Why are many Christians
turning against Israel?
By Gavin Finley MD
In recent times many evangelical Christians are turning against Israel. They are pointing fingers at national Israel and the Jewish house. They are presuming to stand in judgment against them. Many Christians of late seem to get some satisfaction in "just saying" that the Jewish people are entangled with wickedness and that they are for the most part in the Synagogue of Satan. They go on to say that the Jews are the main players behind the many sinister financial goings on at high levels and are key puppet masters behind the New World Order. This short treatise is intended to show that this is not only untrue but wrongheaded and hypocritical on our part. As Christians in the nations of the West we are as much a party to these sinister goings on as they are, and in the hidden halls of world politics even more-so.So let's look in the mirror here. What do we see? We in Western Christendom are partially blind to our citizenship in Israel. We read Ephesians 2:12-13 but we are nor "seeing" what God is telling us. We are eager to point out that our Jewish counterparts are blind to their Messiah. But we cannot see that through the blood of Messiah we are in the Commonwealth or Citizenship of Israel. So we are partially blind as well. As a result of our collusion with the princes of this world we ourselves are seriously compromised. We also cannot see that through the Seed of Abraham, the indwelling Christ, we have our identity in Israel. See Galatians 3:29.
Are there consequences to this partial blindness. Yes. We as Christians in the West are now finding out that we are under the thumb of wicked men. So while we point fingers at national Israel we ourselves in Western Christendom are in the snake pit ourselves. And even in evangelical circles we now discover that at high church levels we in the nations of Western Christendom are under the Jesuits and more involved in the conspiracy of the Luciferian Illuminati than we know.
So we need to rethink our judgmental "holier than thou" attitude to our yet to be saved Jewish brethren. There is no basis for us as Christians to turn against Israel or make accusations against them. The enemies of the Jews are our enemies too. We must never give any encouragement at all to Antisemites in their conspiracy against Israel or their hatred of Jews. The powers of darkness pull the strings of their human charges. They are desperate to shut down the story of the returning Messiah.
The latter day raging against Messiah and against Israel is spoken of in Psalm 2. It will come to fever pitch in times to come. We are not to be a party to any of this. If it is a campaign of hatred against Jews we should have no part in it. And we need to remember this. The conspiracy is not just against Jews and Israel. It also against us as Christians well. Both Jews and Christians bear witness to the coming Messiah. The New World Oder wants that truth to "go away". So they want us as well as our Jewish brethren to also "go away". We need to keep that firmly in mind. We are to distance ourselves from any semblance of that heinous spirit of Antisemitism. And why is that? Because at its root Antisemitism is really “anti-Throne of David” and Anti-Christ.
If we look at Ezekiel's vision of the Valley of Dry bones in Ezekiel 37 we see that the restoration of Israel did not get wrapped up in 1948. It is not a done deal. not by a long shot. Rather it is sequential and in a process that will go on to finish up at the end of this present evil age. The Restoration of Israel comes in stages. And those early movements may not be too pretty. So let us hold judgment until God completed His work.
THE BREATH OF LIFE ONLY COMES AT THE VERY END. SO WE MUST BE PATIENT.The dry bones of Israel have lain in the Valley of decision for a long time. It has been millennia. The early national politics began to stir in the 19th Century. And in the turmoil of World War 1 with the rattling sound of machine guns the bones of Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel begin to come together. The Balfour declaration of 1917 gave hope for an open door to Zion, the promised homeland for the Jews. Then after World War 2 and the holocaust the return resumed in earnest. The sinews and political muscle came into action with the Haganah and the Irgun. Finally in 1948 the skin came on to establish the national sovereignty of the nation that called itself “Israel”.
Yes, in 1948 Israel was beginning to regather as a nation, but just in part. They came in under the Jewish house of Judah. This was the royal tribe, the tribe that held the scepter. Inside Judah was the House of David, and therefore the sovereignty of Israel. Out of the House of David had come our Messiah, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. These were the people now leading the way to the regathering in the land.
What about the other tribes? Were they in on this big Aliyah gathering after World War 2? No they were not. At least they were not inside the nation that was politically gathering to nationhood at the time. The lost tribes had lost their sovereignty in Israel a long way back. In 922 B.C. the Northern ten tribes has cursed the House of David and then walked out. It was strangely a case of tax relief. This was the great divorce of Israel and after that we saw two kingdoms. That terrible Breach of Jeroboam came after the death of Solomon. The ten northern tribes went into deep idolatry. Then they went into captivity under the Assyrians in 722 B.C.. They never did return to the land in sovereign numbers. How could they? Under the Old Covenant they were done. Hosea stated the fact of the matter. God had divorced them. They were, “Not my people”. There was also “No Mercy”.
