The Place of Refuge
During the Tribulation
Where is it to be found?
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By Gavin Finley MD -
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PSALM 91 - from Maranatha Music, 1980's.
"Because He has loved me, therefore I will deliver him,
I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
He will call upon Me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble.
I will rescue him, and honor him; With a long life will I satisfy him."
The vanity of profane men knows know bounds. And the fool has said in his heart that there is no God. In the mirror of their own narcissism Illuminists see themselves as highly sophisticated and well able to bring in their Utopian dream, a New World Order powered by man and machine, controlled by man and computer, guided by man and his programs, and every bit as successful as Gene Roddenberry's "Federation" in Star Trek or the humanistic dream/nightmare of "Babylon 5". Dark and wicked angels hover over their human underlings to concoct these vain imaginings. By this means a host of intelligent and otherwise sane people are being seduced and brainwashed into 'The Lie of the serpent'. See this YouTube video.
Those who know their history realize that humanistic Utopians and the dreams and ideas they spawn have given rise to some of the most tragic histories this world has ever seen. The killing fields of Cambodia are a case in point. This terrible and bloody history emerged from some special ideas that were spawned in the Communist coffee houses in Paris. The occultic Thule Society was a powerful influence in the formation of the national socialism that arose in Hitler's Germany. We need not mention the ideas of Marx and Engels and their application in Russia by Stalin and in China by Mao Tse Tung. 60 million dead in the former and 75 million dead in the latter. And the godless point to religion as the main cause of wars?
New Age Utopian globalists will affirm confidently that "all things considered" they have everything under control. They imagine that they will "do better next time". But they are deceived. The Holy Scriptures affirm quite the contrary. Humanistic godless rule in the latter days will cause only greater tragedy. Messiah will have to intervene to "cut short" these terrible outrages against humanity and the ecosystems of this world.
Men, left to their own devices, are not getting better and better. They are getting worse and worse. The truth is that they are being coaxed along into deeper and deeper darkness by their lesser angels. Such people, aided and abetted by an indolent lukewarm Laodicean church will take this world down with them, to a point of crisis where the God of Creation as the ultimate Crisis Manager must step in and intervene to stop the deadly uncontrolled outworkings of their humanistic foolishness.
So what is going to happen? In a future time under humanistic godless leadership the nations of Israel and Western Christendom will give up their sovereignty to make a seven year covenant with a godless global peacemaker. He will stand aside to let religious do-gooders rule for the first 3.5 years. John saw the harlot riding and attempting to rule the ten horned beast system. He was flabbergasted at what he saw. You can read about it in Revelation chapter 17. 3.5 years later the antichrist will be possessed by the beast demon of the Abyss to become a blasphemous beast, the 666 Antichrist. The evil spirit of "self" that God's covenant people have compromised with here below and thereby loosed in the heavenlies above will become the "man of sin" they have invited to be their global leader. He will then will turn on them, bringing us and this entire created order here below into great tribulation and turmoil.
Eventually this world will be brought to the very edge of global catastrophe. The prophet Joel, (see Joel 2:30,31), Jesus in the Olivet Discourse, (see Mat. 24:29,30,31) and John, (see Rev. 6:12,13), all tell of a future time right at the end of this age when the sun will turn to darkness and the moon to blood. Some unprecedented world event will have seen the atmosphere of this planet polluted to produce these great cosmic signs. The prophet Joel speaks of "blood and fire and pillars of smoke". See Joel 2:30. This looks very much like nuclear bombs going up as a mushroom cloud or "pillar of smoke" amidst terrible bloodshed. The prophet Joel links this cosmic catastrophe directly with the unzipping of space-time and the rolling back of the heavens to open a cosmic window into the Day of the Lord. See Joel 2:31. Joel goes on to tell us that people are still being saved at this late hour, even as Messiah delivers Jerusalem from the armies of the raging heathen goyim at the Battle of Armageddon. See Joel 2:32 The cosmic signs of the sun turning to darkness and the moon to blood would appear to signal the beginnings of a nuclear war which is only stopped and put a halt to by divine intervention. See the words of Jesus on this matter in Matthew 24:22 and Mark 13:20.
The cosmic signs of the sun turning to darkness and the moon to blood may be doom and gloom for the wicked. And yes, many others who have neglected God and now regret this will be mourning when they see Messiah come. But Joel's message also includes some very good news. The cosmic disturbances mark the climax of something very wonderful. This is something that Bible teachers have not reported to us. Because in association with these late cosmic disturbances the prophet Joel saw the climax of the Holy Spirit outpouring. Yes, the Holy Spirit will fire up inside the Great Tribulation to bring an End-Time Revival of stupendous proportions among God's Elect, even as they gather in their camp meetings in their places of exile. Did not God cover the children of Israel over in Goshen as the plagues came over Egypt? Did He not protect them during that first Passover when the death angel passed overhead? As the Day of the Lord approaches it will be the wicked who will be suffering torment and horror with the approach of the wrath of God. The wicked will be experiencing the beginnings of a living Hell, not God's people! This is something Bible teachers are not telling us. They paint the whole seven years at the end of this age as a Hell zone, a chamber of horrors with no Holy Spirit, no salvation, and no glory. This is a grievous lie. Yes, the rebels will be gnashing their teeth and shaking their fist at God even in the overshadowing glory of His coming. But this flooding of all flesh by the Holy Spirit will only bring increasing awakenings and revival among God's Elect. And as the prophet Joel clearly outlines for us, this wave of glory that comes with the Holy Spirit outpouring will power up to a peak and climax at the end of this age! The Holy Spirit outpouring Peter spoke about 2,000 years ago is the same Holy Spirit outpouring Joel spoke about many hundreds of years before Christ. This Holy Spirit outpouring which began at the fulfillment of the Feast of Pentecost back in the year of the passion of Christ will increase to fire up many wonderful and historic awakenings powering up right on through the Great Tribulation to finally come to a peak and CLIMAX with the Apocalypse or unveiling of Messiah! Can we set aside the yellow eschatology we have been taught? Can we get a handle on this good news? Can we open our hearts and minds to receive God's encouragement as we approach the end-time witness in the latter days?!
Yes, this world is in deadly peril. But there is good news to be found, even inside the end-time drama.
Someone will eventually come in wrath upon the wicked and loose the angels of wrath upon His enemies. (See Mat. 13:30).
These hideous creatures will carry their people off to destruction. (See the words of Jesus on this matter in
Mat. 24:28 and Luke 17:37). The wicked as tares will be gathered first. (See Mat. 13:30).
He will also come in a great deliverance to gather His people, thank God!
Our returning Messiah will come just in time.
He will save this planet in rebellion from utterly destroying itself;
- this much we know.
