling over this present world system and over the political regions of the world. But their evil rule is destined to come to an end. It will be terminated with the coming of Messiah.
Antisemitic angelic rulers in a lower second heaven? Hatred and loathing of the Throne of David? Duped human pawns, neo-Nazis, skinheads, and Islamic bombers who cannot explain their hatred? Statesman subject to money and Mammon who want to give away God's land and make Eretz Israel indefensible? People who do not know and cannot tell you why they hate Jews? What is going on here?
What we are seeing throughout history is a spiritual and information war. We get a glimpse of this in Daniel 10. There we see that as soon as Daniel started praying for His people and confessing His sins and the sins of all Israel Gabriel, the angel of God's throne up in the third heaven was dispatched to bring God's Word to Daniel. But, on his way, presumably through the lower heaven of angelic spirit rulers, Gabriel was blocked by a spiritual power. Danielprayed and fasted for three weeks. But during that time of spiritual warfare the angel Gabriel was opposed by a troll, an angelic ruler, the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia. Remember that in Daniel's time, back in the 6th century B.C., Medo-Persia was the superpower of the world. Finally, there was a breakthrough, and the intervention of Michael, guardian angel of Israel, saved the day. Michael fought against the Prince of Persia pushing him aside allowed Gabriel to come through across the Greek gnostic chasm and into our cosmos. Gabriel's visit to Daniel brought Him the vital holy information he needed, and we need, namely God's Holy Word in the book of Daniel. We see the same spiritual and information war going on again in Daniel 9. We see prayer and supplication offered up by a consecrated person on behalf of God's holy people and for the sake of His Holy City. And we see Hashem bring answers, new hope, and solutions to the dilemma. Daniel brought a huge amount of information to us concerning the gentile powers and what they would be doing from Medo-Persia through to Alexander the Great, The Greek and Roman powers and on up to the regime of the false messiah at the end of the age. The powers of darkness hate the exposure all this prophetic information lays out before God's holy people. So they conscript unconsecrated unholy deceived churchmen of Higher criticism to discredit the book of Daniel. They are still trying to discredit this vital Bible prophecy in the seminaries today.
Evil angels do their secret work hovering over the children of disobedience and pulling their strings. Duped antisemitic human beings may not know what they are doing or who they are really serving or why. But the dark angels motivating them certainly do! Wicked principalities and power are still seeking to block God's Word from coming through to men. They also seek to distract them from their true calling by feeding them a lot of philosophical and religious disinformation. They also pull the strings of depraved and lawless people making them do heinous things. Evil men act out against God's people when they are given liberty to do so. The come out in force at the various thresholds of history, particularly when men take up arms. How long, O Lord, must this go on?
All this antisemitism is slated to end when Messiah returns to sit and judge from the Throne of David. This is why the gentiles rage as we approach the end of this age. (Ps.2) The gentiles, (or nations), are identified in Holy Scripture as 'the heathen'. They are referred to by our Jewish brethren as outsiders, 'the goyim').
Are all non-Jews subject to become raging antisemitic anti-Jewish heathen goyim? Not according to God's Word. Those among the gentiles who accept Israel's Messiah are no longer heathen gentiles. They come into Israel's covenants of promise. This is not a racial matter. By grace through faith in the atoning blood of Israel's promised Sacrifice Lamb they find the only salvation there is to be found. But there is more. By the faith that Abraham had they receive the Seed of Abraham. By faith they receive the very same Seed Abraham received when He made covenant with the God of Israel. Because Messiah is the promised Seed of Abraham. Salvation comes through Him and no one else. True believers and followers of the God of Israel have always become identified in Abraham's Seed. Whether they come from Israel or from amongst the heathen gentiles it matters not. By God's grace through their faith in their Jewish Messiah, the Seed of Abraham, they become heirs of the promise. See Galatians 3:29.
This inheritance through the Seed of Abraham is not a racist thing at all. The faith of Abraham, not DNA, is the main focus here. And as we have seen since the Day of Pentecost, when the two unleavened loaves were lifted up before God, the faith of Abraham goes above and beyond DNA, race, and bloodlines. On the Day of Pentecost we saw this Good News go out from Israel in unprecedented power as a Light to the gentiles. On that day the Good News of salvation in Israel overflowed the banks of the river in a glorious overflowing wave to become a blessing to the whole world.
Pentecost, the 4th Feast of Israel came into its ultimate epic New Covenant fulfillment nearly 2,000 years ago. The Word of Life concerning the Seed of Abraham spread out from Jerusalem. The Seed of Heaven has been sown in human hearts ever since. The Seed of Abraham is entering and changing lives now as never before. And the work of redemption is also going deeper in our understanding than ever before. Through the atoning blood of Israel's promised sacrifice Lamb the called, the chosen and the faithful come into the Commonwealth of Israel. All this is laid out clearly in Ephesians.2:12:13. This identity in the blood of Messiah is important. If Christians knew this and came to Israel's Messiah, repented of their sin, turned away from their gnostic Luciferian selfism and fully surrendered to Christ, recognizing Him as Israel's Messiah and themselves through Him now being grafted into Israel this terrible jealousy and shameful Christian antisemitism would stop right then and there.
Certain foundational Biblical truths unmask the true origin of antisemitism as a rebellion against the rule of God. The coming Anointed One, Christ, or Messiah is the promised 'Son of David'. He is the shalom at the center of this huge antisemitic storm. When John saw Him, and this is recorded in the Book of Revelation, he saw 'the Lion of the (royal Jewish) Tribe of Judah'.
Yes, there is something in the Jewish House of Judah that is hated by rebels against the holy things. The hostility and the raging of depraved men is not against Jews, Arabs, Edomites, Moabites, and all the other Semitic peoples. It is not just a broad hatred of all the children of Shem. The hatred is directed specifically at something to be found at one little tribe of Israel, the royal Jewish Gate of Judah. So anti-Semitism, (as it is misleadingly called), has a method to its madness. Our Jewish brothers and sisters do not need to berate their rabbis crying, "What's it all about?!" Antisemitism is not "irrational" at all. Nor is it "crazy", as Woody Allen concludes before tearing out his hair, throwing up his hands, and seeking solace in sex.
There is a very specific reason for anti-Semitic impulses, thoughts, words and actions. THE ORIGIN OF ANTISEMITISM CAN BE KNOWN! And from our knowledge of the Holy Scriptures that reason is quite clear . This rebellious world system and more specifically its angelic hierarchies at the top hate and loathe the Throne of David!
Of course there are human and political sides to this central spiritual story of rebellion against the Throne of God. According to Isaac's blessing the childen of Esau, the Edomites in the latter days are to be found nestled in the rich places of the earth. Isaac said that eventually Esau would become restless and break off all restraint. His home, the rich places, would be the West. So the story of the Edomites is another important chapter in the sad saga of antisemitism.
Then there is that long awful blood feud between the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel described further down in this article. The lost tribes of Israel were divorced by Hashem and scattered in the nations. They never made it back to the Holy Land as a sovereign body of people. Yair Davidiy and Richard Collins have done some excellent historical research and provide convincing documentation that the the lost ten tribes migrated westwards across the Med and were also pushed in their histories westward from the Black sea region out of the Eurasian steppes and on into Western Europe and beyond. Among godless secularists in the West there is a resentment that will not go away. It is an insane jealousy directed towards returning Israel and the Jews. The Jews still have their connection to Israel. The profane in the lost tribes have lost theirs. They think they can never regain it. And without finding peace with God through His Messiah won't. They will remain frustrated and seething inside with anger. As we saw in the Crusades, profane men of the West are insatiable in their desire towards Israel and the Holy City of Jerusalem. They will give up houses and lands, leave their wives in chastity belts, and kill Jews in their home town before joining the swelling throng and the "holy" Crusade of the warrior monks and heading back to the Middle East. If Western powers cannot have Jerusalem they want to carve her up. So these rebellious elements in the West, not to mention those under the dragon in the east, and the earthy godless people of Gog beyond the Caucasus Mountains are malignant in their hatred of Israel. From all these quarters they will come. And they will join the latter day raging of nations David spoke about in Psalm 2.
Evil angels are quivering in mortal fear of the return of Messiah. And evil men face the same terror. They know they must face judgment at His throne. And when they do front up before the Throne of David they know full well what will happen. They know it will be curtains for them. It will be their doom!
So what can the angelic rulers do? There is no repentance for angels as there is for human beings. Their fate is sealed. And it will be delivered. So they are increasingly desperate as their Day of Judgment approaches. They discount the Word of God, believe their own lies, and try delaying tactics. They pull the strings of evil men trying to get them to dance to their tune. They feed them lies, and push them roughly to do their dirty work. Mindless uncommitted profane men are thereby enticed and conscripted into a corporate human fascism that takes them out of their miserable self-centered lives. And so the children of disobedience join the ark powers in rebellion. Duped men end up goose stepping and expressing the very hatred held by their angelic handlers. They join their lesser angels to rage against the rule of Messiah and anyone that reminds them of His coming to the earthly realms here below.