So the other tribes were not there in 1948 to join in and to be a part of Israel’s re-establishment in the land. But evangelicals applauded the event. They saw this as the beginning of the fulfillment of the restoration of all Israel they read about in the pages of Bible prophecy. So it was left to Judah and the Jewish house to do the initial work of restoration. They were still not saved. But nevertheless, the Jewish house planted the scepter and the standard for all Israel there in the Middle East in the land of Israel. This is an interesting fact and probably part of the reason for the continuing jealousy. The Jewish tribe of Judah with perhaps elements of Levi came into the Land in the name of all Israel and on behalf of all Israel. But they were not the "all Israel" spoken of by Paul in Romans 11, the "all Israel" that will be gloriously reunited at the end of the age.
It was a glorious day. President Truman supported the new state of Israel wholeheartedly as did Russia. The Soviets thought that the communal kibbutz’s were communist. They thought that Israel would be a socialist state or communist like them. But they were wrong. Truman was a bit surprised that they chose to name the new nation Israel. He thought they would name it Judah. The man may have been a Freemason. But he was a Baptist and knew his Old Testament.
The nation of Israel has seen many crises since then. Why is there an occult symbol, a hex, no less, on their flag instead of the menorah? The 6 day war in 1967 saw Israel take the Sinai. The Israeli Army crossed the Suez Canal. Why? And why was the American spy ship US Liberty sitting just offshore in international waters spying on events? And why was the ship attacked by Israel? Oh yes, as we shall discover, there is plenty of wicked undercover dealings going on here, in the US. We point our finger at Israel and look. There are three fingers pointing back at us. Before we presume to take the speck out of the Israeli or Jewish eye we should take the tree trunk out of our eye. So we can and we should forget about sitting in Judgment of Israel and the Jewish house. Here is just one of many stories we could tell.
The 60’s were fearful times. There was the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. And during the 1967 war the world AS in the depths of the Cold War. When the war broke out Egypt under Nasser was tilting towards Russia. The U.S. and the West was deathly afraid the Russians would side with Egypt and come down into the Med and with their Egyptian buddy take over control of the Suez Canal. They were bound and determined to see that by hook or by crook this did not happen.
AND THE UNSAVORY DEEDS OUR GOVERNMENTS DO IN WESTERN CHRISTENDOM.So during the 6 days war a strange event happened. The USS Liberty was a spy ship plying along the coast and listening to radio transmissions. The ship was in international waters and openly flying the U.S. flag. It was attacked and seriously damaged with great loss of life. The attacks were carried out by unmarked planes. This was a plot by both the U.S. and Israel for Israeli planes and torpedo boats to attack and sink the American spy ship. Why? What skulduggery prompted them to even consider such a dastardly deed?
Both of the U.S. and Israel were very fearful of the Russian threat. Between the U.S. and Israel they had a tacit agreement. Israel was to sink The U.S.S. Liberty. The media lapdogs would then be instructed to place the blame on Egypt. It was to be another one of those false flag operations. Apparently the scheme was to provide a pretext to nuke Cairo or at least giving the Russians the belief that they would do so if Russia came into the war on the side of Egypt. If the tide turned against Israel that attack or the threat of that attack would hopefully put a stop to any thought the Russians might have of any dalliance in the region. It would send a message to Russia that the U.S. and the West were prepared to play hardball if they were pushed to it.
The angel Michael is usually wonderfully supportive of the Israelis as they fight off their many enemies. But on this occasion he was NOT with the Israelis. The Israeli planes and torpedo boats made several attacks on the U.S.S Liberty. Mirage fighters strafed the ship and dropped napalm on the decks. There were several attacks by torpedo boats. The Israelis seemed to be less than full-on in their attack. The Israeli pilots and torpedo boat captains kept questioning their superiors about the orders saying they clearly saw the American flag flying on the mast of the ship. They put a torpedo right through the ship. But Michael was also on the side of the US as much as he was on the side of Israel. And so the ship, even though badly damaged, did not sink. The attacks failed to sink her. President Johnson was furious. He got on the phone and said, “I want that G-- D--- ship sunk!”
So as we see, who are we in Western Christendom to turn against Israel and accuse national Israel of sinister acts of intrigue and dirty dealing? Who are we to point the finger and declare that political Zionism is shot through with occult wickedness? Are we, Christian people in the Western nations lily white? Is the pot calling the kettle black here?
The Yom Kippur war in 1973 was a close call. The combined Arab armies attacked on Israel’s high holy day, Yom Kippur. The Israelis were nearly overrun in the Valley of Tears up at the Golan Heights.
Israel is always in a state of crisis. She is hated by the nations and conspired against by their sometimes friends, the U.S led by Jesuit dominated opportunistic latter day Crusaders of Western Christendom. Yes, political Zionism and the shameful things done by the Mossad in secret may be nasty. But as we see in the Zechariah 12 prophecy, the true Spiritual Zionism and the revival that saves our Jewish friends spiritually as well as militarily comes at the end of the age, even as Jerusalem is surrounded by armies.