But what of God's Elect during those final seven years of this age? What will happen to these precious people as they come into the hands of those evil Utopians, the crisis managers of secular humanism and the then dominant the harlot rulers of religious humanism who presumptuously want to anoint the Holy Place right now and establish their Kingdom Now and force in their ecclesiastical takeover before the coming of Messiah? How will they fare in those first 3.5 years under the harlot system? And will there be some sort of refuge, especially for women and children after the midweek abomination of desolation and during the subsequent reign of the 666 Antichrist? How will God's covenant people be protected during the Great Tribulation and the final 3.5 years of this age?
We know a false messiah will rise up in the latter days, along with his minions. His worshipers are already gathering and celebrating. Just look at our culture today as it slip-slides into godless anarchy and barbarism. Rock concerts like this are getting more and more vile and blasphemous.
Profane people prefer profane leaders. Republics eventually decline into democracies.
And democracies of people who reject God end up as mobs. Mob anarchy is a
chaos that opens the door to militant crisis managers who turn out to be dictators and tyrants.
Remember what happened when the French Revolution rejected God?
They got the Reign of Terror.
This awful anarchy led to dictatorship under Napoleon, a terrible period of war, and crushing
defeats on the battlefield and on the seas. The French, a very gifted and talented people, were left devastated.
Today they are in a state of existential emptiness in their culture and an angst of the soul from which
they have yet to recover.
No, the mob can never be trusted. The godless anti-Messianic mob called for Barabbas to be released
and cried out for Jesus to be crucified.
It was the godless mob, not Titus, that burned the temple. See a
Jesus prophesied that His covenant people, the ones He has called to Himself, would reject Him.
2,000 years ago He came in His Father's name. And His people didn't receive Him.
Jesus went on to say that in a future time some pretender will come along and present himself
in his own name.
This Luciferian narcissist will be proclaiming the "god of Self",Lucifer, the one who boasted,
"I will be like the most High God". This false messiah, this imposter, will be lifted up by the
Judeo-Christian masses.
Amazingly, many of the people God has called will be right in there with the profane people of this world.
The people God has called to Himself will choose this godless worshiper of "Self".
What's more, they will proclaim him and install him as their world leader.
Jesus laid out this very telling prophecy and He did so very clearly.
He said,
Indeed we do. We see Him saving the planet from the brink of disaster.
The God of Israel loves His covenant people. And whether in trial or in exile, He will provide for them.
The Holy Scriptures show us quite clearly that there will be not one but
two outcomes for God's covenant people in the latter days. Some will fly off into an epic exile.
And some will die in the witness.
John saw the woman of Revelation 12 in tribulation and travail.
He saw her trans illuminated in the glory of her Father with a diadem of 12 stars and with the moon of
reflected religion under her feet.
And he saw her in confinement and in travail, about to be delivered of the man-child.
He also saw her encircled by the dragon. And in this perilous state she was
given the wings of a great eagle.
Which country might be involved here? See the flow of air traffic across the world over 24 hours in
this video.
John saw
the woman of wonder describing her time of exile twice in Revelation chapter 12
using different time units to nail down the Biblical or prophetic year in Holy Scripture. See
this video and
this one
She was flying off to a place where she can be nurtured
during those final 3.5 years, 42 months, or 1260 days,
the time of the Great Tribulation. See Rev. 12:6 and Rev. 12:14.
He also saw the man-child being born at the end of the age to cap off the end-time drama
and bring it to a glorious conclusion.
These are mysteries to be sure. But they will be revealed to us as we go on.
So the final witness of the saints during the great Tribulation is an issue of unconditional
sold-out Agape love.
This is the divine anointing that empowers the information war
and a victorious climax in the Apocalypse, the unveiling of Messiah.
This is the zeal that captures the hearts of the true saints, drawing them into the arena
of the latter days and signing them up to run the final leg of the relay race of the ages.
Here too we see the Benjamin company and the Tribulation Saints of Revelation 7.
And this is the victory that places them at the head of the parade of the saints,
First Resurrection company
John saw in Revelation 20:4 and Rev. 20:5,6.
So this is not a theological mind game we are having here.
It is a devotion. It is in this devotion that a true Bride will prepare herself as a
wise virgin.
There is an infilling of the Holy Spirit. In this she will have her reserve of oil against the coming night.
And no man or devil will be able to discourage her or bring her to the point of "burnout".
When the midnight hour comes and the lamps are burning low a true Bride
will not turn back as others will in the
Great Falling Away. She will go on the fullness of the Holy Spirit,
joining others in the
great camp revival of the latter days.
She will take her resolve, leave her place of comfort,
and with her lamp shining brightly go out into the dark night to meet her Bridegroom.
This is the divine romance of the latter days, a glory that beggars description.
And yet it is not spoken about.
It is in this final witness that the true Bride will confirm her earlier betrothal.
She will bring her testimony before God, before angels, and before men.
This will be a great and glorious journey taking her
on beyond the cheap contracts of the religious merchants of this era.
She will pass on up to the next level to enter into a full
blood covenant commitment.
This is a radical step of faith. And she is bearing witness to a great hope. Why is she doing this?
The answer is very simple.
She is doing this because she loves her Bridegroom.
He is the One who is coming for her, and she knows this.
It was in the fullness of the Holy Spirit that she had an experience with Him she cannot forget.
In her betrothal she experienced a small down payment of greater glories yet to come.
After that everything changed. She was no longer concerned about her physical survival, no, not at all.
Because whether she is alive or in the grave she is coming up in the harpazo to be with the One she loves.
This is a strait and narrow Way. (Mat.7:13,14)
True and faithful Christian believers know that their physical survival is not assured.
Nor, (when they have come to the point of total surrender to God), is their mortal life at issue.
But their spiritual preservation is the main point at issue.
And in Christ this is assured.
And their Life in God will be their glad condition throughout all eternity.
This eventual glorification of the saints in the Resurrection-Rapture
and the subsequent everlasting Life with God in the great beyond
is the blessed hope.
So the witness of the saints is not just a duty. It is their joy to do this.
Total commitment sounds extreme to us in the western church.
We have been raised up and immersed in a smorgasbord of religion,
a world of "choice", pre-nuptial contracts,
and business contracts with embedded clauses laying out "grounds for termination of the contract".
But it will be a new fully committed Tribulation Church,
a Congregation set apart in holiness that will bring in the final witness.
When it comes to its appointed end this will be the testimony that will trigger the Apocalypse of Messiah.
This is "the few", the "little flock", the small 1% broken vessel company in the army of Gideon.
Remember the small company of 300 men in the army of Gideon?
Lighted brands were hidden in their earthen vessels
as they surrounded the army of the Midianites.
When the vessels were broken the Light of God's divine Presence shone forth dispelling the darkness.
This bright shining company with all those lamps burning brightly caused the enemy to panic.
By this means, and not the sword, the enemy was routed, killing each other as they fled.
This was the shining witness that brought a great and glorious victory for Israel under Gideon that day.
This is not just a Bible story of a past event. It is a pattern of things to come.
The Light of the God of Israel is still being hidden in human lives,
even a treasure hidden in earthen vessels.
There will be a showdown, a final battle between God and Lucifer at the end of this age.
Many earthen vessels will be broken. And the Light of Israel will be shining forth.
This is the Light that shines in the darkness. And the powers of darkness,
not being able to stop this, will be soundly and totally defeated.
True Christian believers know that there is a spiritual battle to be won and that
they are vitally and personally involved in this.
There is a race to be run. And it must be run all the way to the finish line.
They know that eventually some company of saints must complete the relay race
and bring the baton across the line at the end to win that race.
They also know that holy history awaits this moment. They know that they are personally engaged in this and
are also corporately involved as a company.
They also understand that in this final epic leg of the relay race they do not run just for themselves.
They run on behalf of the entire Nation and Congregation/Church of the God of Israel.
They run on behalf of all the saints who have ever lived, from every nation, race, and tribe, Jew and gentile,
from both sides of Calvary.
See Revelation 7:9,10.
All who have cried out to God and found salvation in Him await that final witness.
The whole creation and the entire angelic host in the realms above
stands on tiptoe awaiting the revealing of the sons of God.
J.B. Phillips translation of Romans 8:18-21
A grand climax and a glorious celebration awaits all
the Elect at the conclusion of the race.
The runners of the end-time are highly privileged.
They have been given the opportunity to finish the race on behalf
of all those who have died in the faith in former times,
all the saints who have run before them. Here is an encouragement and an exhortation from Romans 8.
"I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing
with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
This is not a burden for those who run.
It is their joy to do this! And as they run on they find that they are on the Paradise Road.
What has happened here?
Surely they have entered into a serendipity. They have
found the oil of anointing and with it the oil of gladness.
They are happy to face the trials and face the outcome, whatever it might be.
This is the company of the "man-child" given birth to by
the woman of Revelation chapter 12.
The woman we see in Holy Scripture, the same woman that we saw in Genesis is in confinement and in travail in the latter days.
We were told back then that she would give birth to a Seed, even Christ, the promised Seed of Abraham.
The Holy Spirit speaking through Moses in the Torah declared that the Seed that would enter the woman and later be
brought forth out of the woman would crush the head of the serpent to terminate his rule here in this cosmos.
That promised Seed is Christ, Messiah, the Anointed One.
And here we see the grand conclusion to the saga.
It finally comes to pass as the end-time saints bring their "final witness" to Christ.
This is an issue that goes beyond legality and cold theology.
The saints bring in the final witness even as a Bride testifies of her love for her Bridegroom.
It is "unto death do us part".
And as
the final 3.5 years of this age comes to its appointed climax
the Woman we see in Revelation 12
gives birth to the "man-child".
Is there a physical survival issue here?
There certainly is for the woman.
This is especially true for women and children in the future era of 666.
The God of Israel will gather His
little flock as a mother hen gathers her chicks. He will perform this great deliverance in the
Year of Jubilee.
The Bible clearly states, twice, that she will be given
the wings of a great eagle. See Rev. 12:6 and Rev. 12:14.
He will provide for her passage to a place of safety and nurturing for the
1260 days, 3.5 Biblical years of the coming
Great Tribulation.
Is there a physical survival issue for the man-child here?
Such is the Way of Benjamin.
Jacob declared, "No, his name is Benjamin!
What will be happen in the latter days to get us into such a low state?
There will be trials and tribulations which in those who are not prepared
a terrible compromise of the faith. And there will be an element of the church that becomes a
runaway bride.
In fact there will be a rout, a veritable desertion
of the faith that was once delivered to the saints.
Many of the ones who are deserting the faith will be the ones to make
a covenant with a false messiah. See John 5:43.
And let us not be unmindful of this. During those days a Harlot Church
will be rapidly gathering angry former Christians and recruiting them heavily in their efforts to
take global dominion. John saw this incredible vision of the harlot riding
ten horned beast of the New World Order.
He describes the specter in Revelation 17:3,4,5,6.
He was absolutely amazed, even
flabbergasted at what he was seeing.
Such are the consequences of sheepishly going along with the crowd. A compromised lukewarm
Laodicean Church causes faith to languish.
Are we content to go along with the crowd, headed straight towards this unhappy state of affairs?
Or should we seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit now, while there is still time?
So why has this blockbuster story of an massive exile out at mystery Bozrah been switched out and replaced with
a small pipsqueak local story of a few hundred Jews fleeing to the waterless rock caves of Petra?
Why hide the Bozrah scriptures that speak of an enormous exodus of tens or hundreds of millions
of all the tribes of Jacob and the ones entrained with them who are saved and in Christ, the Seed of Abraham?
Why do a bait and switch to replace it with a diminutive fable about a few hundred Jews in Judah
fleeing out of Judah during the Tribulation to arrive just a short distance away in Petra?
Will all the Elect of Greater Israel really find shelter and protection living in caves as troglodytes
in this waterless canyon for a full three and a half years?
From a geographical perspective and as a place of safety in exile Petra is small potatoes.
The place has never been able to accommodate more than 1,000 people.
More than that and issues of water and problems of sanitation for large numbers of people
in such a place would be horrendous.
Clearly Petra is not big enough to shelter and supply food and other supplies
for tens of thousands, let alone tens or or hundreds of millions of people.
And certainly not for three and a half years in the middle of the Middle East war zone.
Churchmen spreading this false story should check with the
Israeli Army before making such misleading statements.
Petra is an unlikely, even impossible place, for a refuge during the tribulation.
And there is no way it would accommodate a massive exile of the magnitude
we see in Micah 2:12 and Rev. 12:6 and Rev. 12:14.
Petra will be in a battle zone as heathen Gentile armies in vast numbers surround Jerusalem in the latter days.
And in no way can Petra be expected to provide safe haven for the
population of Judah and Jerusalem, and especially in the Armageddon
military siege scenario we see at the very end of the age.
But some will counter and say that Jesus gave a warning to those in Judea
to "Flee to the mountains" when they see the abomination of desolation
midway through the final seven years of this age.
Surely He meant to seek refuge in the mountains of the Middle East?
To answer this question there are two issues we need to address.
Firstly, does the reference to "mountains" necessarily mean geographical mountains?
We must let the Bible speak to this matter of "mountains".
A quick word study with an online Bible study tools resource or a concordance
will show us if this is a possible way to interpret the passage.
In Holy Scripture we see that "mountains" can be a poetic reference to "nations".
If Jesus was saying "flee to the nations" then this would enlarge the scope
of the possible fulfillment to places beyond the local geographical mountains
and to places further afield.
Secondly, if we are considering a refuge for Eretz Israel in the Middle East
during the Armageddon scenario then
we need to be brought up to date. Yes, in past times Petra was a retreat.
The narrow passes into Petra were easily defended by men with bows and arrows and swords.
But in these days of modern warfare the situation is far far different.
The modern government of Israel would never
lead their people to Petra in Jordan for shelter. Yes, it is a deep gorge with narrow passes and caves.
And back in the days
of the Edomite marauders and the Nabateans it was a good hide-out for a few hundred people.
The deep and narrow entrance into the rock city
provided a good place for a safe retreat. But nowadays Petra in the heart of the Middle East
would never qualify as a safe place.
To put any size population in there in these days of modern weapons would be utter and absolute folly.
Such an action would seal their doom.
Petra would quickly become a deathtrap.
So what is going on here with this "retreat to Petra" fable?
Why do our Bibles teachers continue to expound with great fondness this improbable, even impossible, "Petra" story?
We might well ask this question. But there is another question that is even more probing.
Why has the much bigger Bozrah story we see in Micah 2:12 to Micah 2:13 and Revelation 12:6 and 12:14
been hidden from the Church? It is very wonderful and encouraging news, is it not?
So why have the Bozrah scriptures been "cloaked" by this unscriptural and fanciful "flight to Petra" story?
Why did this Petra refuge get floated anyway? Is it a cover story? Was it floated to conceal the real truth,
even a much bigger story about a latter day exodus that will eclipse the former exodus in Egypt?
See Jeremiah 23:7 and Jer. 23:8.
Why downplay the grand sweeping scope of the
Exile in Mystery Bozrah.
Do we not see God's magnificent provision for His people in the end-time?
So why have they put a smokescreen over this spellbinding Bozrah saga?
We keep hearing a lot about Petra. The Petra story is trotted out whenever the Bozrah sheepfold issue is raised.
But we hear precious little in the way of a faithful plain reading exegesis of the Holy Scriptures as they pertain
to this critically important prophecy of end-time mystery Bozrah.
Why the theological cover-up? Why the misinformation?
And why make up a Petra story when the word "Petra" is not Bozrah and the word Petra not even in the Bible?
Just what is this little
information war all about? What is the agenda behind the spin?
That, dear saints, is what we shall be looking into as we proceed onwards in this article.
Edomites are a big story in the latter days.
These people are still with us and living amongst us in the rich places of the earth today.
An epic future time, the
70th Week of Daniel, will see the Edomites rise up in even greater ways than we are now seeing them,
just as Isaac prophesied. (See Gen.27:39,40)
The wild children of Esau will be given dominion over nurturing Jacob and over
God's covenant people as we come into the latter days.
The prophet Micah sees the second coming
of Messiah bringing the grand conclusion to the entire drama.
He sees the Shepherd of Israel entering His sheepfold in the hours before dawn.
Out there, when His people are held "as the sheep of Bozrah" He intervenes in spectacular fashion.
He becomes "the Breaker".
This wonderful Bozrah Deliverance prophecy is hidden.
It is "cloaked" by the powers that be. And why is that? Perhaps it is because a Bozrah deliverance presupposes
a previous Bozrah exile. We are looking here at an epic incarceration and yet the Holy Scriptures
affirm that there will be a nurturing and a feeding of God's covenant
This is cross-referenced by John the Beloved as he describes the flight and exile of the
woman of Revelation 12 during the last 3.5 years of this age.
This cloaking of the End-Time mystery Bozrah story by the religious powers is probably something we should expect.
Perhaps we should not be too concerned when middle of the road Christians do not receive Biblical truth
when it is presented to them. It is said that people get the level of truth they deserve.
But the real story does indeed emerge from the Bozrah scriptures and Revelation 12:6 and 12:14.
And clearly the Flight to Bozrah is to a place of refuge.
The Bible clearly states that this end-time gathering is "away from the face of the dragon"
and coincides with the Great Tribulation.
So is the exile of God's covenant people "as the sheep of Bozrah"
will probably turn out to be a much bigger story than we have been told.
And the exile to a place of safety may be out at the ends of the earth. Here are
some scripture references
specifically mentioning "the ends of the earth".
Why is this story kept so hidden?
The rulers, both political and religious, are well aware of past Church history.
They probably cloak the "sheep of Bozrah" story because they fear that this sensitive information
concerning mystery Bozrah, (should it get out),
may trigger some major societal disruptions.
And they are right. Carnal Christians have a very sad track record and past Church history
has been very bloody. When unconsecrated uncommitted Christians are frightened and angry
they are inclined to become loose cannons, acting out in inappropriate and violent ways.
And so for the present time the entire Bozrah drama of the latter days may have to remain
hidden under the religious wraps.
The cover story involving latter day Judah in Israel escaping to
a supposed place of refuge in nearby Petra down by the Dead Sea may have to stay for a while.
And the real story, the beginning of a massive epic second exodus to Mystery Bozrah that
will be far greater than the former exodus out of Egypt
may be a case of "for your eyes only".
Perhaps this is as it should be. We are in a spiritual war that is becoming more and more intense as the Day approaches.
And we must remember that all wars are information wars.
The real truth is reserved for agents of the Kingdom of God. It is not for the casual Christian masses.
Perhaps the prophecy of God' covenant people being gathered "as the sheep of Bozrah"
is only for the ears of those who are meant to hear. Perhaps God's will is that
this vital and encouraging information
be dispensed to certain people, to His Elect, and on an "as needed" basis.
Perhaps only fully committed Christian believers can be trusted
to use this information wisely and act responsibly.
Agents and witnesses to the coming King of kings have put their lives on the line.
So they deserve to be in the know.
Here below is the scripture in Micah that tells of the Bozrah
exile and the
Bozrah deliverance. Many Christians will say that this prophecy does not relate to them.
They will say that this prophecy is in the Old Testament for one thing and so it refers to
"Israel" and not "The Church".
They will point out that it specifically refers to "Jacob".
So most Christians consider this passage as a reference to past or future Jewish history.
Even if it is prophetic they will assume that it is "just for the Jews".
Christians do not see themselves in Israel.
They do not understand the significance of Ephesians 2:12,13. They can see themselves as new creatures
brought through the blood of Christ. But not in Israel by the blood of Christ.
That is a bridge too far for them at present.
Nor do they see that as born again believers their new identity is in Christ who is the Seed of Abraham.
So the prophetic significance of the "gathering of Jacob as the sheep of Bozrah" as being end-time information
for the Church in the end time drama is completely overlooked and missed.
Then too, the prophecy involves this troublesome matter of an exile.
This idea would immediately be considered "negative" and discounted
by "positive thinking, possibility thinking, positive confessing, freedom-loving church people.
This is the situation as we see it today.
The Bozrah prophecy is completely ignored by the
Dominionist American mega-churches.
And any notion at all of an exile away from the present national homelands
would be assessed as "negative" and immediately discarded.
And so for reasons of political and ecclesiastical correctness this passage in Micah 2:12-13
is studiously avoided by today's teachers of Bible prophecy.
They simply do not understand or appreciate that the promises of lost Israel
and the full 12 tribe restoration of all Israelin the latter days involves
a remnant from the Western nations and the Church as well as involving the
salvation and deliverance of a remnant from the royal Jewish House of Judah.
When YHVH-God says "I will regather and assemble All of You" He means just that!
This will be fully understood in times to come.
And when the scales come off the eyes of both houses of Israel we in the Church,
(who are in partial blindness to our identity in Israel),
will join our Jewish brethren (who are in partial blindness to their Messiah as Jesus Christ, the suffering Servant,
Israel's promised Sacrifice Lamb,
the One who they pierced). They did not recognize Him as as Immanuel, God in the flesh.
But one day, at the end of the age, in a mass awakening, they will. See Zechariah 12.
But the Holy One of Israel will regather all His Elect, drawing them,
fishing for them with baited hooks in their the Gospel outreaches, even hunting them down
from out of both houses of Israel. See Jer. 6:16.
And on an awesome future day the scales will fall off all our eyes and we shall suddenly see clearly!
One day we shall read Galatians 3:28-29 and Ephesians 2:12-13, and our eyes will open wide.
Then, like Archimedes leaping out of his bath, we shall leap out of our lukewarm religion, and exclaim,
12. I will surely assemble, Ya`akov, all of you;
13. He who breaks open the way goes up before them.
12. I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee;
13. The breaker is come up before them:
The image above shows a stone sheepfold of the type seen in biblical times.
Here the sheep would be confined by their shepherd
during the hours of darkness in a place of protection.
As the dawn approached the shepherd
would come into the sheepfold among His sheep. The sheep would
gather around the shepherd as he prepared to open a way for them.
They would crowd in around him, eager to be delivered from the stone enclosure. As he opened a way out for them
they would be right alongside him pushing with him against the gateway
with a lot of force.
When the breakthrough came the whole flock would burst
out of the sheepfold and pour through the breach with the Messiah
as "the Breaker" going before them.
They would follow on the heels of the Shepherd
as he led them out to find pasture. This is the magnificent
pastoral picture of the "man-child company", even the Kingdom of God breaking forth
with great force in resurrection power at the end of the age.
This is the breakthrough that will change the destiny of heaven and earth.
The stars and angelic rulerships will fall. And here on earth
Messiah will bring in His Millennial Kingdom. He will minister and rule
for a thousand years.
This detailed picture of the deliverance of the elect
by Messiah (and not by an end-time crusading church) at the
second advent is given to us in Micah chapter 2. This
drama of the Bozrah Exile and
Bozrah deliverance is laid out for us quite clearly and in detail.
The Bozrah deliverance is a
thrilling element of the Second Coming of Christ.
He is the Anointed One and our coming Messiah.
The Micah 2:12-13 scripture shows the connection
of the Second Coming of Christ
to Bozrah, (an Edomite domain), very well.
We also see another perspective on the Bozrah deliverance
laid out for us in spectacular fashion in
Isaiah 63.
Here we see the elements of judgment and wrath that will attend the Second Coming of Christ.
God is obviously telling us quite a lot here in all these Bozrah scriptures.
Each of them clearly relate
to the return of Messiah.
What should be the approach of Christians to the initial 3.5 year Harlot regime?
And what do they look for during the 666 Beast system during the final 3.5 years?
Can Christian evangelicals wage a successful war against the Harlot system or the
Antichrist? The Antichrist will emerge as the ultimate Beast midway through the seven years. What if some
hard bitten hard pressed evangelicals do indeed take up arms and try to
wage a physical war against the New World Order or
against the Antichrist in his final beast phase?
What do the scriptures say will be the outcome? See Dan.7:21,25 and Dan. 12:7,8,9,10
Who would
win out if such power struggle should open up?
Would God be with us in such a campaign? Or not?
We are not left to speculate here. The Word of God has
already been spoken and the details have been written down
for us concerning this matter of the end time saints versus the
New World Order. Daniel was told that end time Christian
'mighty men' would indeed fight in the flesh against the final world dictator.
These 'saints and mighty men' will apparently fight with the wrong weapons;
weapons that are carnal. - 2Cor. 10:4. And they will lose!
This is a huge lesson for patriotic fundamentalist Christians to learn.
The end-time history of Christendom under Joseph and Benjamin,
the two last born children of Jacob, Rachel's children, goes beyond nationalism.
We need get back to the Bible and having seen the picture we are to be forewarned here.
When the flags come down at the beginning of the 70th Week
and as those final seven years commence
there will indeed be domestic wars inside the borders of nations.
But the sad result of this doomed final campaign
has already been predetermined. The sovereign God of Israel,
the Ancient of Days has already spoken concerning this.
And just as He told Jeremiah before the Babylonians came and took them captive
He is telling us to go along with them and accept the regime change.
These enemies have been loosed by us as a nation.
And the loss of our national sovereignty will be complete.
This has been ordained by God in His permissive will.
But we should not fear.
All these events have been ordained and determined according to God's sovereign will.
And He will take care of our little ones.
Here is what the Gabriel, the angel of God's throne,
told Daniel two and a half millennia ago
about the coming New World Order.
Gabriel gave very specific details
concerning God's people and the outcome of that
final struggle with the hostile
world politic that will be prevailing in the latter days.
As we see in the verses following,
the picture our dear prophet Daniel was given is not a pretty one.
8:24 His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power;
8:25 Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper
under his rule;
8:26 And the vision of the evenings and mornings Which was
told is true;
8:27 And I, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days;
This is also a warning for
Puritans, for
Dominionists, and for Christians of the
"Kingdom Now".
God is not a mean and unjust God here.
He will not share His glory with any sword-wielding blood-spattered earthly prince.
Even if Gandalf himself should turn up and call
carnal Christians to the sword and the gun for that 'last crusade' do not sign up!
Such a campaign will have a totally different ending than the movie, of that we can be sure.
The Christians of the sword and gun and patriotic nationalists "fighting against the system"
in the flesh will be totally and utterly defeated.
Dear saints. This is the end-time drama we are addressing here.
God spoke these words to Zechariah before the two witnesses,
There is a wonderful end-time story written by the hand of God our creator
in the constellations of the stars. We see the sheepfold, the encircling dragon, the coming of the Breaker,
the magnificent deliverance, and the leading out of the Elect by Messiah into His Millennial Kingdom.
The breakout of God's people by the returning Messiah
as "the Breaker" is an untold and yet spectacular story.
Bible teachers neglect it entirely.
Yet it was spoken of by the prophet Micah
Micah 2:12-13.
Isaiah also tells the story of the return of Messiah at a place,
(or places), known as Bozrah, which in Hebrew means 'sheepfold'.
This epic story of Messiah's return and this awesome deliverance of
His Elect
from the confines of a sheepfold
is also pictured for us in the heavens.
The travail of
the woman of Revelation 12, her
exile at Bozrah, a place under
end-time Edomite jurisdiction, and the magnificent
Bozrah Deliverance are all showcased in Holy Scripture.
The same stories and dramas are told in the heavens.
We see the Breaker at the sheepfold, the
chained woman Andromeda, and many other eternal, and apocalyptic themes.
Truly the heavens declare the glory of God.
This deliverance aspect of the Second Coming of Christ
as He comes to break out His people from the sheepfold of Bozrah
is clearly seen in the constellation of the
Little Dipper, (see above).
The ancient name for the 'Little Dipper' or 'little bear',('Ursa Minor')
is the Lesser Sheepfold.
The picture the ancient people saw is of the Messiah coming to
His people even as a shepherd comes to the sheepfold in the morning.
In the poetic imagery the saints have been penned up in a sheepfold
during the night.
From the name 'Bozrah' we not only know that it is
a sheepfold or place of incarceration and protection,
but also that it owned by the wild sons of Esau,
or the Edomites. Here is the story as we see it in the imagery.
A situation of great peril has arisen.
The Dragon we see in scripture is encircling the Lesser Sheepfold
inside of which are the covenant people.
The dragon is represented in the heavens
by the huge serpentine constellation of Draco.
The Messiah comes into the fold at the dawn of a new day
entering by the door. Indeed He is the Door of the sheepfold and He opens and closes
His sheepfold as He wills.
As He enters His sheepfold the sheep gather around Him.
As they press in all around Him 'The Breaker' opens a Way.
Here we see the Kingdom of God is breaking forth with extreme violence. See Mat. 11:12
The sheep of God's pasture burst out of the sheepfold with Messiah at the head of them.
As we see in the "handle" of the dipper this is a stream of sheep bursting out
with Messiah at the head of them. He is leading His sheep away from the encircling dragon
out to green pasture.
Our returning Messiah is the pro-active one here.
He is at the head of it all!
He is represented by Polaris, the North Star, or 'turning star'.
This is a picture of Christ our Messiah. Everything in heaven and on earth turns upon Him.
The polar star has been well known down through history.
This great star has been used by ocean navigators down through time.
They depended on the North Star to steer their vessels at night.
Our Messiah is at the center of the starry host
the axis of rotation of the earth is presently aimed towards Polaris,
the North Star. The axis of the earth
goes through a precession much like the axis of a spinning top
wobbles around in a circle. The passage of this precession
of the North Celestial Pole is is represented by the blue arc in the
chart above.
It takes 26,000 years for this precession of this northern axis
of the earth, or the north celestial pole,
to describe a complete circle through the heavens.
This is where it begins to get interesting.
Over four millennia ago, at the time of the Flood of Noah,
the axis of the earth, (or north celestial pole), was aimed right at Draco.
This is the constellation of the Dragon, (or Satan). As it left Draco,
(two or three hundred years later), our spiritual father
Abraham was leaving the idolatrous city of Ur.
Two millennia ago, at the time of Christ,
the north celestial pole had passed the midway point.
It was precessing onwards and
halfway towards the North Star.
Where does the axis of the earth point today?
Today it is pointing very close to Polaris.
During the early part of this new millennium the north celestial pole
will be aimed exceedingly close to Polaris, the North Star.
These constellations, combined with the precession of the earth's axis,
are telling us a story here.
Spiritually our Messiah will soon be
coming.When He comes He will be at the center of our universe.
And in this marvelous picture in the constellations
our delivering Messiah is at the central to it all.
Indeed, He is the One upon whom all the others stars turn.
Our returning Messiah is the "Breaker".
A stream of stars are seen following Him
as He breaks through and leads His sheep out of the lesser sheepfold
and onwards to His pasture.
The sheep stream out of the sheepfold with the Messiah at their head.
- Mic.2:12-13
This is a magnificent picture of the Second Coming of Christ.
Why have we not seen it before?
Our Messiah will return to deliver His hard pressed people
staging this magnificent breakout from Esau's
sheepfold at Bozrah.
This is not idle starry eyed speculation.
Nor is it 'private interpretation'.
The Holy Scriptures tell the very same story.
The very same Bozrah deliverance is seen in
where we see the Messiah come back to us as "The Breaker".
This awesome story is further laid out for us in
Isaiah 63.
It is also alluded to in Matthew 11:12.
This aspect of the return of Christ is untaught.
Our Bible teachers have not yet brought out this
awesome aspect of the Second Coming.
But here in the constellations and in Micah 2:12-13
our God is laying out an awesome story of deliverance.
It is a grand adventure even amidst the events of the end-time.
This end-time drama also begins to take us into
a deeper romance with our Lord Jesus.
This high drama will come right at the climax of this age.
It will eclipse the former gathering of God's people out of Egypt
and the deliverance at the Red Sea crossing.
And yet the same "Song of Moses" will be sung at the end. - Rev.15:2-3
Truly this spectacular break-out of God's Elect
will be the most glorious deliverance
this world has ever seen.
Are we listening?
And how shall we answer?
Are we connecting the dots? Or do we just say.
Let us follow the Pre-Trib Rapture doctrine to its logical conclusion and see if it squares with
the Holy Scriptures.
Do we see a dispensational apartheid policy forever dividing the Church/(the Congregation of Israel)
from the Nation of Israel and the royal Jewish House of Judah?
Is there really to be an everlasting partition in the family of God?
Do we see this partition forever established to remain for all eternity?
Is such a notion to be found anywhere in the Bible. Or was was this wall of separation
crafted by Freemasons inside the 19th Century Church Anglo-American Church.
Is the Church vs. Israel dichotomy really just a man-made wall of separation perpetuating a 2900 year old
blood feud that has not yet even been addressed by both parties let alone reconciled?
And let us ask ourselves this question.
Does such an everlasting apartheid policy with a "spiritual Israel" (the Church),
and a "physical Israel" in Jewish Israel sound like it comes from the character of the God we see in the Bible?
Dear saints, do we see just how irresponsible, self-serving, and treacherous
this whole Pre-Trib Rapture scenario looks when it is unraveled and laid out before any normal person?
Just when does our Great Commission expire anyway?
Is it seven years before the end of the age? Or not? Do we have to take it to our lawyer?
So is our pre-trib wishful thinking forcing the Bible to say things that the Holy Spirit has not said?
And if so, are we going to change our heart and mind and attitude, turn away from our "cut and run" mentality
and do the right thing facing our accusers and answering their questions before a cloud of witnesses?
Or will our correction come later?
Are we going to be need the end-time discipline of Joseph to set us straight.
Will he be the one to remind us of our responsibilities in the family of Israel?
"The End-Time Discipline of Joseph" .
If so then we do not have a moment to loose. Time may be short.
We don't know how much time we have left before these times of trial come.
So, all that being understood, should we not take a long hard look
at our attitude to the End-Time Christian witness?
God has given us time for peaceful reflection and provided us with time for our much needed
preparation in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
And that time is now!
True shepherds know that sheep will only drink from still waters.
God has given us this time of relative peace for a purpose.
This is a time to leave
our pursuit of pleasure and material things and seek the face of God.
Now is the time to allow ourselves
to be led in quietness deeper into the heart of the Shepherd.
Let us get to know His voice. (See John 10:3-4)
A dark and cloudy day is coming. (See Ezek.34:12)
True believers will stay very close to the Shepherd of Israel as the Day approaches.
Let us join our Apostle Paul
and affirm our faith to the end.
Grace and shalom to all the saints.
John 5:43
What will happen to God's chosen people when
the Kraken wakes at the midpoint of
the future 70th Week of Daniel? What will be their destiny during
those final 3.5 years of this present evil age?
Is it all just a chamber of horrors and nothing else as our current Bible prophecy teachers affirm?
Or do we have a God who empowers His people in God's witness during their hour of trial?
And do we have a God who provides a place of refuge during this awesome future time?
And do not the Holy Scriptures show Him intervening at the climax of humanistic
foolishness at the end of this evil age?
I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me;
If another comes in his own name, him you will receive.
And we see Him saving the people of this world from total and utter annihilation.
Those who know their God understand certain things that profane and nominal Christians do not understand.
A true Bride will always love her Bridegroom. She will be faithful, loving him to the end, come what may.
A genuine bride will be totally committed to her Beloved, even unto the death.
For her there is no grief. Nor is there any pain in this witness.
When the challenge to her devotion comes she will speak out willingly on behalf of the One she loves.
Not for one moment will she stop to think of the consequences of her testimony.
She will not hesitate to present her witness to her Bridegroom
even before hostile men prodded on by their dark angels.
The frantic and terrified
principalities and powers of this present world system cause great fear, anger, and
agitation among the children of disobedience. The human stooges know nothing.
But the angelic rulers pulling their strings do.
They know that this end-time witness of the saints during 5th seal
will lead on to the 6th seal. And at this point Messiah will return and seal their doom.
And yes, it is true, not many will find it.
But this is the faith that was first delivered to the saints. (Jude 1:3)
And faith is the victory that overcomes the world. (1John 5:4)
Image from the movie, 'Chariots of Fire'.
Our Blessed Hope: The Redemption of Our Bodies
From Romans 8:18–25.
For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; . . . . . . . .
. . . . . the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious
liberty of the children of God.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now;
and not only the creation,
But we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as
we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
For in this hope we were saved. . . . . . . . . . we wait for it with patience.
Rounding the final bend they discover that they are no longer alone.
And there is cheering all around them. See Hebrews 12:1.
the starry crown?
Click on the image to go to
'the rest of the story'.
Art used by permission of
Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992.
Visit her
'Revelation Illustrated' website.
No. Not at all.
The whole issue of physical survival is not even in the picture.
It is totally irrelevant.
His mother Rachel wanted to call him "Ben-Oni",
"Son of my Sorrow" as she lay dying.
But his father disagreed.
Son of My Right Hand!"
A Great End-Time Tragedy, the Runaway Bride
Click on the image above to go to the article.
The image is by gracious permission of
Dolores Neilson.
During the latter days, just as we saw with Gideon's army of 30,000, there will be a great falling away
of those who formerly held to the faith. Like the seed sown on stony ground that grew up for a season
then withered and dried up there will be a great apostasy.
And there will be a Great Falling Away
of many of those who were once Christians.
Our Apostle Paul spelled this out for us very clearly in 2Thessalonians 2:1-4.
A time of darkness is coming. And at the time of the midnight cry as the lamps are sputtering and burning low
many will awaken from their slumbers to realize that they have
no oil to resupply their lamps.
An awful moment of truth will have arrived.
They will not be able to go out and meet the Bridegroom. There is a warning against spiritual negligence
and unpreparedness here. See
this YouTube video
There is a place of exile given to us
in Scripture. In Micah 2:12-13 and in Isaiah 63
we see that this mysterious place alluded to is Bozrah, a word that means "sheepfold".
There is a sovereign nation and a people behind the name Bozrah.
Bozrah is a ruin of a city in Edom. The ancient land there southeast of the Dead Sea belongs
to the children of godless Esau.
From Revelation 12:6 and Rev. 12:14 we see that this is a place of exile and of nurturing.
And the cross reference in Micah 2:12,13 indicates that this is
a place where the "Breaker", our Messiah, will pay a rather important visit on His return.
During the apocalyptic unveiling of Messiah He will be visiting mystery Bozrah.
So wherever the place might be He will be paying a visit.
There, at the Last Day He will pour out His wrath on the wicked and deliver His Elect at this place, and right at the end of the age.
This idea of a small relatively local place of refuge at Petra comes from the imaginations of men. There are no
scripture passages that mention or even allude to Petra. None!
And why? Because of the confined space in the rock canyons and the powerful explosive nature of modern weapons.
Even mortars and artillery would be devastating in such confined quarters.
But bombs and missiles are now quite able to deliver ordnance hundreds if miles with pinpoint accuracy.
One air burst fuel bomb down in those deep gorges would turn the whole canyon into an raging inferno.
All the oxygen would be sucked out, asphyxiating the people. We saw these things happen during
the terrible firestorms set off by the allied bombing
of Hamburg, Cologne, and Dresden in World War 2.
The people in those canyons would be incinerated or perish in their caves.
That would be the end of all the people in Petra.
And with a chemical bomb or a dirty bomb the situation would be just as deadly.
The gas would flow down the gorge, into the caves and just accumulate there.
A chemical gas attack in such a gorge would be a perfect killing zone.
The whole population hiding away there would be wiped out in short order.
In this modern era of napalm and diabolical chemical bombs a retreat to
Petra would be an absolutely suicidal move.
The gorge would soon become a fiery furnace and a valley of death.
The supposed "refuge" would soon be a place of charred or gassed corpses.
No one would survive.
The Bozrah story tells of a majestic deliverance of God's people
at the end of the age. It involves the exile in Bozrah of the
covenant people of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
And it refers to the return of Messiah at Bozrah as a Deliverer.
The scriptures
point to mystery Bozrah as a place where the Elect are held
during the time of "Jacob's trouble". Are they are held captive
under the jurisdiction of the wild, untamed, and Godless children of Esau?
The phrase "as the sheep of Bozrah", and the fact that Bozrah means "sheepfold"
and the fact that Bozrah was a pastoral city in Edom, the land of the children of Esau,
are all valuable clues; that is, if we are interested in connecting the dots.
The Flight to (Mystery) Bozrah.
Image by Australian photographer Peter Walton.
HERE to go his work at
He means that He will gather and restore all 12 tribes of Israel!
"Eureka! I See it!
In the Seed of Abraham, and under the blood of Christ we are new creatures in Christ/Messiah.
We are wild olive branches to be sure. But olive branches nevertheless.
And now we have been grafted back into the olive tree of Israel.
And even now, under the redeeming, atoning, reconciling blood of Christ
we belong to the Congregation and the Commonwealth of Israel!"
Micah 2
Hebrew Names Version of World English Bible
I will surely gather the remnant of Yisra'el;
I will put them together as the sheep of Botzrah,
As a flock in the midst of their pasture;
They will throng with people.
They break through the gate, and go out.
And their king passes on before them,
With the LORD at their head."
Micah 2
King James Version
I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;
I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah,
As the flock in the midst of their fold:
they shall make great noise
by reason of the multitude of men.
they have broken up,
and have passed through the gate,
and are gone out by it:
and their king shall pass before them,
and the LORD on the head of them.
Many are asking the question, "What should be the Christian response
to the New World Order?"
Should Christians take up arms and seek out a place of refuge in the wilderness?
Can Christians entertain any hope at all of avoiding all the surveillance we have around us today?
What if Christian patriots gather for protection in a large armed compound? Will they be safe?
Remember Waco? How easy is it for gunmen to resist a tank, perhaps a tank with a flame thrower?
How easy is it for a drone high in the dark sky above
to loose a small missile at 4 a.m. in the morning when everyone on the ground is asleep?
What if our Christian patriots are in a cave full of food and water and arms?
How do they prevent an ordnance from being delivered by some means into the mouth of the cave,
exploding, and sealing them inside? What sort of witness can they be expected to dos they lie there
dying of dehydration or starvation all alone in the bowels of the earth?
Do crusading Christians really want to die as troglodytes?
Did we ever see our Apostle Paul escaping and running away from the witness,
even when an angel loosed their chains
and an earthquake sprung open the prison doors?
During that terrible storm and the shipwreck on Malta did he not expose the cowardly acts of the crew
and insist that everyone stay together? Did not an angel visit Paul saying,
"God has given you the lives of all who sail with you!" See this article
Did Jesus run off and hide when they came for Him in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Did he not say, "Here I am! Let these others go."
These are just a few questions that arise.
Daniel 7 (NKJV)
19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast,
which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful,
whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured,
brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet;
20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other
which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn
that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things,
whose look was more stout than his fellows. 21 I beheld,
and the same horn made war with the saints,
and prevailed against them;
22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to
the saints of the most High;
and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
Daniel 8 (NKJV)
Daniel fainted when he received this Word from Gabriel the
angel of God's throne. It is a sober word and I entreat all
who seek to follow God in holiness to mark well what the Holy Scriptures
clearly say will happen. When the saints of the end time take up
weapons that are carnal to fight for a holy cause the result will be tragic.
Those campaigns will end in total and absolute disaster.
8:23 "And in the latter time of their kingdom,
When the transgressors have reached their fullness,
A king shall arise, Having fierce features,
Who understands sinister schemes.
He shall destroy fearfully, And shall prosper and thrive;
He shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
And he shall exalt himself in his heart.
He shall destroy many in their prosperity.
He shall even rise against the Prince of princes;
But he shall be broken without human means.
Therefore seal up the vision, For it refers to many days in
the future.
afterward I arose and went about the king's business.
I was astonished by the vision, but no one understood it."
There will be wars against the Antichrist in the latter days. But they will all fail.
Do not fight against the Antichristwith the arms of the flesh.
And do not join him in his
opening regime of harlotry.
Stay true to the God of Israel, even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And be prepared to bring your witness before kings and rulers, come what may.
And this final battle will not be won by force of arms.
Will God share His glory with the arm of the flesh? No.
That is not how we win. We win in the End-Time witness.
Even before the two olive trees of Israel.
"Not by might, Nor by power,
But by My Spirit saith Yehovah-God."
The two sticks become one. (Ezekiel 37:16-17)
Image from Batya Wootten's book.
If Christian believers in Christ and under his blood are in the
Commonwealth and Citizenship of Israel
what are the consequences of this realization?
Quite clearly this would involve a huge increase in responsibility and authority before God.
There is indeed a call to witness for Christian believers in the latter days.
There will not be a special early Rapture for a special Church seven years earlier than the
Resurrection-Rapture the Bible lays out.
Jesus tells us four times in John 6:39, John 6:40, John 6:44, and John 6:54 that He will raise up His people at the
Last Day.
"That message of warning and exhortation to spiritual preparation for the end time witness
is "for the Jews".
But how can this small number of new Christians possibly be expected to do so and do so without the Holy Spirit?
How can they bring in the end-time evangelism and the end-time witness
in a time of spiritual deadness when our Bible teachers have told us that the "Age of Grace" has ended?
None of this makes any sense at all. It is self-conflicted and against the Holy Scriptures
and contrary to the character of our God. The God of Israel is the God of the Church, period.
="jeroboam.htm">He never was a double dealer where
the two presently estranged houses of Israel are concerned.
Everyone who is saved is saved the same way.
They are saved by grace through faith in the atoning blood of Israel's promised Sacrifice Lamb.
Or "That is Old Testament stuff."
Or "We are in a "different dispensation". We are the New Testament Church!
And anyway, spiritual preparation in God is "works".
Many evangelical Christians seem to say, "We are people of "grace". We have our ticket to heaven.
And what's more we are leaving anytime now!"
So do we in effect say, "I sit as a queen and will see no sorrow"? God forgive us if we do.
Because those are the words of the harlot of Revelation 18:7-8.
But we seem to hear this sentiment, "The Rapture limo will be arriving any minute now.
So I'm "outta here" and off to the mansions!
When I get raptured out seven years early the Age of Grace will come to a screeching halt!
There is no call on me to assume any further responsibility."
"Those 144,000 Jews can finish the job"!
The short two minute YouTube video below might be entitled,
"For the which cause I suffer these things,
The highway of holiness leads onwards and upwards;
Nevertheless I am not ashamed,
For I know whom I have believed,
And am persuaded, that He is able,
To keep that which I've committed
Unto Him against that Day". - 2Tim.1:12.
- towards the gates of splendor.