And what is the vain hope in all this? The principalities and powers are trying to put a halt to the end-time witness of the saints to Messiah. This will happen at the 5th seal. This blood covenant witness to Messiah must come. Holy history calls for it. This witness srings from a love and a devotion. Like any marriage, service comes out of love. Service as a mere duty will never find happiness and fulfillment. Nor will it last. The end-time witness comes out of a devotion. This history is every bit as necessary as the presence and involvement of Abraham at the place of cutting when he made covenant with YHVH-God way back at the beginning. Anything less than covenant, like the make it break it "contract" of the merchants who rule our present age will not suffice. A mere contract, a "deal with God" or a "ticket to heaven" will not "cut it". This blood covenant witness is every bit as necessary as the signature of a Bride alongside the signature of the Bridegroom. It is every bit as necessary as the lighting of the two candles of witness on the Sabbath eve. The end-time witness by the true and faithful children of Abraham at the 5th seal will surely come. It will precede the opening of the 6th seal. And that in turn will usher in Messiah's coming.
So in short, antiSemitism is a concerted action by evil angels and men of flesh. Their agenda is simple. It is to degrade the faith that points to the coming Messiah who will sit upon the Throne of David judging angels and men. Antisemitism is not merely a human aberration by some human "nut cases". Higher entities are involved here. Human beings are willing pawns of these higher powers. In their antisemitic acts they are tools of dark rulers who have a specific agenda in mind. Antisemitism, so-called, is in fact, an angelic as well as a human conspiracy. And that conspiracy is very specifically directed against the Throne of David.
Let us review the unfolding of this Messianic drama as we have seen it so far. Messiah/Christ has come to earth in the flesh once, but only in His High Priestly role. At that time He fulfilled the first three feasts, the three Spring Feasts of Israel. See this YouTube video. And let us remember from what King David said in Psalm 110:5. Messiah is both priest and king in the Order of Melchizedek. He is High Priest of God most High. And he is King of Salem/Shalom, King of kings. These are the two offices in the dual anointing of Melchizedek. When He returns the second time in the time of the Fall Feasts of Israel He will come in His Kingdom role as Conquering King of kings. On a certain high holy day He will come to judge and then to terminate the misrule of rebellious angels and men.
This will be a case of "just in time!" Because by the time He returns godless humanistic men will have brought this planet to the brink of nuclear annihilation. See this scripture. At His Second Coming Messiah will judge and destroy the wicked, deliver and glorify His Elect, and then judge the nations, issuing passports in the Sheep-Goat Judgment. He will rule over the nations from this throne in the Millennial Age to come.
The principalities and powers hate and loathe all this. They hate any witness at all to the coming Judgment of Messiah. They are absolutely terrified of the Throne of David upon which the Son of David will sit to bring sentence against them. And so they hate and loathe Jews and they hate and loathe Evangelicals. They spur their human underlings to have the same fearful and belligerent attitude to both companies. Why? Because both of these tribes and companies bear witness to Messiah. They are the two sticks Ezekiel saw in Ezekiel 37:15-28. See also this YouTube of my friend Yair Davidiy of as he demonstrates this wonderful mystery of the two sticks, a truth that is beginning to unfold before our eyes. Both of these companies, the one from the royal Jewish gate of Judah and the Gate of Joseph with the coat of many nations dipped in blood bear witness to the coming of Messiah, the Son of David. This world hates them both. Deaths of Jews have numbered over ten million. Deaths of Evangelicals over the centuries, have been over 50 million. This holocaust has a reason. And it is about time we found out, took some responsibility in the matter, and acted accordingly.
Teaching on the true Biblical details of the End-Time is almost taboo in most nominal Christian Churches. It is virtually nonexistent in the Church of England and the older denominations. Bible prophecy, creation science, as well as evangelizing is specifically outlawed in the government Three Self church in China. Post-modern churches and mega-churches in America are drifting into lawless antinomianism, materialism, and all manner of harlotry. Their leaderships are beholden to money and Mammon and have thereby put themselves under the princes of this world. So these Biblical truths do not get aired. Biblical censorship abounds. And why? Because it causes discussion. And the dark powers go into an apoplectic fit and rage when they hear of the coming of Messiah. They tremble at any reference to His coming judgment. And they dread the approaching time of their ousting from the second heaven.
So, dear people of the God of Israel, this matter of the root and origin of antisemitism is not complicated or difficult to understand. It springs from this hateful loathing of the Throne of David by the wicked angelic rulers. And also implicated in this conspiracy is the rebellion by profane men against YHVH/God's Messiah and their denial of His coming righteous rule. Wicked angels along with deceived and wicked men seek to deny this future reality in any way they can. Their is a depraved and raging obsession to shut down all witness to this truth concerning Messiah's coming and His judgment from the Throne of David. This is the quintessential spiritual origin of all anti-Semitism.
on the Root Cause of Anti-Semitism.
It is a virulent hatred of the Jewish people.
This dark and monstrous hand has been seen in history time and time again. We saw it in the Crusades as the Armies of Christendom left Europe on their way to pillage the Holy Land. We saw it manifest itself during the centuries of the Spanish Inquisition, and later in the pogroms of Eastern Europe and communist Russia. More recently we saw Anti-Semitism express itself in the Holocaust of Hitler's Germany in World War 2.
What is the origin of anti-Semitism? What's it all about? Many, even among our Jewish brethren, have concluded that anti-Semitism is just another form of racism or religious bigotry. Many of them just throw up their hands and say, "They're crazy!" And they are strangely content to leave it at that and not look further for a deeper reason. People just hate Jews, they say, and for some irrational reason. Some suggest it is merely related to some jealousy over Jewish success in this world or their nation being chosen by YHVH-God as a special people. Jealousy over material things may be part of the reason for the hatred of Jewry. But is there more to this story? Is there something else in play here, something we have not been told?
The antisemitic pamphlet by Martin Luther.
Well they are right at least about the jealousy. It has been said that the main reason we hate others is because they have something special that we don't have, but desperately and jealously desire to possess. What treasure might the Jews have that people in this world want and have been led to believe that they can never attain? It must be something of great significance.
If so, what is it? Do they know? Do we?These are some of the issues we shall address in this study.
Let us start by taking a brief walk though the history of the last Millennium. It is not difficult to understand why the Crusaders did what they did. There was a reason that they began by killing Jews in their home towns before trekking across Europe to ravage the Holy Land. There was a reason they laid siege to Jerusalem, starving and killing its inhabitants into submission. There was a reason for the Inquisitions, the expulsions of Jews from central Europe in the 1400's, and the pogroms in Russia and the east. There was a reason for the holocaust under supposedly "Christian" Germany in the 1930's and 1940's. Why did these things happen?
HATRED OF THE THRONE OF DAVID.To get our answers we must abandon the barren and morally bankrupt man centered humanism of our institutions of higher learning. They tell us precious little of the spiritual story going on behind the scenes. We must go to God's Word to get our spiritual answers. So let us make a start.
Here are the main spiritual elements to the story of planet earth. After the rebellion against Him in the Garden of Eden God set forth His Plan. His agenda calls for the promised Seed, (singular) of Abraham to come into the lives of a individuals by an operation of grace spoken of by the prophet Jeremiah as the New Covenant. See Jeremiah 31:31-33 These people who are blessed to be initiated in the indwelling Messiah become "born again" as a new creation, even as the covenant people of YHVH-God. These are the saints, the set-apart ones, and they make up the Nation and the Congregation of the God of Israel. Operating from inside the heart the Seed of Abraham does His wondrous work to change individual people and thereby to to ultimately restore a nation from the inside out. All this happens in a two-way blood covenant relationship. And it happens the same way for every generation and from both sides of Calvary. YHVH-God's Holy Spirit, the Ruach Hodesh effects this wonder by God's grace through faith in the atoning blood of Israel's promised Sacrifice Lamb. This is how He brings His redemption, His sanctification and ultimately His glorification to what is a single Elect and Chosen people.
Upon His return Messiah will wrap it all up for this age. After the final Day of Atonement the Day of the Lord will open up and space-time will roll back to reveal YHVH-God returning as He went, that is, in the flesh. As He returns He will destroy the wicked and glorify His Elect at the Resurrection-Rapture. Then He will judge the nations who remain at the Sheep-Goat Judgment. His sheep will enter the Millennium of Messiah. They will be led beside still waters and fed so that their souls are restored. (See Psalm 23) Only then will they lie down in peace in green pastures. Messiah will then proceed to restore the ecosystem of planet earth to the beauty it once knew. The cosmos will be brought back to order again. Messiah will rule upon this earth for one thousand years.
Of course there is a wicked antagonist, even Lucifer, who opposes and seeks to "cloak", "smokescreen", twist, and obfuscate, the written Word of God. These bad guys, angelic and human, desperately agitate in a vain attempt to try to prevent these events from happening.