So at the present time Israel is carnal, divided and feuding, and in a bit of a mess. The full restoration of Israel and all 12 tribes is far from complete. The nation of Israel as we see it today involves mainly the royal Jewish house, (still in unbelief), the Holy City of Jerusalem, and the Land promised by God to the Children of Abraham. We had better not mess with any of these! Saved or not, they are still God's holy people! Nor should we plot to divide God’s Holy Land or God’s Holy City! We should give no appearance of any support to the conspiring raging heathen nations. We know full well that these people will come against God’s Holy City and God’s Holy people in the latter days.
We need to think on this. In times to come the Jews and the Christians will be persecuted together. Those camp meetings will straighten a lot of things out between us! The Jewish house and the other house may still be embroiled in a blood feud going back to the Breach of Jeroboam. But we had better not join the heathen as they mess with either them or us! If we do we shall be in a world of trouble with the God of Israel!
Yes, at the present time political Zion is without the Spirit of God. The Breath of Life has not yet come. So what gives us the right to judge them before the time of their salvation and deliverance? We must wait to the climax of the age to see this glorious restoration completed and the man-child born. This is no time for Christians to turn against Israel. We must be patient while the bones, sinews and skin are all coming together. We can expect that even in the people of destiny profane politics will prevail until the consummation. Israel will do things that are worldly, carnal, violent, treacherous, and less than spiritual. We can expect Israel’s Mossad secret service to do things in the flesh just like we see our CIA to do unsavory things. Let us not lose sight of this fact. Right now both companies are in an unholy on and off alliance. And Joseph is a slave servant in the house of Potiphar. Both companies are entangled in the realms of darkness.
THAT SITUATION ALSO APPLIES TO US IN CHRISTENDOM AS WELL.Remember Jacob’s wrestling with the Angel? Whether it is Jacob in the Jewish house or Jacob in the Christian house he is still wrestling with the Angel of the Lord, even our Lord Jesus Christ. And there is a dark night of the soul soon to come in which that wrestling will increase greatly and finally come to a climax. After that wrestling in the Great Tribulation is over a new day will dawn. Jacob will have undergone an amazing character change. No longer will he be Jacob, the trickster, Jacob the heel-grasper, Jacob the supplanter. Instead he will be Israel, a prince with God, one who has wrestled with God and overcome.
We in Christendom are Jacob too. (This is another story). And recent history bears out that we in the U.S. are in cahoots with national Israel in deeper ways than we know. The USS Liberty story is just one case in point. We in Christendom, Ephraim if you will, are deep into the Illuminati. Both us in Christendom and our friends in the Jewish house are pretty sneaky and seamy. Both Mossad and our CIA carry out targeted assassinations. We do ungodly things in our attempt to possess the gates of our enemies. Both houses conduct their national and international business in dark and sinister ways. And they will continue to pull off their shenanigans until they meet Joseph. Jacob will have to face up to that business with Joseph and Benjamin and the cup. That matter will finally be settled when Judah make his confession and declares his commitment at that time. Again, this is another story for another time.
The bottom line is this. Israel right now, that is, the Israel we see in the Jewish house and the Israel still hidden in the mystery, are BOTH just as tricky as Jacob was in the former times. Jacob is a shyster. Not until he abhors himself and repents of his self-will and his conniving ways will this end. Christians as well as Jews will be repenting big time in the latter days. Not until latter day Jacob finishes his wrestling with the Angel of God will national Israel, all 12 tribes, be truly saved and restored.
Oh yes. The Breath of God will blow in the Valley of Dry bones. The End-Time Revival that Joel saw in Joel 2:28,29,30,31,32 will surely come. At the end of the age the whole House of Israel will revive and stand on their feet. And The Jewish house will look on Him whom they have pierced and mourn for Him as for their Firstborn. And lost Israel along with all their friends drawn from the heathen gentiles out at the ends of the earth will come home to the nation of Israel, the nation to which they belong. Only then will the true Spiritual Zion of God be completed and perfected. The blood feud will end. There will not be a persisting dispensational divide. We shall not see a royal nation (Israel) and a holy priesthood (Church) trucking on into eternity in the divided state we see today. Rather, the Holy Spirit specifically states that the restoration will come in as that unified cross-linked royal priesthood and holy nation that Moses and Peter both spoke about.And how will that end-time triumph come? It will not be by politics nor by military power. Daniel in Daniel 12 was told by the angel Gabriel that during the last 3.5 Biblical years the power of the holy people will be completely shattered. There will be no hope in chariots and horsemen, nor aircraft carriers planes, tanks, or Apache attack helicopters. Political Zionism whether it is energized by Jewish nationalism or by that sinister Jesuit instigated Crusading Zionism will come to the end of their strength. It will be a bust. The armies gathering in the Valley of Jezreel, Christian or otherwise, will be sown into the ground. That is what the word Jezreel means, “God sows”.
So the victory at the end will finally come. But it will not come in by force of arms. God will share His glory with no-one. The victory will come in precisely the way Zechariah said it would come.
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord."