THE 70 WEEKS OF DANIELThe YouTube video below contains a 28 minute video.
It is entitled "The Jubilee Cycles and the 70 Weeks Prophecy.
Should you have trouble streaming the video from the YouTube box above
you may go directly to the YouTube video by clicking HERE.
Click on the image below to go to the PowerPoint of 'The Jubilee Cycles and the 70 Weeks Prophecy'. This includes a written narration, (every other slide). This PowerPoint presentation forms the basis for this web page article and the YouTube video you see above.
If you prefer a smaller file, here is A PDF FILE of "The Jubilee Cycles and the 70 Weeks Prophecy".
The mystery of Israel's Jubilees has been a source of much wonderment and inquiry throughout the many centuries of Israel's history and then Church history. It seems the Jubilee was introduced to Israel by Jehovah-God back at Sinai when He established the national covenant with the nation of Israel. It was a 49 year cycle with the resetting of the economy and cancellation of debts. The 5th year was the Year of Jubilee, the first year of the next 49 year economic cycle. It was to be a year of regrouping and planning for the years ahead. >p> Did Israel ever keep the jubilee? A word search throughout the Holy Scriptures of the word "jubilee" does not provide much evidence that they did. They also failed to keep the sabbatical years. And we know what happened then. After 490 years had passed God took what was left of the nation and made them serve seventy years, (one year in seven of those 490 years), as captives in Babylon.So the big question remains. What happened to the Jubilees? Were they miscarried in Israel? The Holy One of Israel established the Jubilee. But it never happened. So did The God of Israel fail in the implementation of His wonderful plan? Is this righteous economic system and this great hope for mankind never to be seen here on earth? Did Jehoveh-God the Almighty One just accept this apparent failure? Did He shrug it off, throw up His hands, and say,
"Well, it looks like my nation of Israel missed it. That's too bad.Dear saints, is such a scenario likely?
The plan I had for the Jubilee Cycles will have to be scrapped.
It is what it is!"
Is the Holy One of Israel one to fail?
Hardly.Does our God fail to deliver on what He has laid out?
Not at all!Click on this YouTube video link here or click on the video box up above. This video will present Biblical facts that show us in a very definite way that the promise of the Jubilee Cycles did not miscarry with Israel and die under the Old Covenant. Indeed, the New Covenant will restore the Old Covenant and all the national promises God made to Abraham of a Holy Land and a Holy People will be upheld.
If you would like to make a group presentation of this material feel free to download the PowerPoint presentation. Its narration is in there alternating with the slides. Just right-click and download this Powerpoint with its written narration or the image above.
If you prefer a smaller file size here is the PDF file of the very same PowerPoint. All of this is open source material in the public domain. I will be very very happy to see this message go viral throughout the Body of Christ.
with music by Joel Chernoff of LAMB.
When it is pointed out to us we can readily see that there are six vital connections that cross-link the Jubilee Cycles with the Seventy Weeks Prophecy.
IT APPEARS THAT THEY STAKE OUT THE FINAL 7 YEARS OF THIS AGE.1. The court case of the Book of Revelation comes to its awesome climax on the Day of Atonement.
2. This will be the Day of Reckoning, the Day of Reconciliation, the Day of Sentencing and the Day of Pardoning.
3. That future Yom Kippur or Day of Covering is the last day of this present evil age and grand central station to the End-Time.
4. The blood of Israel's Sacrifice Lamb offered there upon the mercy seat covers all the sin for all the saints for all time.
5. The Day of Atonement, the 6th of the Seven Feasts of Israel comes on the Tishrei 10.
6. Tishrei 10 is the very same Hebrew calendar date which will witness the blowing of the trumpets of Jubilee!
These are just some of the vital connections linking the Jubilee cycles and especially the final Jubilee of Messiah to the Seventy Weeks Prophecy.
The final 7 years of this age will not be a period of refining reserved just for "the Jews". The royal Jewish House of Judah is not the "all Israel" that will be saved, the blood-washed company dressed in white we see in Revelation chapter 7, people drawn out from every nation, race, and tribe. The future 70th seven/week of years will not be just a time of testing for "national Israel" alone, as our dispensational Bible teachers, (those insatiable Hellenistic hair splitters), try to tell us. Because when we look at it, (our lawyer by our side), our Great Commission does not expire seven years early. We are not relieved of our commission until at least the end of the age. See Matthew 28:18,19,&20. The Congregation of Israel, (the Church), has its ultimate identity in the blood of Christ who is the Seed of Abraham. A born-again regenerated Christian believer is no longer a Gentile/heathen, a stranger, a goy, an outsider, or a foreigner. The true Church of every nation, race, and tribe is that that wild branch grafted into in the olive tree and the oil of Israel's anointing, the Holy Spirit. Through the blood of Christ we are branches abiding in the Vine. We are no longer strangers to the eternal covenant of Israel but through the blood of Christ we are "brought near", and into the Commonwealth of Israel. See Ephesians 2:11,12,&13. Both houses of Israel, the one that is known and the other one, (the one that is unknown, amnesic, and hidden in the mystery), will be center stage. They will be re-united and all Israel restored to flow together gloriously as gold from the refining that will come in the latter days. God's covenant people will definitely NOT be seen shut up in those dispensational theological boxes as "Israel/the Jews" in the one box and "The Church" in the other. Nowhere do we see that in Holy Scripture. That was the work of 19th century freemasons who did a number on the Church for political and economic reasons. We shall not see a royal Jewish nation and a separate holy priesthood church. Rather, God's single Elect and Chosen Covenant people will be precisely as Moses and the Apostle Peter saw them. They will be united and cross-linked together as a 'royal priesthood and a holy nation'. All this will be revealed during this epic final 7 year period. It will be a period for refining, a period for the end-time witness, and a period for exile and nurturing for the Woman of Revelation chapter 12. Then, in a great deliverance, Messiah will return. And just as the poets and song-writers have described, it will be the year of Jubilee.THE GREAT THEMES OF THE END-TIME ARE LIKE A DIVINE JIG-SAW PUZZLE.
The information presented here from Holy Scripture has been freely given to me. I am now freely giving it to you, the diligent, the careful, and the consecrated Berean saints. It is offered into the Body of Messiah for further study. In the YouTube video, the PowerPoint and the PDF file you will see the six vital connections of the Jubilee Cycles to the Seventy Weeks Prophecy. For Christians who are born again and embrace our Lord Jesus and the Way of the cross in blood covenant commitment a plethora of subsequent discoveries will spring from this understanding of the trials, the refining, and the great glory at the end of the story and in the subsequent Jubilee of Messiah. Some important "Eureka!" moments will come quickly to those who love Messiah and are not ashamed to enter into the Way of the cross. Yehoveh-God unseals His Word to those who are wise and who are in the devotion to Yeshua Hamashiach/Jesus Christ. All who earnestly seek the face of God will find that they are being drawn, even wooed by Him.
AND THEY COME TOGETHER BEAUTIFULLY IN THE DEVOTION TO OUR MESSIAH.Our walk with God is not just a head trip but a matter of the heart and a willingness to go out into the darkness to meet the Bridegroom come what may. Our pilgrimage is a romance as well as being a great adventure in God. Please feel free to download and disseminate, extract, excerpt, and re-write any of the media you see here for His glory. As you may have noticed this whole website is an untidy workshop. There are many unfinished projects lying around. None of the articles, PowerPoint presentations, PDF files, or YouTube videos are copyrighted. I am a servant of God Most High. I have no other agenda but to see His Word presented to the saints clearly and in as accurate a manner as possible. God will be calling for His witnesses in times to come. These people are worthy. They are the ones who deserve to hear what God is saying.
Let me tell you plainly what I have discovered. I will point out to you where the inspired Message/Word of God is to be found. There is a veritable mother-lode of jewels of Biblical Truth. And the key to many glorious truths is to be found in the devotion to Christ our returning Messiah and the divine romance that springs up in the hearts of those who love His appearing. Those who love Him will seek to know Him in the depths of His character. They will recognize His Holy Spirit and seek to be infilled by His Holy Spirit. They will also come to know what the Holy Spirit is telling us through the pages of the Bible and submit themselves to Him more and more as the Day of the Lord approaches.
So our Messiah, Christ, the Anointed One is the key. He IS the Living Word. In Him we find dual anointing of the Order of Melchizedek. Right there in the dual illumination the Two Witnesses, and right between the two olive trees of Zechariah chapter 4 we find our Messiah. He is Israel's Light to the heathen Gentiles. And in Revelation chapter 1 we see He walks between the 7 candlesticks.
In Him, the Holy One of Israel, we find the true Source of the End-Time Revival.
In Him will come the healing of the Breach of Jeroboam to complete the restoration of Israel.
In Him will come the reconciliation of the two blood-feuding houses of Israel.
In Him will come the joining of the two sticks of Ezekiel 37 and the End-Time gathering of Jacob as a single Elect, a royal priesthood and a holy nation, the Bride of the Lamb, the Commonwealth of Israel, the Holy City John saw descending from heaven, in Revelation 21, the fully refined, fully restored covenant people of God.
Below on the table at left and right respectively are a list of uncopyrighted videos and uncopyrighted Powerpoint presentations. The PowerPoint #9 on the table below and to the right is the basis for the narrated video on the Jubilee Cycles and the 70 Weeks Prophecy. Saints, the discovery of the multi-facetted connection of the Jubilee Cycles to the 70 Weeks of Daniel is a major step forward in our understanding of End-Time events. The Seven Feasts of Israel especially the Fall Feasts of Israel wrap up the end-time story very neatly. As we know, the Book of Revelation is one big climactic heavenly court case.
As we have seen, this study leads us to a number of Biblically based conclusions. These are all jewels from Holy Scriptures. And we find many of them right at the interface between what we call "the Church" and what we call "Israel". The gems are sitting there, just waiting to be mined. Let's work together on this. And let us remember what our apostle Paul entreats us in 2Timothy 2:15 and 3:16. Let's get the Word of God out. The time is short.