Ancient Damascus
Damascus in the time of Abraham, 2000 B.C.
Essay by Dr. Gavin Finley
Ancient Damascus Damascus today Isaiah's Prophecy
of the Destruction
CONNECTING THE EMPIRES OF MESOPOTAMIA WITH EGYPTThe city of Damascus in southwest Syria is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is mentioned by Moses in the Book of Genesis in association with the campaign by Abraham to rescue Lot and recover his goods. (Gen.14:15)
Ancient Damascus was a key way station on the trade routes linking the cradle of civilization in the fertile crescent with Egypt. The caravans would pass through Damascus on their way from Assyrian, Babylonian, or Persian Empires of the Euphrates Valley on their way southwards into Egypt. Later the city of Damascus would be an important waypoint connecting the northern and western civilizations with Mecca and the Islamic kingdoms of north Africa.
From the map above the noteworthy observation is just how close Damascus is to the borders of Israel and Jerusalem. The city is strategically placed as a close launch position for modern short range surface missiles. These could very easily reach into Israel.
CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE BORDERS OF ISRAELThe Katusha rockets of days gone by have been small, primitive, and inaccurate. But newer larger more accurate rockets, like the 26 Iskander SS-26 surface missiles recently sold to Syria by the Russians, are an entirely different proposition. These deadly accurate missiles can be set to deliver a 1,000 lb. warhead within 20 meters of the targeted GPS co-ordinates that have been dialed in. Israel has no way to intercept these fast flying, accurate, and highly destructive missiles. This is a very very worrisome development. Israel will simply not allow herself to be threatened in this way. The missiles were due to arrive in Syria during the first quarter of 2006.
Could this be the precipitating scenario that ends up causing the destruction of Damascus?