Now we come to the two scripture verses which form the crux of this article. It concerns the flight of the woman and the time period in which she is fed or nurtured. She will almost certainly be flying off to some remote place. It must be well separated and isolated from the main flows of international politics. In this place this woman of mystery is "fed" or "nurtured". We must assume this is nurturing in a spiritual as well as a physical sense.
Revelation 12 - The flight of the woman; narrated by
Alexander Scourby. Then Psalm 91 - music from
'I am' vol 1 "Maranatha Music", Audio cassette 1984.
The Apostle John in the Book of Revelation tells us that in the latter days God's covenant people, the woman of Revelation 12, will be given the wings of a great eagle and she will fly off to a place of exile for three and a half years.
Here is our scripture passage.
REVELATION 121. Now a great sign appeared in heaven:
a woman clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet,
and on her head a garland of twelve stars.2. Then being with child, she cried out in labor
and in pain to give birth.3. And another sign appeared in heaven:
behold, a great, fiery red dragon
having seven heads and ten horns,
and seven diadems on his heads.4. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born.
5. She bore a male Child
who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.
And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.
6. Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God,The very same message is restated 8 verses later.
that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
14. But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle,
that she might fly into the wilderness to her place,
where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time,
from the presence of the serpent.
Art by Pat Marvenko Smith. Click the image to go to her gallery.15. So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman,
that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.
16. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth
and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
17. And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
So here we have the great end time drama.
An epic persecution is being instigated by Satan.
'The woman' we see showcased throughout Holy Scripture,
Are the covenant people of the God of Israel.
They are entering into the Great Tribulation.
But wonder of wonders! What do we see?
The Woman is given the wings of a great eagle.
And she is flying away to "her place".
Where is she going?
And just what is going on here?
Micah 2 King James Version
12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee;
I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;
I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah,
As the flock in the midst of their fold:
they shall make great noise
by reason of the multitude of men.
Isaiah 48:10The word "remnant" is a very helpful key here. It relates to God's Elect at the end of the age. A quick word search through the scriptures will soon make this clear. A remnant shall return" Isaiah says. (Isa.10:21,&22) In Micah 5 we see God has given His people Israel up; that is until an event of great significance. What is it? And does it relate to the flight of the woman we see in Revelation 12? It most definitely does.
"Behold I have refined thee, but not with silver;
I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction."
We serve a God who loves His covenant people. He has never abandoned nor forsaken them.
The sins of the prodigals may have carried them far away. But even in their wanderings they have always been close to the Father's heart.
At the very beginning, even as the children of Israel were about to be come a nation God carried them.
He bore them
'on wings of eagles' across the Red Sea in a great deliverance.
God declares His faithfulness in bearing and carrying His covenant people. As He carried them from their conception He will continue to do this until the nation is old. He will carry them right through to the consummation at the end of the age. This is a wonderful promise that will involve untold hundreds of millions of Y'hovah's faithful Elect in the latter days.
Isaiah 46:3-4 (GWF paraphrase)
3 Listen to me, O House of Jacob,
And all the remnant of the House of Israel,
Who have been carried by me from the belly,
Whom I carried from the womb.4 Until you grow old I AM the One.
And until you turn gray I will carry you.
I have done this from your beginning,
and I will continue to bear you until the end;
I will rescue you, and carry you to safety.
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'the rest of the story'. ....................... Art used by permission of Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992. Visit her 'Revelation Illustrated' website. |
The travail of 'the woman' was seen by John.
The prophet Micah also speaks of a great travail.
Micah 5:3 gives specific mention of the 'travail' of the woman.
Micah 5:3This the travail clearly must precede and lead on to the deliverance and the glorification of the Man Child.
"Therefore He will give them up,
until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth.
Then the remnant of His brethren shall return unto the children of Israel."
In this same passage Micah tells the story of the casting away of Israel.
He also saw the travail of 'the woman' of Israel in the latter days.
Then he saw the climactic deliverance of the woman as the Man-child is born.
With this final magnificent restoration of all Israel a remnant returns.
Micah 5:3So it will be a remnant that will return. (Isa. 10:21-22)
"Therefore He will give them up,
until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth.
Then the remnant of His brethren shall return unto the children of Israel."
Jacob is a name for God's called out people. The Bible uses 'Jacob' in devotional and prophetic sense. This name is a handle for God's Covenant Congregation in their unrefined condition. In Bible symbology "Jacob" is the name they go by in their early pilgrimage. But at the end of their sojournings the company of 'Jacob'(trickster, supplanter, heel), has truly become "Israel", (prince with God).
How about 'the woman'?
Is 'the woman' another Bible name for the covenant people of God?
It certainly is!
In Genesis 3:15 we see reference to 'the woman' as the bearer of the Seed. The Seed of 'the woman' is the coming Messiah. And it is the Seed of the woman who will crush the head of the Serpent.
The Seed of the woman is certainly Jesus Christ, the Head.
Jesus Christ is also the Seed of Abraham.
The Seed of the Woman, the Seed of Abraham, relates to Christ our Head.
Does the Seed of the Woman, Seed of Abraham, have anything to do with us in the Body of Christ?
It certainly does. Our Apostle Paul tells us,
Galatians 3:29"The promise" refers to the promise of the Land of Israel.
"If you are in Christ then you too are Abraham's Seed
and heirs according to the promise (given to Abraham)."
So here in Revelation 12 we see the Woman, her Seed, and the dragon once again. The drama between the woman and the serpent we saw back in the Garden of Eden. It has now come full circle. 'The woman' of destiny is now in the end time. She is in travail and in great tribulation.
The Woman of wonder we see in Revelation 12 must be restored Israel. Because she has a diadem, a crown of 12 stars. When John saw her she was in great travail. And yet she is dazzling, clothed with the sun in the brightness of her Heavenly Father. The moon and her own reflected light are no longer dominant. The moon is beneath her feet.
In the Song of Songs we get another glimpse of this woman of great wonder. It is the grand conclusion of the story and the end of the song. The daughters of Jerusalem, in all their worldliness, can only gaze on her with wonder. They ask,
10. "Who is she who arises as the dawn, from the womb of the morning,
fair and beautiful as the moon,
clear and bright, dazzling as the sun,
as awesome and as terrible as an army with banners!?"
We know from the context of the Bozrah scriptures in Micah and in Isaiah 63 that Bozrah is a place of exile for God's people in the latter days. It is also a place of an awesome climactic deliverance at the end of the age. Because Messiah returns in wrath to Bozrah. He is coming to destroy the wicked. And he is returning to break out His people from some sort of enclosure at Bozrah. It will be at Bozrah that Messiah will come to rescue His saints, described as the sheep of Bozrah, at the magnificent 'Bozrah Deliverance'. Here is our scripture from Mic. 12:12-13.
Micah 2 King James VersionHere in Micah 2:12 God's people 'Jacob' are being gathered.
12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee;
I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;
I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah,
As the flock in the midst of their fold:
they shall make great noise
by reason of the multitude of men.
So much for the gathering.
What happens at the end of the Bozrah story?
The answer is awesome beyond words to tell.
We see Messiah coming to His fold in the early dawn.
He is a fearsome Presence as He strides in.
As the Shepherd of Israel He is right in among His people.
He comes to make a Way through the wall of the sheepfold.
His sheep are pressing in around Him with great pressure.
But He is 'The Breaker'. And as the dawn breaks the breakthrough comes.
The Shepherd of Israel becomes the Door of the sheepfold.
And then He is leading His sheep out to pasture.
13. The Breaker is come up before them:God expects us to study the Holy Scriptures and connect the dots. (2Tim.2:15 & 3:16) The deliverance of the remnant of God's people out at Bozrah presupposes an exile in Bozrah. And the Revelation 12 scripture prophesies a flight to a place of safety for God's people at the end of the age. So are Revelation 12 and the flight and exile of the woman and the gathering of God's people at Bozrah connected? I believe that we are bound to say that they are connected. They are two perspectives of the same end time story. God is taking care of His covenant people right up there at the end of the age.
they have broken up,
and have passed through the gate,
and are gone out by it:
and their king shall pass before them,
and the LORD on the head of them.
- Mic. 2:12-13 KJV
So here our Apostle John is bringing us "the rest of the story". Here we have a wonderful promise showing God's great mercy and deliverance. The flight of the woman of Revelation 12 completes the story of the end time exile at Bozrah. Because Bozrah is surely the destination of the woman of destiny in this epic saga prophesied for the end of this age.
The time period during which the woman is nurtured is given in two ways. In Revelation 12:6 we are told that the covenant people of God are fed or nurtured for 1260 days. In Revelation 12:14 we get the very same information. But here in this verse the message is restated in terms of different time units. The time period for the exile of the woman is given in verse 14 as a "time, times, and half a time", or a period of three and a half Biblical years.
The flight and exile of the woman is a scriptural bonanza. It gives us a veritable "Rosetta stone" for prophetic time. Because the Ancient of Days dispenses it to us from the courts of heaven in two separate ways. The time is dispensed to us in two time units, those being days and biblical years. This is a clincher for Bible prophecy students. A Biblical year is 360 days, period! There is no question about it.
Here is our math. 1260 divided by 3.5 = 360. So the number of days in a biblical or prophetic year is 360 days. This is in harmony with the Biblical time or holy time we see dispensed to us throughout the Holy Scriptures.
The flight and exile of the woman John has given to us in these two verses tells us something else as well. The flight and exile of the woman is also the time period of the latter half of the 70th Week of Daniel.
God's covenant people in the end-time drama are showcased in scripture
in several ways.
Moses prophesied that God's people would eventually get themselves into some serious trouble.
He specifically stated that they would be
in tribulation in the latter days.
Jesus described His people as 'the Elect'.
And He told of a Great Tribulation in the
Olivet Discourse.
We also see God's covenant people pictured as
'the woman' in Revelation 12.
They the people of faith, the Congregation of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
They are called 'Jacob' in Micah 2:12-13.
Here in Micah we see them gathered in exile.
Micah identifies and characterizes them here "as the sheep of Bozrah". (Mic. 12:12-13)
Why are God's remnant Elect being gathered together by God in a place of exile?
What is going on here? And why did this happen?
The Apostle John does not tell us the reason the woman is compromised and in this great danger. But other scriptures do. It seems that here will be a "great falling away" from the faith or an 'apostasy' at the end of this age. (2Thes.2:3) It will involve the 7 year covenant of Daniel 9:27, probably the most important prophetic scripture of all. Jesus Himself said that He came in His Father's Name. But His covenant people would reject Him and choose someone else who came in his own name, a Luciferian selfist, a false messiah. (John 5:43)
But John does give us valuable information. He tells us that the woman is taking flight to a place where she can be cared for. It is quite obviously a place of exile. He certainly does gives us some valuable details concerning that flight and that exile. He tells us that the woman is threatened by the Dragon, Satan or Lucifer. She is also in travail and about to complete the delivery of a man child. This is why she has to flee to a place of exile.
The 'woman' is given the wings of a great eagle. Apparently during the end time drama the covenant people of God will be given the means to flee to a place of safety. (Rev.12:6) This is almost certainly an airlift of epic, even biblical proportions. And the mention of a 'great eagle' gives us a clue as to which nation will be providing the airlift. There in that place of exile they will be protected and spiritually fed or nourished. (Rev.12:6 & 12:14) This exile lasts for a period of three and a half biblical years or 1260 days. (Rev.12:6 & 12:14) This is the very same time period of the Great Tribulation or 'Jacob's trouble'.
![]() Image from the TV series 'Beauty and the Beast'. ![]() ![]() |
Jeremiah 30'Jacob's trouble' is the Great Tribulation. (Dan.12:6-7)
7. "Alas, for that day is great, so that none is like it.
And it is the time of Jacob's trouble,
But he shall be saved out of it.
How did God's people get into this jam?
Apparently 'the woman' is as
Moses gave a
warning to God's people about this. (Deut. 4:23-31)
Moses prophesied in his final address to the covenant people of God
that this End-Time Apostasy would happen.
So did Jesus in
John 5:43
God's people have had a continuing pattern of aberrant behaviour.
In departing from their First Love and True Husband they seek protection and solace from their angst by taking
worldly lovers.
Here we see 'the woman', (Israel and the Church), in her final dalliance.
It will be her final and cataclysmic mistake.
She has made covenant with a
false messiah.
Now she is in a world of trouble.
But, all is not lost.
Something else of great wonder is happening.
And it is happening right inside the Tribulation period.
A great drama is unfolding during last half of the last seven years of this age.
The woman is being being threatened by the dragon who is empowering the Antichrist.
She is also in travail and in pain to be delivered.
But nevertheless, this is a magnificent prophecy.
Because the woman is wearing the
starry crown.
Let us pause to take in the big picture here.
The Head of the Manchild is most certainly our Lord Jesus Christ.
He is our sacred Head. And He has already been born.
He has already been resurrected to glory.
Jesus was the firstfruits from the dead. (1Cor. 15:20)
He rose from the dead and ascended to His Father nearly 2,000 years ago.
But there is more to this travail and delivery of the Manchild than we have been told.
The Body of the Manchild and the entire Body of Christ is in the story as well.
The Elect, the Body of Christ, will be born into the glory as well.
The Manchild is sacrificed in the drama of the 5th seal. (Rev.6:9-11)
Here the 'final witness' of the saints is brought before the courts of heaven.
And then their souls are seen in glory, even as the ashes beneath the altar in heaven.
John sees this great company gathering before the throne of God. (Rev. 12:5)
And God the Father, the Ancient of Days, is about to give the word to wrap things up. (Rev. 16:1)
When that 5th seal final witness of the saints is complete the 6th seal follows. (Rev.6:12-13)
The heavens open and the sign of the Son of Man is seen in heaven. (Mat.24:30)
The great harvest of the end time is about to be reaped. (Rev.14:14-20)
Meanwhile, the woman of Revelation 12 is in great travail as she is being delivered. (Rev.12:1-2)
She has been given the wings of a great eagle.
Can we guess which nation might be involved here?
She flees into the wilderness away from the face of the dragon. (Rev.12:6)
God, once again, is showing His great mercy in deliverance.
And a certain country is aiding her in her flight away from the face of the Dragon.
She is on her way. She is on her flight to a place of exile.
That place of gathering and exile is identified in Micah 2:12-13 with the name 'Bozrah'.
Bozrah means
'sheepfold'. And this is our first major clue.
In former times Bozrah was a pastoral city of Edom.
It belonged to the
children of Esau .
And that is our other clue.
Why have our Bible prophecy teachers done this switch from Biblical Bozrah to un-Biblical Petra? Why hide the solid Bozrah scriptures with a false and misleading fable about Petra? Will the saints of the Commonwealth of Israel, particularly women and children, really find shelter right inside the End-Time drama and right in the middle of an apocalyptic war zone that will encompass the entire Middle East? Can the hundreds of millions of saints in Greater Israel really expect to crowd into this small little waterless canyon and find refuge and expect to survive there throughout the entire 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation?
Here are the facts that hopefully will put this sham, this cover story to rest. Petra has never been able to house and accommodate more than 1,000 people. There is no water there and no sewage, - just empty caves and tombs of hard rock. Clearly Petra is not big enough to house and shelter nor supply food and other supplies for the huge numbers of people God will be sheltering in the latter days. And certainly not for three and a half years in a war zone with no good roads, no railway, and no airfields. Getting supplies into Petra under these circumstances would be difficult.
Petra is an unlikely, even impossible place, for an exile of the nation of Israel or even the small 5 million population from Judah and Jerusalem. The place is too small. And Petra certainly wouldn't accomodate a wider company of Christian and Messianic believers in an exile that numbers in the hundreds of millions. And if we are considering a refuge for Israel during the Armageddon siege then we need to be brought up to date. Yes, in ancient times Petra was a retreat for the Idumeans. The narrow passes were easily defended with swords and bows and arrows. But in these days of modern warfare the Israeli military would never allow their women and children to be led to an unsafe place like Petra in Jordan. In this day and age there is no shelter there. They would be far better off staying at home back in Israel in their underground bomb shelters. Petra would never qualify as a retreat in this day and age, except in the fevered imaginations of Bible prophecy story tellers and their unthinking audiences. Even getting a population of people out to Petra would expose them to great dangers on the way. Then to put a population of civilians in Petra at a dangerous location right inside a war zone would be sheer madness. It would seal their doom. Petra would be a deathtrap.
And why? Because one bomb down in that deep gorge would be the end of all the people in there. And with a chemical bomb the gas would just sit in the gorge and go nowhere. A gas attack would kill the whole population in that valley very quickly. And in the modern era of napalm bombs and fuel bombs a retreat to Petra would be utterly suicidal. The gorge would soon become a fiery furnace. The supposed "place of refuge" would soon become an oven full of charred corpses. No one would survive.
So what is going on here? Why was the Bozrah story we see clearly outlined in Isaiah 63 and Micah 2:12-13 being dumped? Why is the true and faithful Bozrah exile being "cloaked" by this hare-brained unscriptural and fanciful "flight to Petra" story? Why was this Petra fable floated anyway? Prophecy teachers talk a lot about Petra. But virtually nothing is being taught about Bozrah. Why the misinformation? And what is the real agenda here?
That, dear saints, is what we shall be looking into in this article.
Here is something we need to understand. The prophecy of Isaac over his son Esau way back in Genesis still stands. The Edomites are still with us today. An epic future time, the 70th Week of Daniel, will see them rise up just as Isaac prophesied. (Gen.27:39-40) The wild and godless Edomites will eventually be given dominion over God's covenant people.
Micah sees end time exile and incarceration of Gpd's covenant people in the end time drama. He also sees the second coming of Messiah and the epic conclusion to the Bozrah story. He sees the Shepherd of Israel entering His sheepfold in the hours before dawn. Out there at Bozrah our returning Messiah becomes "the Breaker".
This wonderful prophecy of the Bozrah Deliverance is hidden from Christian eyes at this point in history. It is "cloaked" by the powers that be. A Bozrah deliverance presupposes a Bozrah exile. We are looking here at an incarceration of God's covenant people in the last 3.5 years of the age. This may be cross-referenced by John the Beloved as the flight of the woman of Revelation 12.
This is very disturbing to some Christian believers. The rulers are well aware of past Church history. They probably fear that this information, (should it get out), may trigger societal disruptions by carnal Christians. And so at this point in time the entire Bozrah drama is under a religious smokescreen involving a supposed flight of Israel to a place of refuge in Petra. The flight to Bozrah is still an untold story.
Here below is the scripture in Micah that tells of the Bozrah deliverance. This scripture is in the Old Testament. We are not used to looking for the second coming in the Old Testament. So the prophetic significance of the Bozrah scriptures are missed by dispensational Bible teachers in the Church. Bozrah is rarely mentioned by today's teachers of Bible prophecy. And yet here it is.
Micah 2
Hebrew Names Version of World English Bible
12. I will surely assemble, Ya`akov, all of you;
13. He who breaks open the way goes up before them.
I will surely gather the remnant of Yisra'el;
I will put them together as the sheep of Botzrah,
As a flock in the midst of their pasture;
They will throng with people.
They break through the gate, and go out.
And their king passes on before them,
With the LORD at their head."
Micah 2
King James Version
12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee;
13. The breaker is come up before them:
I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;
I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah,
As the flock in the midst of their fold:
they shall make great noise
by reason of the multitude of men.
they have broken up,
and have passed through the gate,
and are gone out by it:
and their king shall pass before them,
and the LORD on the head of them.
The image above shows a stone sheepfold of the type seen in biblical times. Here the sheep would be confined by their shepherd during the hours of darkness in a place of protection. As the dawn approached the shepherd would come into the sheepfold among His sheep. They would gather around the shepherd as he prepared to open a way for them to be delivered from the stone enclosure. As he opened a way out for them they would crowd up alongside him pushing against the gateway with a lot of force.
When the breakthrough came the whole flock would pour out of the sheepfold through the breach together with the Messiah as "the Breaker" going before them. They would follow on the heels of the Shepherd as he led them out to find pasture. This is the magnificent pastoral picture of the "manchild company" breaking forth into holy history at the end of the age. This will change the destiny of heaven and earth. The stars and angelic rulerships fall. And here on earth Messiah brings in His Millennial Kingdom. He will minister and rule for a thousand years.
This detailed picture of the deliverance of the elect by Messiah (and not the church) at the second advent is given to us in Micah chapter 2. This drama is laid out for us quite clearly and in detail.
The Bozrah deliverance is a thrilling element of the Second Coming of Christ. He is the Anointed One and our coming Messiah. The Micah 2 scripture shows the connection of the Second Coming of Christ to Bozrah, (an Edomite domain), very well. We also see The Bozrah deliverance laid out for us in spectacular fashion in Isaiah 63. This is the judgement side to the Second Coming of Christ. God is obviously telling us something here in these Bozrah scriptures. Each of them clearly relate to the return of Messiah.
There are none! No, not one!
The answer is "no".
Well there will certainly be an epic earthquake at the end of this age.
Zechariah tells us that it will split the Mount of Olives in half.
And the inhabitants of Jerusalem will flee.
But where will they flee to?
Are they really going to Petra?
And if not, then just where will they flee?
This "flight to Petra" notion is embedded in the evangelical family. Biblical Christians bring it up quite often. It is brought up in relation to the trials of the Jewish people in Jerusalem and their flight out of the city of Jerusalem at the end of the age. But where did this idea of a "flight to Petra" way down in Jordan come from?
As we shall see, it is an unscriptural fable thought up by men.
There is no scriptural support for a "flight to Petra" at all.
The scripture passage they focus in on to support this is in Zechariah 14.
But as we shall see, they have the wrong city.
1 Behold, the day of the Lord is coming,
And your spoil will be divided in your midst.
2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem;
The city shall be taken,
The houses rifled,
And the women ravished.
Half of the city shall go into captivity,
But the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
3 Then the Lord will go forth And fight against those nations,
As He fights in the day of battle.
4 And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives,
Which faces Jerusalem on the east.
And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two,
From east to west,
Making a very large valley;
Half of the mountain shall move toward the north
And half of it toward the south.
5 Then you shall flee through My mountain valley,
For the mountain valley shall reach to AZAL.
Yes, you shall flee As you fled from the earthquake
In the days of Uzziah king of Judah.
Thus the Lord my God will come,
And all the saints with You.*
In this prophecy all the prophecies involving Edom there is no mention at all of the city of Petra.
And there is no mention of Petra in any other part of the Bible for that matter.
But here is a clear message of a flight out of Jerusalem that will end up in a nearby city.
That city is not way down in Jordan. It is in fact quite close to Jerusalem.
It is the city of Azal.
This "flight to Azal" happens at the very end of the age at the second coming of Christ.
The "flight to Azal" we see in the passage above involves a short time short distance evacuation of a city.
Zechariah gives no mention of a prolonged Tribulation refuge way down in Petra which is in Jordan.
This "flight to Azal" will not satisfy the prophecy of the 'flight of the woman' in Rev. 12:6 & 12:14.
Nor will not satisfy the scripture of the
Bozrah exile and the
Bozrah deliverance we see in Micah 2:12-13.
The so called "flight to Petra" is a doctrine without any scriptural foundation whatsoever.
The 'Azal evacuation' scripture in Zechariah 14 is the real story.
And yet it and the Bozrah scriptures have both been used to build up this Petra fable.
This "flight to Petra" and "refuge in Petra" fable is religious folklore.
They are used in a fast and loose way to "cover up" the rue stories at Azal and at Bozrah.
The Petra retreat fable becomes a "cover story" for these real prophecies.
Because we know that there will be a citywide evacaution of Jerusalem to nearby Azal.
And we knolw that Messiah will be paying a visit to Bozrah at His Second Coming. (Isa. 63 and Micah 2:12-13)
The Bozrah exile is a story of a retreat to a place of sanctuary during the great Tribulation is it not?
And the following Bozrah deliverance one of the most exciting and inspiring passages in the Bible.
The entire Bozrah drama has obviously been "cloaked" by the religious powers. Why?
Isn't the Bozrah story some exceedingly good and encouraging news?
So why haven't we heard this before?
Of course we know that this Great Tribulation, is the time of "Jacob's trouble". Therefore, according to them, the Great Tribulation will be a time of trial and tribulation specifically for the Jews and the Jews only. But is this true? Is there any scriptural proof that the Church will not be here during the 70th Week?
Bible teachers know that the returning Messiah will deliver our Jewish brethren when He comes back and His feet touch the Mount of Olives. When Jesus returns He will deliver the Jewish nation from the end-time siege by the surrounding nations at Jerusalem. - Zech.12:7-13:1 Christians know all about the deliverance of Israel at the Battle of Armageddon. But is this all there is to the Second Coming of Christ? Is there more? Perhaps something they have not been told?
What Christians do not know is that at His Second Coming Christ will also come in vengeance upon His enemies at Bozrah. (Isa.63) He will also deliver His saints at the same place, (or places), named in scripture as Bozrah. Bozrah means "sheepfold". And it is a place under the end time sovereignty of Edom. These are two very valuable clues to the Bozrah story as it relates to the climax of this age.
Bozrah is part and parcel of the end time drama. The exile to sanctuary in Bozrah and these deliverance actions by Messiah at Bozrah have not been taught by Bible prophecy teachers. But they are all part of the mosaic of this magnificent return of Messiah. Because He is coming back! And He will deliver and then glorify all His covenant people both in Israel and out in the nations. All this drama and adventure will be capped off at the Resurrection-Rapture at the end of the age.
The "cloaking" of this information is probably done with good intentions. It has been hidden from the Church at large and it has been kept from them for their own good. The western Church is still immature. Even we as evangelicals are still a carnal and potentially violent people. So perhaps we did not deserve to know this Bozrah story.
But with this prophecy the faithful Elect are given hope. With a God who carries His people we don't need to fear. We don't need to be angry and violent crusading dominionists, beating our fellow servants. God has everything under control, even in the midst of Great Tribulation. According to Micah and the Apostle John our God will be merciful. He will nurture and feed His people during the Great Tribulation. He will take them a place of exile, a mystery place named in Holy Scripture as Bozrah.
Bozrah was a pastoral town in Edom. So we know it has some connection to the Edomites. And the modern day children of Jacob's godless brother Esau will be in control. But if God says that the woman of Revelation 12 will be "nurtured" then some positive things must be going on. This will be a camp-meeting of Biblical proportions. The remnant of all 12 tribes of Israel will be there. Micah says that ALL of Jacob will be gathered. (Micah 2:12-13). This will include a remnant of our Jewish brothers and sisters in the House of Judah. It will also have to include the remnant of the lost 10 tribes.
And here is some more encouraging news. Just as in that former seven year famine back in Egypt, there will be "a famine of the hearing of the Word of God". (Amos 8:11) During the seven years of the future 70th Week God's people will be hungry for spiritual truth. And once again the House of Joseph will be feeding his brethren and the world, just as our patriarch Joseph did in the former time in Egypt. The House of Joseph will be there, emerging from the shadows, along with the House of Benjamin. Once again Joseph will be laying out a table for his brethren. He will be revealing the mysteries, even in the midst of tears.
So is this Bozrah prophecy all bad? Just what will be happening during the Tribulation period out at the sheepfolds of Bozrah?
Quite clearly the Bozrah exile will not just be an incarceration story. Apparently the Bozrah enclosure also provide some degree of shelter and even nurturing or spiritual nourishment for the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the end-time. Bozrah is in fact a place of relative safety.
Why is the woman in exile for three and a half years?
As we study the scripture passage in Revelation 12 we see that she is there for two purposes.
1. She is there to be protected. And
2. she is there to be nurtured.
This must mean a spiritual nurturing or nourishment. She will be physically cared for too it seems. This prophecy of the woman who takes flight on the wings of an eagle to a place of nurturing for the exact time period of the Great Tribulation is clearly telling us a very important part of the story of the end-time. It parallels the story of the exile of the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the end-time at Bozrah. Bozrah is the place, (or places), where Jacob can be nurtured in the things of God. This will be happening during the last half of the 70th week, and during the time of the Great Tribulation.
The Bozrah story cannot be hidden forever. It will be told eventually. Bozrah is an important spiritual place in which God will protect, preserve, refine, and nurture His people in the end-time drama.
Where will end-time Bozrah be located? Right now we do not know where Bozrah might be geographically. It may be many places. Or it may be one place. It may be one central dumping ground for Judeo-Christian troublemakers in the latter days.
Oh yes, the Bozrah scriptures do not just refer to "past history". Nor is Bozrah just an archeological dig on a ruin of an ancient pastoral city of Esau southeast of the Dead Sea. For those who are there at this appointed place and time in the latter days God will have His purpose for this exile. Bozrah will be the place the prophets Isaiah and Micah spoke about. Bozrah will be a very real place under the overall control of very real modern day Edomites. It may well turn out to be a geo-political area far from the promised land. Mystery Bozrah of the latter days will most certainly be a modern geo-political area. The poetic prophecy indicates that Mystery Bozrah will be out at the ends of the earth. The covenant people of God will look up in those days to find themselves in a serendipity. It will be the place of great wonder, of wrath and deliverance. It will be the place and time the Old Testament prophets spoke of over 2700 years ago. A place and time the patriarchs of old saw in the stars and constellations in the heavens.
And there, in that place, they will find their God.
They will find Him in a place that will be
" . . . . as a hiding place from the wind;-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
A covert from the tempest,
Even a shelter in the time of storm.As rivers of water in a dry and thirsty place,
As the shadow of a great Rock,
in a weary land."
And that is where Messiah,This is no fable. All of this will certainly happen.
Will find them at the end.
A day of wrath, deliverance;
"The Breaker" comes to rend,He comes into His sheepfold;
They all press in to Him.
Then at the Door the breakthrough!
Out they go! led by their King!
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