Out of this information war and out of these conflicting agendas come all the tumults of history. And beneath all this raging against the Lion of the Jewish tribe of Judah and the hatred of the Throne of the royal house of David lies the central rebellion and the true origin of anti-Semitism.
So where did we see Anti-Semitism, (this anti-Throne of David spirit), first manifest itself in history? This is an interesting question. Our search takes us back in time to the reign of King David Himself. We pick up the trail in the Old Testament in the second Book of Samuel. Here the scriptures record for us two intriguing events in this earlier history of Israel. These strange and sinister dramas occurred during the reign of King David around 1,050 BC.
Woodcut illustration by Julius Schnoor von Carolsfeld (1794-1872">2 SAMUEL 16:5-14Here is a similar incident from the life of David.
5 Now when King David came to Bahurim, there was a man from the family of the house of Saul, whose name was Shimei the son of Gera, coming from there. He came out, cursing continuously as he came. 6 And he threw stones at David and at all the servants of King David. And all the people and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left. 7 Also Shimei said thus when he cursed: "Come out! Come out! You bloodthirsty man, you rogue!
As we can see, it is clearly an attack against the Throne of David.2 Samuel 20:1 KJVHere in the verse above we see a very early manifestation of the anti-Semitic, anti-Judah, anti-Throne of David sentiment. The scriptures identify it with Belial or Satan himself. As we see it here it is a hidden principle, (or a spirit), of rebellion. This rebellion is directed against the royal House of Judah and more specifically against the Throne of David. David's Throne is the object of the depraved human wrath here. The Throne of David is the seat of God's authority in the hearts of Godly men and the future seat of authority over the nations of this earth. In this particular incident with Sheba we see an evil spirit, a spirit of rebellion at work. Note that in this case this hostility is not coming from outside of Israel but from within it. It is in fact coming from another tribe within Israel and it is quite separate from the Jewish tribe or gate of Judah. In this case the agent of anti-Semitism/anti-Throne of David is coming from someone inside the tribe of Benjamin. So we can see right here that this anti-Throne of David spirit is not always a gentile operation. Nowadays of course it is for the most part. But suffice to say here that this rebellion against God's established rule can, and did, come from fellow Israelites as well as from the Gentiles or non-Israelites nations.
1 And there happened to be there a man of Belial, (a rebel, NKJV), whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he blew a trumpet, and said, We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, O Israel. 2 So every man of Israel went up from after David, and followed Sheba the son of Bichri: but the men of Judah clave unto their king, from Jordan even to Jerusalem.Do we have other examples of anti-Semitism/anti-Throne of David acts in holy history? We certainly do. The very same spirit of rebellion turned up again in Israel's history after the death of Solomon as the nation was about to split into two kingdoms, the Northern Kingdom of ten tribes, called Israel, and the southern kingdom comprised of the royal tribe of Judah along with with Benjamin and parts of Levi. Here in this incident we see the same tirade directed against the rule of David's throne. The spirit used the very same identical words that were used by Shimei and Sheba two generations earlier. This occurred during the reign of Solomon's son Rehoboam. Again we see it coming from within Israel. Again the vitriolic language is cursing and cutting off the House of David, the very family from which Messiah would come. In this pivotal event in the history of Israel we see the vile anger is again coming from within Israel. We see the wrath being spewed from representatives of the northern ten tribes of Israel.
How did this great tragedy happen? After the death of Solomon the northern ten tribes came to Jerusalem and to the ruling royal tribe of Judah. They were looking for some tax relief. Interestingly they came looking for a little economic mercy and monetary grace.
Dear saints, they came looking for grace!
But the Jewish house of Judah, fired up by the young men, laid down the law!
Do we see the significance here?
This has been the basis for the blood feud ever since!When satisfaction was not forthcoming and no hope of consideration in the mater forthcoming the terrible response was immediate and final. The ten northern tribes walked out!
This was the great divorce of Israel. It was then, (and remains today), a great tragedy from which greater Israel has yet to recover. The northern ten tribes seceded from the Union. They rebelled, and cut themselves off from the House of David Judah in the south. This caused them to go into deep idolatry, eventual captivity by the Assyrians, and scattering among the nations. Judah suffered captivity under the Babylonians a 130+ years later. But they returned to rebuild the Temple and restore Jerusalem. From this point on, until their eventual restoration at the end of this age, Israel would be a divided feuding kingdom.
The Breach of Jeroboam was an awful affair. The very same bitter words of renunciation that were spoken against the Jewish House of David two generations before were repeated once again. They are recorded for us in the verses below.
Woodcut illustration by Julius Schnoor von Carolsfeld (1794-1872">1Kings 12:16This was the great divorce of Israel, the awful 'breach of Jeroboam'. Israel was split into two houses, a situation which continues to this day. This breach will only be healed in the end-time drama. - Zech.12:7-13:1, Rom.11
Now when all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, saying: "What share have we in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. To your tents, O Israel! Now, see to your own house, O David!" So Israel departed to their tents.2Chronicles 10:16
Now when all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, saying: "What share have we in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to your tents, O Israel! Now see to your own house, O David!" So all Israel departed to their tentsThe object of the hatred and rejection is quite apparent in both these incidents. The scriptures clearly indicate that the venom is directed towards the Throne of David.
Let us pause here to ponder this for a moment. Why should the Throne of David be despised and targeted by the powers of this world? Why has it been slated for annihilation? After all, Israel and the Throne of David is "past history", right?THE THRONE OF DAVID.
The Throne of David will be seen again. The righteous rule of God is today, always has been, and always will be the burden and a responsibility vested in the Jewish House of David in Judah. God has put this desire in their hearts. And when theJewish House of Judah is saved, and we know that they will according to Zechariahn12:7-13:1, then Messiah has some plans for them to serve Him in the Millennium to come. Will their service be especially useful in His national or kingdom offices in the Order of Melchizedek? Oh yes. But they will also bring new life into his priestly offices to bring in a royal priesthood as well as a holy nation.
Judah is the quintessential Jewish tribe. It is the first among the 12 tribes of Israel. The House of David is the royal family of the nation of Israel. If we have been duped by Amillennialist churchmen to believe that the Throne of David is merely some dusty old outmoded ancient history, just a past memory of a faded Jewish glory then the dark powers of this world are not blind to the reality of the Throne of David. They are in a frenzy of activity. They are busily prosecuting and persecuting anybody and everybody that reminds them about the future Throne of David that is set up against them. Those people are the Jewish nation and the Evangelicals. Both companies have suffered the loss of millions of their people at the hands of the Gentile/heathen powers and their harlot religious consorts.
Quite clearly the target of the wrath is far from being just an affair of "past history". The throne of David must be something of great current or future concern to them. Something is about to happen. Someone is coming that the powers of this world, and their lackeys, are not going to be too happy to see when He arrives.
For those who doubt there is a God here is a curious historical phenomenon. When fully a quarter of U.N. resolutions call for international sanctions against the peace loving little nation of Israel what are we supposed to conclude about all this? We can know for sure that something big is afoot. There is a major conspiracy going on!
The City of David is Jerusalem. This is the capital city of Israel. It is also the location of Zion, the political center of Israel. The anti-Zionist forces mustered against Israel are legion. And why is that? From out of Zion will come a Deliverer, in the year of Jubilee. He is David's greater son, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. - Rev.5:5 He is our coming anointed One, (Gr.Christ) or (Heb. Messiah). And when He comes He will sit upon the Throne of David to judge men and angels. That dear friends, is why rebel rulers over the heathen nations tremble. They hate the coming Throne of David. They hate it with a passion.
Having established that fact we can now quite clearly see what the real plot is. We can now get a good grasp of the true origin of Anti-Semitism. Rebels or 'sons of Belial' all have one thing in common. They fear and loathe the coming of God's righteous rule upon this earth. Whether these rebels come from within Israel or from outside of Israel in the surrounding gentile heathen nations matters little. They all have one thing in common. They hate the righteous rule of God's son. And they hate any people who are reminding them about this or heralding in any way His coming rule. Anything that reminds them of that rule sets them off into a raging tizzy. These angelic and human powers despise divine authority. That authority is vested in the coming Messiah. It is tied up in the Throne of David in Judah. This is the real reason for all the hatred directed against the Jewish people.
Here is another issue for us to consider. The Holy Scriptures inform us that this fallen world is presently under the influence of evil angelic beings. These "principalities and powers", and "rulers of the darkness of this present world" are unseen. Our apostle Paul taught that these evil angelic powers are agents of "spiritual wickedness in high places". (Eph.6:12)
HOLD RULE OVER THE GENTILES/HEATHEN NATIONS.If that is the case then humanistic men and women are not as "independent" as they imagines themselves to be. Is it possible that anti-Semites are actually being driven and manipulated by hidden entities beyond this earthly and human realm? Is it possible that they are human pawns and are even now being manipulated without even being aware of it? Is it possible that spirit beings, fallen angels headed up by Lucifer, are the principalities and powers who preside over this present evil world. Are dark angelic spirit rulers pulling the strings of anti-Semites to entice them to do the depraved things they do? If such is the case then deceived and ignorant men who have no spiritual discernment or insight, (such as Neo-Nazis and skinheads), wouldn't know that they were mere puppets would they? They would have no insight into these things. They would be hypnotized, deceived, and deluded.
Are higher powers manipulating men from behind the scenes, even twisting the human subconscious mind to foment this raging nationalism against the Jews? How about current human political rulers? Are they and their hired religious consorts are being deceived and used? In hating and campaigning against the Jews are they really being unwitting stooges in a game far more sinister than they realize? And if so, then who, pray tell, is trying to set the agenda here? Who is pulling their strings? For what dark and nefarious purpose? And what will inevitably happen to them? These are the sorts of questions we need to address if we expect to make any meaningful discoveries in our search for the true origin of anti-Semitism.
This is no arcane matter. It should not be left to pagan religious highbrows to debate in theological seminaries. Biblical revealed truth has some answers here, if we are interested in hearing about it. These are very practical and down to earth issues of which all good and trustworthy men, women, and children should have a good grasp. We are looking here at the "hidden hand of history". These monstrously evil powers are operating from up in the second heaven in the angelic realm beyond this earthly time space dimension. These angelic principalities and powers are exerting their influence down in the halls of world government and in the cloisters of ecumenical ecclesiastical power. This is the essential spiritual dimension to the story which has been left out. We need to know these things is we are to understand the true origin of anti-Semitism.
PSALM 2 NLT (Mod. with Hebrew Names)
1 Why do the nations rage?
Why do the people waste their time with futile plans?
2 The kings of the earth prepare for battle;
the rulers plot together against the LORD/ADONAI and against his anointed one.
3 "Let us break their chains," they cry,
"and free ourselves from this slavery."
4 But the one who rules in heaven laughs.
The Lord scoffs at them.
5 Then in anger he rebukes them, terrifying them with his fierce fury.
6 For the LORD/ADONAI declares,
"I have placed my chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, my holy city."7 The king proclaims the LORD/ADONAI's decree:
"The LORD/ADONAI said to me, 'You are my son.
Today I have become your Father.
8 Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance,
the ends of the earth as your possession.
9 You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots.'"10 Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth!
11 Serve the LORD/ADONAI with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Submit to God's royal son, or he will become angry,
and you will be destroyed in the midst of your pursuits –
for his anger can flare up in an instant.
Secularists leave the spiritual part of the story out. This is simply because they are ignorant or unbelieving of the spiritual realities we see set forth in holy scripture. These are earthy men. The spiritual dimension can not be seen on their radar screens. In spite of an abundance of "religion" the secularist mindset is locked up in this sinful cosmos. He refuses to see Jacob's ladder upon which the Son of Man around whom the angels ascend and descend. Secular humanists and religious humanists as well do not revere and subject themselves to the Truth revealed in the holy scriptures. They are unmindful of the Christ/Messiah and spiritual realities outside the earthly box they believe in and live in.
CHRIST/MESSIAH TO WHICH THEY THEMSELVES HAVE NOW BECOME AN UNWITTING PARTY.Our search for the true origin of anti-Semitism will take us back into history. But the secularist history professor with the pink bow tie will not be able to help us here. The reason is quite simple. Whenever the answer to a question involves YHVH, the God who is there and His spiritual antagonists in heaven and on earth our teacher does not want to know about them. He is earthbound and spiritually blind. As a party to this rebellion against God he is compromised. So he is unable to judge in these matters. He is quite unable to discern the spiritual dimension to the story. Nor can he know the real origin of anti-Semitism.
We must face the facts here. A lot of what we see in history may seem to have a basis in earthly realities. Anti-Semitism may seem to be just related to economic downturns or related to national grievances. But the history books are not being written by Godly men. Secular books and secular television programs that pretend to discuss these matters knowledgeably are speaking out of ignorance. Dark principalities and powers are forever seeking to bend the minds of the writers and producers to "cloak" the real story of anti-Semitism. Instead of getting a clear signal and a clear message about the true origin of anti-Semitism we hear a lot of confusing philosophical and religious "noise".
This confusing morass of misinformation concerning the Jews and about the origin of anti-Semitism did not come in by accident. It is quite intentional. We are in a spiritual/information war. A thick smokescreen of gnostic neo-pagan disinformation goes out across our horizon. It is pushed out there quite purposefully. It has been sent to obfuscate the truth and to confuse us. The plan is to spread disinformation and ensure that we do not discover what is really going on. The lecture or the television program pretending to enlighten the listener will unload a plethora of conflicting and confusing pieces of data. Then, all too often, the program will end inconclusively with the dangling question, "Why do these things happen?" Then they proceed to answer by saying, "We don't know", they will intone. "It is a mystery."
The fact is that evil angelic rulers and many human rulers in the hidden hand of the governments of this world are Illuminist Luciferians. And they know full well what is going on. They hide the truth with a thick smokescreen of disinformation. They do know the origin of anti-Semitism. Because they are right there at its source!Of course these principalities and powers, the angelic rulers presiding over this present darkness are hiding this truth from the ignorant masses. They are intent on keeping them in the dark and taking them down to Hell with them. They stir up ignorant men, skinheads, Neo-Nazis and the like. They use them as their stooges. They "cloak" the truth and hide their dark and nefarious agenda from being discovered by men.
Yes, this is all part of the unseen spiritual war that is going on across planet earth. There is an information war being waged against the truth and against God's Holy Word. It has been going on for a long time. In fact this anti-Christ, anti-Messiah, and anti-Throne of David spirit has been at work since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. The epic conflict will come to a climax and be resolved at the end of this age.
For those who are friends with the coming Messiah and who have come to love Him and believe His Holy Word the facts concerning the origin of anti-Semitism are not in the least bit obscure. A little child can understand it. So it is not impossible for us to understand these things. If we are acquainted with the Torah and the history of Israel, and the Old Testament prophets, and if we have invited Christ/Messiah to establish His Throne of David in our hearts and if we read our Bible and are aware of the prophecies of a coming Messiah then right there we have the key to understanding the origin of anti-Semitism. Once we see that the anti-Semitic attack is targeting the Throne of David the reason why this anti-Semitism continues to happen is not the least bit imponderable. When our heart is open to Messiah we can then receive the facts He brings to us. Then the truth snaps into focus quite readily.
We are forever being told that anti-Semitism is just irrational meaningless behavior. They say it is undertaken by ignorant racial bigots who do not have economic opportunity or good social skills or a "positive self image". The plot here is to try to hide the real truth. We are forever hearing that anti-Semitism is a "mystery" or just "irrational behavior" without any purpose. This, of course, is not the case at all. The true origin of anti-Semitism is not a mystery. And there is a determined and deadly purpose behind it. The purpose, as we have seen, is quite obvious. Dear people, never swallow this sort of gnostic disinformation. Not for one minute.We are often told that Anti-Semitism is just "an aberration". But this is just a cover-up. Anti-Semitism is part of a worldwide ancient and ongoing conspiracy. It is specifically directed against the Jews, the Holy Land, and the royal house of Israel. YHVH/God's covenant people are the targets.
As we shall see, both houses of Israel and both the kingdom and priestly offices of Messiah's Order of Melchizedek are subject to persecution by earthly rulers, both political and religious. However, it is the rule of the coming Messiah that is especially hated by rebellious mankind. And so the conspiracy against the coming Kingdom of Messiah is specifically directed against the Jewish House of Judah, the Royal House of Israel. It is a concerted attack against those who have any connection whatsoever with the Throne of David upon which Messiah will sit and judge the nations. When we understand this then the gnostic religious fog of disinformation and non-information begins to clear. When we finally "see" the picture and realize that these lawless anti-Semitic men are being jerked around. "Short timer" evil angels are pulling their strings. So we can readily surmise what their agenda is and what they are up to. When we "see" this pattern through history in men and nations then the true origin of anti-Semitism becomes quite clear.
Yes it is true that the deluded souls who commit acts of anti-Semitism may not know why they do what they do. The behavior of a German Brownshirt on Kristalnacht in the 1930's or a Russian mob descending on Jews in the pogroms or a skin head desecrating a Jewish cemetery yesterday may all appear to be meaningless and irrational. But when we look at the abominable acts of the holocaust we see an entirely different story. These hideous acts were committed by refined and highly educated men. Nazi officers were for all intents and purposes "civilized" men. And yet in their murderous acts they showed themselves to be just as depraved and ignorant as the mob smashing windows on Krystalnacht. What is really going on here? This anti-Semitism is a consistent broad based behavior. And it is seen generation after generation. It is as perennial as thorns among the roses. Why is this so-called "irrational behavior" so consistently and repeatedly directed at the Jews, the descendants of the royal House of Judah? This behavior is highly purposive and specifically directed.
Yes, it is true that mobs often have no clue as to why they rage against Jews. But that does not mean that their actions are without a purpose. Far from it. Anti-Semitic behavior is both ancient and new. Some highly intelligent and very evil entities are at work behind the scenes here. Quite clearly the human players are being manipulated. Evil spiritual principalities and powers are fomenting this ongoing wicked activity.
Here then, is a thesis worthy of our consideration. Could it be that very evil men in high places are under the influence of angels of wickedness. What is the hidden hand doing here. Could it be that anti-Semitism is at its root an essential rebellion against God and the future agenda He has in store for this earth? And are angels of rebellion and their human underlings stirring up gentile/heathen mobs into acts of anti-Semitism to try to prevent God's purposes from coming to pass?
This murderous hatred of Jews is not an accident of history. As we shall discover, Anti-Semites have a very long track record. They are also capable of abominable acts of genocide. The principalities and powers have a clear and simple agenda. It is to destroy the Jews, divide up the land of Israel, get God's covenant people compromised and take control of Jerusalem, God's Holy City.
So from the perspective of the 'hidden hand of history' the behavior of Antisemites is not just "irrational" and without purpose at all. These people, even if they are deluded human robots, are being carefully programmed by very intelligent beings who are hidden from view. They are being directed very deliberately and carefully for a very specific purpose. There is an abominable and wicked agenda of rebellion against the Throne of David. It is linked to an abhorrence of the coming rule of YHVH as Messiah on earth.
Dear Woody Allen can stop tearing his hair out. His frustration and his famous perennial neurosis can be cured once he faces up to this. The origin and the agenda of anti-Semitism is not "impossible to understand" at all. Nor is it as "crazy" as we have been led to believe.
Acts of Antisemitism go back a long way. As we have seen above, anti-Semitism emerged in the Kingdom of Israel when Sheba affronted and cursed King David. We saw it again in the days of Rehoboam, son of Solomon. Later Haman tried to kill all the Jews in Persia in the days of Esther. At the time of the birth of Christ King Herod tried to kill all the infants and toddlers in Bethlehem under two years of age. His anti-Semitism here is quite clearly seen to be anti-Throne of David. He wanted to snuff out the seed of the promised Messiah. The conspiracy against the House of David in Judah has not changed. The same devilish behavior extends down through the millennia. Of course Edomites, scattered through the rich nations of the earth are involved here. Isaac gave a left-over blessing to them. These wild people will break the yoke of decency and run wild in the last days. (Gen.27:38-40) Anti-Semitism is masterminded by evil angels. Then these monstrous acts are carried out by evil men who are under their covering.But why? Why target a little group of people with a bloodline going back to the royal tribe of an ancient people known as Israel? And why all the venom spat out against a nation occupying a small sliver of land in the Middle East? Why do the nations wine and dine and fawn over PLO terrorists and want to install them as Palestinian/Philistines in the land of Judea and Samaria in Eretz Israel, God's sacred and Holy Land?
This is where the plot thickens. The real agenda of anti-Semitism is quite simple. It is to destroy the people connected to the Throne of David. The royal house of David is in the Jewish Tribe of Judah. Judah, the tribe from which the Jews came, is the only visible connection to Israel we have at this point in time. Judah, as the royal tribe, was destined to lead. Way back when the Israelite nation entered the Promised Land, just as the battle of Jericho was about to start, Judah was instructed to go first. (Judges 20:18) Judah is also the tribe of praise. It is the Messianic Jews who are currently bringing true praise, superb musical expression and meaningful lyrics into the Congregation of Christ/Meshiach. The Jews continue to be the main targets out there. They are well known as the people who have descended from the tribe of Judah in Israel. Evil men and angels would very much like to make our Jewish brothers and sisters, "go away".
What about the other tribes? Whatever happened to the other ten tribes who are "lost". Therein may lie part of the problem. They may still be around. The profane ones have lost their connection to Israel spiritually and are cut off from discovering their lost racial connection. So they are jealous of those who still have a racial connection. These lost ten tribes must be present today if the breach of Jeroboam is to be healed and all Israel is to be regathered and restored. The heathen among them are quite understandably thinking, feeling, and acting out of jealousy. But is it possible that the 'lost ten tribes' being considered heathen Gentiles have actually become what they consider themselves to be, heathen Gentiles? If they the lost ten tribes are around, and they most certainly are, then what is their present condition? Are most of them compromised and conflicted, even as lost Gomer? If they have lost sight of their Hebrew roots in Messiah and in their past history then this would explain their jealousy and their angry crusading outrages would it not?
The Jewish people are obviously special. They, at least, are the ones who still remember that they belong to Israel. Christians, for the most part have forgotten this racial story and have not been properly instructed on their connection to Israel by the indwelling Messiah, the Seed of Abraham, the in grafting of their wild olive branches into the root and stock of the olive tree of Israel, and their identity in the Commonwealth of Israel. The Jewish people are the ones who still bear the memory, the written history, the archeological evidence, the old coinage and the language of the great nation of Israel.
Do the Palestinians have any of these? Or do they just bear the name "Palestinians" patterned after the name the Romans gave to the land, naming it after Israel's worst enemy, the Philistines?
Israel became a superpower in the days of King David and King Solomon. The Jewish people have a traceable bloodline going back to the southern kingdom and the House and Throne of David. As we shall discover, this Throne of David is the key to the origin of anti-Semitism. The hatred of the Jews is not just a racial thing. At its core it is a spiritual thing. It is a hatred of the Throne of David! It is a morbid terror of the judgment and wrath of the coming Jewish Messiah. It is a hatred of the rule of the Son of David. Rebels in the nations loathe and a fear the coming Messiah. He is the One who will sit upon that Throne. - Isa.9:7 He is the Holy One of Israel who is destined to judge the nations. Of course the heathen nations don't like this idea one bit. This rebellion against the Throne of David is the quintessential element and the origin of all anti-Semitism. (See Psalm 2)
The spirit rulers fomenting all this Antisemitism from up in the angelic realm know the Throne of David very well. They also know that David's throne is not just past ancient history. The Throne of David is destined to be the seat of rule for the coming Messiah. (Luke 1:32)
ISAIAH 9The angelic rulers, the principalities and powers of this present evil world system, know that Messiah will come. He is both King and High priest after the Order of Melchizedek. He will sit upon the Throne of David. His long awaited righteous rule over this world will bring peace and beauty back to this sin sick starving war torn polluted earth. The creation will sing, the springs of water will issue up from the dry ground and the fig tree, the vine, and the olive will flourish in the garden of God.
6. For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.7. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
(Isaiah 9:6-7 NKJV)Rebellious mankind does not want to believe this. Messiah will come to judge the wicked. And He will judge the angelic rulers as well. He will terminate their rule, and bring them down. This will be in the time-frame of the 6th seal when the stars of heaven fall in the time of a darkened sun and a bloody moon. - Joel 2:28-32 and Rev.6:9-17
So the powers of darkness know all about this future history. They also know that their raging against the coming King of Kings will end with their own downfall. Because Messiah is coming! - Isa.63 The evil spirit rulers up in the second heaven know this very well. Even the low level spirits and demons know and fear the power of the blood of the Sacrifice Lamb. They know that they are destined for eternal damnation. They know that the gig is up and that they will face judgment at the appointed time. (See Matthew 8:29)
So if the game is almost over for the evil principalities and powers then why do they continue to foment all this anti-Semitism here below? The answer is quite simple and understandable.
1. The dark powers believe their own lies and think they can win.
2. The human testimony against them in the blood of Christ shed at Calvary has not yet come into its full play."Why is that?", we might ask. Most Christians are ignorant of these things. The saints are not interceding and engaging in spiritual warfare with the authority Jesus gave them through the Great Commission. So vainly the dark powers are trying to prevent the inevitable sovereign purposes of YHVH/God from coming to pass. They are trying desperately to stall and to prevent the final 5th seal witness of the saints. They know that this will lead on to the coming of Messiah in the 6th and 7th seals. (Rev.6) They are trying to prevent Messiah from coming to His Holy City. They are trying to prevent holy history from unfolding!
Of course the saints will wake up to their responsibilities eventually and all the efforts of the evil angelic powers will fail. They are fighting against what God has written in Holy History. They are up against the Ancient of Days, the Holy One of Israel. They are trying to contend with God Almighty, the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe! (Dan.7:13-27) The Light of Israel will rise and shine and the darkness will eventually flee from our cosmos. Because the Cosmic Christ, God in the flesh came down Jacob's Ladder and into our world, abominably evil though it will be. His name is Emmanuel, "God with us". (Isa.7:14)
Here is the pattern we see laid out in the Seven Feasts of Israel Our Messiah has come as 'Meshiach ben Joseph', the Suffering Servant. (Isa.53) And He will surely come again. When He does return He will come as Meshiach ben David, the "Conquering King". (Isa.63, Mic.2:12-13) When He does come again He will surely 'take care of business'!
Quite understandably these spirit beings of darkness are desperate. They are short timers and they know it. Their rebellion has failed. And they are doomed. Their judgment is coming. But they are angels. And unlike us in humankind their wickedness is without repentance. It continues on until the bitter end. And so anti-Semitism will continue on. The holy scriptures indicate that the spirit of anti-Semitism or anti-Throne of David will be halted at the end of this evil age at a place called Armageddon. And the grand Play of the Ages will come to its awesome conclusion. The principalities and powers will be cast out of their heavenly places at that time. In the meantime their agenda and actions will continue as before. They will try to bring as many men and women and children down into the Lake of Fire with them as they possibly can.
The pathway of Luciferian self-worship is an insidious and wicked work. Rebellious and wicked men will be deceived and deluded. Men and women will end up being judged and condemned along with the wicked spirit rulers who have pulled their strings. Deluded rebellious anti-Semitic men will join their friends, the evil angels, who have been their covering during their life of rebellion down here on earth. Judgment Day will come on the day after the last day of this present age. Wicked men may actually see their worst angels up close and personal. The day after some future Day of Atonement will lead right in to their own personal Day of Judgment. The Day of Reckoning will have come and then the Day of Wrath upon the wicked. And their own evil angels, hideous things with faces of horror, will be the very ones who will be gathering up the wicked. Wicked men will be plucked up like weeds or tares in this grim reaping, the harvest of wicked men and wicked women. Jesus/Yeshua taught this and explained all this very specifically to His disciples in the parable of the wheat and the tares. (Mat.13:36-43) Evil men and women will be plucked up as in a tractor beam from above. They will be dragged off kicking and screaming by dark angels of hideous countenance. (Ps.78:49) For these deluded rebels it will be a day of sheer and utter horror. The grim reaper they have tattooed upon their heart, and sometimes elsewhere, will be coming to get them. They will be carried off as weeds to be burned. They will be caught up "first". See Mat. 13:30 They will be taken to a dumping ground, an awful place where the vultures gather. (Mat.24:28)
We know this judgment of the wicked will happen before the Resurrection-Rapture. Because the teaching of Jesus/Yeshua is quite clear. The tares are gathered first. (Mat.13:30) They will be carried off to the fires. And there they will stay in torment for all eternity.
So, we are bound to conclude that the stakes are high here. The origin of anti-Semitism is at its heart a rebellion against God. Rebellious men have rejected His salvation as provided by the shed blood of the promised Sacrifice Lamb, even our Savior Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach. So God has given them over to their own delusions to be judged in that Day.
Where can we find God's righteous rule? Well quite obviously His righteous Millennial rule has not yet been established on earth.. But His rule does abide in the hearts of His single Elect covenant people. It is seen in the lives of those who have found peace with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. His throne has been established in their hearts. Peace with God has always come through faith in the atoning blood of Israel's Promised Sacrifice Lamb, the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world". - Rev.13:8 That Sacrifice Lamb whose blood would atone for sin would eventually enter human history to be seen of men. YHVH/God would finally manifest Himself as God in the flesh, even our Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach. Messiah's righteous rule, which comes from the Throne of David, is now at work in human hearts. But, there is more to the story. At a future time our anointed Messiah will return. He will separate the sheep from the goats at the Sheep-Goat Judgement. And He will rule over the nations/gentiles of this earth. This is the long awaited and coming Millennium of Messiah.The plot thickens when we realize that the nations are hostile to this. They do not like the idea of Messiah coming to rule upon this earth. The nations of this world, (and their established state and merchant churches), do not like this Messianic rule one bit. In fact they hate it with a passion. And why? Because the principalities and powers they are beholden to happen to loathe the Second Coming of Christ as Messiah. Theologically their Amillennialism will not even allow Christ to come and stay. Nor does their eschatology align itself with Holy Scripture to proclaim the future establishment of His throne upon this earth. Many liberal churchmen have not invited Messiah into their own hearts. They want "religion" yes. And plenty of it. Nearly everybody does. But nationalists and traditionalists don't want their God to get up too close and personal. They want Messiah to "keep his distance". They don't want Him coming down Jacob's Ladder into world history, and certainly not their world history. They want Messiah to stay up in heaven and away from their earthly status quo. They want to keep Him locked up "in heaven", "where He belongs". Such is the way of gnostic religion.
The established western churches are in a highly compromised position here. They say that they are committed to uphold the authority of the Holy Scriptures. But, ......there is a problem. Here is the story.
Since the Council of Nicea in 325 B.C. the church has been seriously compromised. For 1700 years it has bee consorting with the European secular powers, the kings and rulers, who have no love for Israel or the Jews. Unfortunately the state churches have been beholden to the kings. So they are forced to go along with the view of the kings and princes of this world. The powers that be view this future Millennial Kingdom of Messiah along with its Jewish connections as a Jewish fantasy. A coming Messiah would obviously cramp their style. It would be an intrusion in 'their' earthly affairs and 'their' rule. In this instance our European-American state church rulers have lifted up their religious or ecclesiastical authority above the authority divinely ordained by God. Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach. is the 'Son of David'. This is a Hebrew poetic term for the coming Messiah. Now we are beginning to see that the merchants, (who have been such wonderful help to biblical Christians in the past century), are not too different from the monarchies. The merchant Churches are not too keen on talking about a coming Messiah either.
OPENS THE DOOR TO ALLOW ANTISEMITISM TO ENTER INTO THE CHURCH.Has Jesus/Yeshua shared His authority on earth? Yes He has. He has done so in the Great Commission. But this divine authority has not been given to any hierarchical ecclesiastical or church establishment to bear political rule. There is no basis whatsoever for Dominion Theology. Jesus Himself came to us bearing His cross as the ultimate servant King. He entreats us to have that same attitude of service which He demonstrated throughout His ministry. He has authority over all the forces of darkness. And He has delegated this authority on a case by case basis to all His followers individually. He shares with them personally both the burden and responsibility of His witness on earth. With that responsibility goes His authority. This is laid out for us quite clearly in Mathew 28 where Jesus personally commissions and charges every one of His followers individually and personally in the Great Commission. - Mat.28:18-19
Does this sound like a tyrant messiah? Is there any reason at all for a human beings to follow dark angels to hell? Do human beings need to rage against the coming of such a gracious Messiah? Is the Throne of David deserving of such anti-Semitic hatred?
David's greater son is Jesus Christ. He comes into the hearts of His covenant people by their invitation. He currently bears rule within the lives of these committed Christian/Messianic believers. He is also the coming Messiah who will rule over the nations of this earth.
This brings up an interesting question. Why should the ecclesiastical powers deny Christ's future rule upon this planet? The established church has clearly taken a stance that is at cross purposes with God's divine plan. The coming rule of Messiah is spoken about repeatedly in the Millennial poetry of the Old Testament. (Isa.35, Isa.60, Ezek.37 etc.) We also see it in Revelation chapter 20. Just what were these clerics thinking?
Here an understanding of pagan Gnosticism helps to provide some further insight into the origin of anti-Semitism.. Gnosticism is a belief buried deep in the pagan earth based man-centered mindset of this present world system. Gnostic doctrine is anti-Messianic and Anti-Christ. This false belief has the God of Israel locked up in a perfect ideal heaven above and away from us. And it has mankind in chains of flesh and death and kept down here on a corrupted earth. That, to them, is an unchangeable reality. God, (to their way of thinking), will, and should, stay up in heaven. These gnostic trolls seek to patrols the chasm between heaven and earth and intimidate those who testify of Christ, Israel's Messiah, who has indeed come down Jacob's ladder to abide with men and will take men back up with Him when He comes. He will be Emmanuel, 'God with us', camping out, (or tabernacling), with His people here on earth for a thousand years.
AND ITS HIDDEN CAMPAIGN AGAINST JACOB'S LADDER.Gnostic religion hates to here talk of all this transgression across their chasm. Religious rituals try to provide substitute channels to prevent and choke off access between God and men. As the Word of God comes forth the religious powers in the West have to yield a tad and make God somewhat accessible to men. But only through an elaborate Nicolaitan priestcraft patrolling the interface between heaven and earth.
Church leaders are also busy overseeing and policing societal taboos and showcasing the ecclesiastical rituals that are supposed to make the gods a little less angry. Religious rulers, along with the political princes, their secular consorts, want to continue this pattern. They want to rule over the hearts of men on God's behalf here below. An indwelling Christ or a Christ who returns to this planet to rule personally would short circuit and spoil this elaborate church-state system and the status quo that persecutes and alienates Jews and Evangelical Christians.
This is a very sad situation to have to report but it must be told. Compromised religious leaderships operate as virtual trolls at the bridge between heaven and earth. They patrol the Gnostic pagan wall or chasm, which separates God from men. Gnosticism, whether it is inside or outside the church wants to keep the God of Israel away. They themselves want to control the interface between God and man and minimize His direct contact with men.
It greatly benefits the powers that be to keep God up in His heaven and forever viewed as a lofty mystery unattainable to us as mere mortals. God is limited to their goings on in their religious pageantry and rituals. The spirit of Gnosticism seeks to prevent people from crossing over this great divide that they have created and cultured. Organized religion does not want man to and make any direct and personal contact with God. Pagan Gnosticism seeks to prevent men from knowing the Word of God and from coming into simple personal communion with man on earth at the altar and the throne of his own heart.
Gnosticism like this lies hidden deep in the bosom of much of the Church. This is why state churchmen throughout the centuries have waged war against evangelical Christianity. This explains why establishment religious leadership burned William Tyndale at the stake for translating and distributing the Bible for the common people in England in the 1500's. See this YouTube video It explains why they Church of England jailed John Bunyan in the 1600's for preaching Christ without being licensed through "their system". And it explains why the English Church padlocked their pews against the evangelical preaching of John Wesley in the 1700's.
This attempt to isolate the God of Israel in His heaven and kept away from man down here on earth is pagan Gnosticism pure and simple. Even though such Gnosticism wraps itself up in Christian rituals it is really just another thinly diguised expression of the ancient pagan mystery religion. In such a system God is only found in an obscure indirect and roundabout way of "secret knowledge". These hocus pocus Gnostic elements are built into many of the rituals, the vestments and the trappings of religion. We see them in our established Christian Church even today. Of course people who do not have a knowledge of the God of the Bible, and have not experienced or personally walked with Jesus Christ being led by His Holy Spirit are blind to all this Christian shamanism. They are scarcely aware of how far their church experience falls short of the real experience in God they were meant to know. They think their vague Sunday church religion is all there is to God. They have been content with "church" as a system of Christian religious symbols and forms. But Jesus stands knocking at the door of their heart. He wants to come in and commune with them personally in sweet fellowship. Do they know this? Has someone preached this Gospel, (Good News), to them? How shall they respond to His invitation?
The Nicolaitan spirit is linked to the origin of anti-Semitism. The word Nicolaitan means "conqueror of the laity". Jesus said He hates the practices of the Nicolaitans. - Rev.2:6 He was similarly infuriated with the Pharisees. - Mat.23:13 Instead of helping people into a simple and straightforward personal fellowship with God their enormous legal religious maze was bringing religious confusion to the people. Religious agents stood at the gate. Instead of facilitating the union between God and man as true priests of God they were working the gate at the Temple in order to make money. This was clearly counter to God's will. God's true authority and His plan of salvation and reunion with God was very simple. It was not a complex matter at all. God was offering salvation to all men. He met them at a heart to heart level. He simply wanted to lead them into a simple walk of faith with Him. This morass of religious legalism was no help at all. In fact it was blocking the way to God. God's desire has always been to establish a simple heart to heart day by day relationship with His covenant people. Men then, as now, were saved by God's grace and mercy. They were saved by grace through faith in the blood of the Promised Sacrifice Lamb. But religion, as usual, was getting in the way. Religious priest craft was putting stumbling blocks in the way to God's simple plan of salvation. All this complicated religion was actually preventing people from coming to know and to commune and to walk with God in simple faith. This mass of externally policed rules and regulations was, and is, a substitute for the gentle Presence of the indwelling Messiah who rules in the bonds of love.
HIMSELF HAS ESTABLISHED IN THE SON OF DAVID.The Antisemitism we see in Christendom is not all the fault of the Christian religious leaders. The people themselves are rebellious against God's gentle inner rule. They don't want it. This is why they want human ecclesiastical authority to come and provide some other way than the Way given to us by Christ. So they stand in the place of God. And they rule the people by their own authority.
This is not new. 2600 years ago Jeremiah complained of this very thing.
Jeremiah 5Most people will say that they believe in God. But few really know Him or love Him. They do not really want His righteous rule in their lives. Nor do they like the idea of Christ ruling upon this earth. They want to keep Him at a distance. Many nominal Christians would like Jesus to remain as a Sunday religious reverie only. They want us to view Him just as a religious mystique seen through the stained glass of the cathedral on a Sunday morning. They are happy with this present age. They do not want Messiah to return or for Him to turn up in the flesh in His resurrected spiritual body. Nor would they be pleased to see Jesus back here on earth again and walking down the road and talking with the ones who love Him in a real and personal way. He did this with those disciples on the road to Emmaus. He was seen in His new spiritual body on many occasions during those weeks before He ascended. Such an 'up close and personal' Messiah would not do. This would be too close and too personal. Many want to keep their God at arms length. If the truth would be known they would prefer it if He would stay up in heaven. If He really must come down here on earth among men these gnostic religious leaders would prefer to keep Him swaddled in some vague mystical religious fog. They would like Him kept as a ghost. They want to keep Him "out there" across some Gnostic religious chasm. They want to view their God impersonally and from afar, preferably using some esoteric or ritualistic religious telescope. A Messiah who suddenly appears and is walking beside you in a resurrected immortal physical body is aa bit too close for their present comfort level. Such is the way of gnostic religion.
30 "An astonishing and horrible thing Has been committed in the land: 31 The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own authority; And My people love to have it so.AMILLENNIALISM, POST-MILLENIALISM, ESCHATOLOGY, AND THIS
How does a denial of the coming rule of the Son of David affect our thinking on the subject of eschatology? Most nominal Christians just do not love the idea of Christ's return. Like most people of this world they have not yet made their peace with Him. Most do not even want to hear about the Second Coming of Christ at all. They do not like His rule nor His throne, the Throne of the Son of David.
WORLD'S INDIFFERENCE TO THE COMING MILLENNIAL RULE OF MESSIAH.After the Council of Nicea the church had heavy connections to the Roman Empire. Later the deals would be with the European kingdoms. So most of the older established denominations retain St. Augustine's doctrine of Amillennialism. They join him in saying that the Church has replaced Israel. This is theological anti-Semitism pure and simple. To their way of thinking there will be no future Millennium of Messiah. They affirm that the church fulfils the Millennium and embodies all of the authority of Christ on this earth. As they see it the Church is the Kingdom of Christ and it exixts now. They deny the coming Messianic rule of 1,000 years. They know that the kings would not want to hear about this and they ,of course, are subject to the whims of the king. Repeated references to the Millennium in Revelation chapter 20 are allegorized or 'vaporised' away as being a reference to the 'church age'. The European national rulers wouldn't have their Christian subjects understand it any other way. This doctrine of Amillennialism, established by Origen and Augustine in the 3rd and 4th centuries respectively, is still the prevailing view in the older churches and denominations. The Reformation did very little to change this.
This, dear friends, is why Anti-Semitism is not just a racial poison limited to ultra-nationalists and street thugs like the German SA in the 1930's for example. Anti-Semitism is much broader than that. At its root it is a deep spiritual sickness that afflicts most of unsaved unregenerated mankind. It is also a religious gargoyle established inside the walls of the compromised western church. The seminaries and Bible Schools bear a huge responsibility here. They continue to show an ongoing studious neglect of future Bible prophecy and the certain coming of Messiah. The scriptures in Revelation 20 and in a huge body of Old Testament prophetic poetry speak of that glorious future age when Messiah will come. He will sit and rule from Throne of David at Jerusalem. He will bring restoration at last to this abused and groaning created order. - Rom.8:22
In our search for the origin of Antisemitism we must take a quick look at international affairs related to the nation of Israel. In the realm of religion and politics it is interesting to note that most European and English churchmen have taken up pro-Palestinian stance and are anti-Israel. This is very curious. Why should this be? Israel is the key stabilizing democracy in the Middle East. Her people are law abiding, responsible and productive members of society. Jews for the most part are not terrorists. Many so-called 'Palestinians' are. (Palestine, (named for the Philistines) is the name the Romans gave the land of Israel after they had driven out the Jews. They named Israel 'Palestine' for the Philistines, Israel's worst enemies. Palestinians are in fact nurtured as terrorists. They are not accepted by fellow Arab nations. Yasser Arafat was not a 'Palestinian'. He was an Egyptian. Palestine was never a sovereign state in its own right. Palestine never had kings or rulers or a sovereign city-state with laws and a currency. Yet "Palestinians" are widely given a legitimacy not extended to Israel's leaders. Leaders like Yasser Arafat, a terrorist, is wined and dined and lauded by world leaders. Yet Israel is the nation that almost without exception gets the resounding international rebuke even as this bombing campaign continues. Israel is outnumbered, surrounded, and unpopular in the U.N. She is struggling for her very survival against a hostile world. Clearly there is some Antisemitism going on here.
IS ALSO LINKED TO THIS WORLDS REJECTION OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL.Here is an interesting question. Why is the established European church not supporting Israel? We know from scripture that Israel will repent and come to spiritual and national salvation at the very end of this age. - Zechariah 12:7-13:1 So they will be joining the church at the climax of this age. Why are we not glad to hear that? Why do we not respect Gods other agenda to establish His righteous rule on earth from the Holy City of Jerusalem? There must be a deeper reason for this animosity than what we have been told.
The House of Judah re-emerged as the nation of Israel in 1948 after 2,000 years of dispersion. This showed the angelic powers and the watching world that the God of Judah is alive and well. He is setting forth His plans not only for the redemption of this world but for the restoration of Israel, the Throne of David, and the Land of Israel as well. Why is much of the Christian Church not pleased to hear of this?
In response to the emergence of Israel in 1948 we see Antisemitism on an international scale. We see fear and loathing towards the Jewish nation exhibited by most member nations of of the U.N. 75% of all sanctions by the United Nations are aimed right at little Israel, a nation of just four million people. Gentile nations with populations in the hundreds of millions are trying to shut down the little nation of Israel with a population of just 4 million people.
Why?Why does Israel get the rap? Why is she a threat to the powers of this world? And how, pray tell, does a little tiny non-aggressive nation over there in the middle east today threaten the powers of this world? The answer lies in the One she has birthed. The nation of Israel represents and stands as a living testimony to Jesus Christ who is the Son of David. From out of Jerusalem will come the Throne of David from which our Messiah will rule. And that is why the 'Palestinians' and the international powers of this world would very much like to get their hands on Jerusalem. The ruling spirits that are driving the nations want to prevent His rule by any means they can.
Here is the central thesis of this article. The anti-Semitism against the Jewish people, (the House of Judah), and against the modern nation of Israel today, along with the animosity against those evangelicals who know and look for a coming Son of David are interconnected. Jews and evangelicals are both opposed by the same big scheme of darkness. This is the 'mystery of iniquity',(or mystery of lawlessness). - 2Thes.2:7 It is an antichrist spirit showing an open hostility against all that represents God's righteous rule. At its core is a hatred of the Throne of David and a desire to possess and ravage the Holy City of Jerusalem.
GOD'S SON, IS THE ESSENTIAL ORIGIN OF ANTISEMITISM.Here is some further insight on this subject. Our coming Messiah has two authorities or offices. He is priest and king after the Order of Melchizedek. - Ps.110:4 Messiah is King of Salem (Peace). And He is also Priest of God Most High. - Gen.14:18 Most Christians relate to His priestly authority in a religious sense quite agreeably. They like His free gift of salvation. But they do not like His other office. They do not like the idea of His rule as king. They do not like His rule in their hearts. Antinomianism and lawlessness is rife in the western church right now. And it is getting worse. Many nominal Christians do not take kindly to the idea of the righteous rule of Messiah upon this planet in the future. Most are Amillennialists.
So are Christians still potentially dangerous as Antisemites? Regrettably, if we look at the Christian theology around today, the answer is "yes". Most Christians from the older denominations and still adher to an Augustinian, Neo-Platonic "replacement theology".
This is a wicked doctrine. It affirms that Israel is 'kaput' and has been replaced by 'the Church'. Even dispensationalists have alienated the Jews locking up the "Age of Grace" and deporting the Holy Spirit for the last seven years of the age. They have themselves being comfortably raptured out. Their scheme of things has the Christian Church being glorified seven years before the end of the age. In their unscriptural scheme of things these dispensationalists have the Jews "left behind" to face the coming Great Tribulation. Then they proceed to shunt off our Jewish brethren into some separate less than glorified destiny as mere earthly creatures of the Millennium. This is quite sad to have to recount.
A more scriptural eschatology sees the Church and the Jewish nation coming into refinenent together in the crucible of the end-time. The scriptures only speak of one elect, not two. A single elect and chosen people is then resurrected and raptured together at the end of the age in a Post-Tribulation Resurrection-Rapture. No anti-semitism here. Regretably such Post-Trib Pre-Millennialist evangelicals only make up about 3-4 % of evangelicals.
We must be realistic here. The veneer of civility between the Church and Jews is thin and artificial. Antisemitism can, and has historically, come from some of the least likely places. Here is a case in point. Christian Germany in the 1930's had the most well assimilated Jewish community in Europe. Germany was half Lutheran and half Roman Catholic. These were civilized law abiding people. Most of them were patriotic citizens who championed 'Christian values'. They stood against the moral backsliding and the godless communism of their day.
During the 1930's the economy was starting to move ahead. Germany was proud, patriotic, and in economic expansion. Yet look at what happened there. The nationalism got out of hand. Germany began to become a nation that raged. Most, not all, German Christians were duped by the twisted cross of the swastika. Like good patriotic citizens they even allowed it to be brought into their churches. They put themselves under the spiritual authority of a fascist dictator. While Hitler presented himself as a champion of "Christian values" he was also raging against the Jews. Many have asked this question. Could this sort of anti-Semitic nationalism arise again? Could the same ant-Semitism seen in Germany and in Vichy France happen here in America? Pray God that such a thing would never happen.
Anti-Semites are ignorant people for the most part. Even among Christians many people harbor a notion that Messiah could come in as some sort of a legalistic tyrant. They do not know, (or perhaps they do), that God carries out perfect justice. They do not seem to know that He establishes His righteous rule within receptive human hearts and that He comes in by invitation only. He is not the tyrant the nations make Him out to be. The indwelling Christ rules in the bonds of love.
This is an important point. The divine romance in the Song of Solomon shows us a picture of the Messiah as the Beloved. There we se Him wooing His Bride to be. This speaks of a deep relationship with God in a devotion that many Christians have not yet experienced. They have not entered into this personal relationship with Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach. So they misunderstand Him. And they fear Him. They only know Him as "the Judge". They do not know Him as Savior and Friend.
God's righteous rule comes with His law this is true. But for those who know Him personally this is not a grievous thing. In Christ there is no theological dichotomy between 'law' and 'grace'. Our Savior fulfilled them both at the cross. We are saved by grace through faith. Now our coming Messiah is in blood covenant relationship with us. His law is being written in our hearts. By His grace and with the empowerment of the indwelling Christ we are progressively changed from the inside out.
Suddenly we find ourselves in a serendipity. We discover that we delight to do His will. We do not follow Him just out of a sense of duty or obligation. We have entered into a new level of relationship, a new reality has dawned. We respond to His leading and follow Him and obey Him, not because we have to, but because we love Him.
Before the Gospel comes to a man he is ignorant of all this. It seems so strange and improbable to him. But he has just not experienced the gracious and peaceful rule of the indwelling Christ. Nor has he known the gentle guidance and the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
The gentiles, or nations, are people whose hearts are still uncircumcised. They are still outside of the Eternal Covenant. - Eph.2:12-13 They are ignorant of the things we have been discussing. Not unexpectedly many of them find themselves joining their peers and raging against Jews and against evangelical Christians. So these people become tools in the hands of wicked spiritual rulers who are against the coming of Messiah. - Ps.2
This rebellion against the Throne of David is the origin of all antisemitism. When the rabble rises up in a wave of outrages against the Jewish people of the land the princes and rulers often have no other choice but to stand aside or to go along with the raging Antisemitic crowds. This happened in Jerualem in 70 A.D. General Titus attempted to fight back his own men who were trying to set fire to the Jewish Temple. He was unsuccessful. The mob went crazy. The beautiful temple was soon set ablaze to the joy of the wicked frenzied godless anti-Semitic crowd.
The same applies to hired churchmen. Historically they have done very little to stop outbreaks of anti-Semitism. They are paid a generous stipend by the kings and rulers. They act as overseers and help keep the people in line with the princes. So the religious authorities are obliged to follow whatever state political sentiment is abroad at that particular time. So if it happens to be an outbreak of Antisemitism then the churchmen tend not to interfere. Men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and others were notable and rare exceptions Historically, and to our shame, Christian religious rulers, including Popes and Protestant clergy tend to provide very little restraining force against Antisemitism. All too often they have been molded like clay by peer pressure and gone with the political flow of the day.
King David was well aware of this anger and rebellion against his throne, the throne of the coming Son of David. He knew all about this international humanist plot to rebel against God's Messiah and His people. This is prophesied to come to a climax at the end of this age. That is why David wrote the song about this endtime conspiracy and apostasy. The song is in Psalm 2. It is a word to the wise. It is also a warning to the not so wise.
As we see in Psalm 2 it will be an awful thing to be found with anti-Semitism in one's heart when our Jewish Messiah returns. He will come to sit upon the Throne of David ruling from Jerusalem. May God grant that each one of us finds their peace and shalom in Him. Because our Lord Jesus is the coming Prince of Peace.
He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. (Rev.5:5) And He will be there at the center of world history when this age comes to its appointed climax.The Lord also will roar from Zion,
And utter His voice from Jerusalem;
The heavens and earth will shake;
But the Lord will be a shelter for His people,
And the strength of the children of Israel. Joel 3:16 NKJVGrace and peace to all who love His appearing,
Some more devotional articles on apocalyptic Biblical themes for the enquiring Christian.