of our heart.
Some Key YouTube Videos
Along with their PowerPoint and PDF Presentations
and the Web Pages into which they are embedded.
None of these PowerPoint/PDF Presentations are copyrighted. This is an open untidy workshop of the Kingdom of God full of inspiring projects just beginning to open up. So saints, please feel free to use, extract, and excerpt any of the media here for the glory of God. There are many unfinished projects awaiting further development. Let's get the Word of God out. The time is short.
DEVELOP FURTHER AND USE AS A BASIS FOR YOUR PRESENTATIONS.Bible teachers, please take these studies, check them out Scripturally, use them and study them out further. Just immerse yourselves in these Biblical themes and let's see where God is leading us. Then share them on your website for others. Our best opportunity to clearly teach God's Word worldwide 24/7 has just arrived. Talking heads on Christian video and Church TV should be a thing of the past. With narrated Powerpoint videos Bible teachers now have a far better medium for teaching at their disposal. First create a PowerPoint presentation. Then narrate it with an audio microphone. Then lay it out on a video editor like Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas Movie Studio or Apple Final Cut Pro. After rendering it to a video, (I like wmv or mp4) you can then upload it onto YouTube. After that you can embed the YouTube video in your blog, vlog, or website. Google who owns YouTube will place you up there on the Google and YouTube listing.
These are uncopyrighted Powerpoint presentations.
I do not sell anything God has given me, nor do I ever intend to.Here below are some PowerPoint Presentations along with their PDF files.
Perhaps youcan download these PowerPoint presentations and this can help get you started.
Most of the PowerPoints here have been narrated and rendered to video.
Dear Saints,
I will let you in on a secret.
The most powerful way to teach something is to narrate PowerPoint and render it to video. Then up it goes on You tube to share with the world. People think in pictures. Talking heads are better than just text. But remember that any image you can present is worth a thousand words. This process does take a few steps but it is not all that difficult. Narrated PowerPoint is a far better way to convey a message than the talking heads we see on broadcast Christian television or church television. We are really behind the times and not using the teaching tools we have been given. Christian Bible teachers are way behind the secular world in appreciating the opportunity provided by this powerful medium. So we do not have a moment to lose. Just follow the following steps.1. Study out the Biblical theme God has laid upon your heart to share and make sure it is Biblically correct.
WARNING! If we teach error we are committing the sin of Jeroboam. The punishment for Bible teachers who disseminate error is very severe! A millstone awaits the neck of those who cause God's covenant people to stumble. See this warning given by Jesus to His disciples.
Everyone OK? Right, lets move on.
2. Put together your PowerPoint Presentation using text, PaintShop, images, etc. Be careful not to use copyrighted images. Contact artists for permission to use their paintings. Usually they are gracious or they might ask for a link or a few dollars. Sometimes artists are hard to get a hold of. Name the artists in your presentation when they are living artists and give online addresses for their galleries to send them some customers. Images from old Sunday School books are usually OK. As for prominent images in books there is mention of the year 1923. The issue of "fair use" comes into these discussions. There is a host of open source material online. The good news is that PowerPoint itself allows you to make your own graphics, charts, diagrams etc. quite easily.
3. When you are finished with the PowerPoint presentation save it as a string of images, pngs, jpgs, or gifs.
Right click on the big button top left and scroll down to "save as" "other formats", (pngs, jpgs, or gifs).4. Now set up your audio recorder, narrate the PowerPoint, and save your recording(s) as an audio file(s).
I find it helpful to make every other slide on the PowerPoint series just text, a short paragraph to read.
This helps me narrate quickly, clearly, and expeditiously without the ums and ahhs. I then run the audio files through an audio editor, normalize the volume, and cut out the excess dead space. This makes your presentation a bit more peppy. For this I am partial to Sony Sound Forge but some use Audacity which is very good and freeware. The Mac OS Apple users will have their own special audio editing programs.5. Now gather your PowerPoint Slides and your audio files and lay them out on your video editor.
I like Sony Vegas but Windows Movie maker is good and Mac OS users will use Final Cut Pro.
You can add music but I think this is over done. Maybe a bit at the beginning and end. Did you ever see any of your teachers in class ever play music while they were at the blackboard writing things down and pointing things out?We live in a noisy world; too noisy in fact. Do you remember when Elijah was being chased by Jezebel and at his wits end? That is how a lot of Christians are today. It was not through the earthquake and the fire that God got huis message through to Elijah. It was the still small voice.
With narrated PowerPoint rendered to video you have something more than bare text on a page. Your audience will have something colorful to look at while the Biblical message in the spoken word enters in the ear. And with PowerPoint we have something far better than a blackboard. You can now present colored images and diagrams along with the spoken word. But it gets even better than that. In the video editing program you can do the "pan and crop" or "Ken Burns effect" to make still images look like video. Or you can put in short video segments. What a world for teachers these days!
6. Now you can go to "file", go down to "render as" and render this all as a video.
I find it best to render as a WMV, a Windows Media Video at 3mps.
The video dimensions nowadays have gone up to 720 x 480 pixels.
HD is possible for narrated PowerPoint videos but is overkill in most cases.
It takes a long time to render HD and also a long time to upload these huge video files.7. Now you have your video in hand go ahead and open up an account on YouTube.
Now hit the "upload" button.
You will then go to a browsing page and up goes your narrated PowerPoint Video.
This is the very best way to share Bible teachings bar none!
Think about it. PowerPoint is very wonderful when presented to a group in a church hall.
But what if your PowerPoint can be accessed by dozens, hundreds, thousands of people every day?
And what if these special seeking people are in places all around the world?!
And what if they can be given Bible teachings by narrated PowerPoint any time of the day or night?
Isn't this all very wonderful?Of course some do not have broadband to access video.
But even if they do not have broadband you can still give them the bare PowerPoint Presentation if you have a website. The narration can be presented as text. They can click on a web page and get the PowerPoint. They can even download it and share it with others using their narration!These tools God has provided us with to teach the Holy Scriptures using narrated PowerPoint rendered to video and uploaded to YouTube is the single most powerful way to share a message in all of recorded history. This is the main engine of the Great End-Time Revival which we are now in. Bible teachers can use narrated PowerPoint rendered to video and then burned to DVD. By this means powerful effective Bible teachings can be sent overseas to the mission field. And more than ever the saints here at home, especially the Google searchers, need good solid Biblical information as we approach the thresholds at the climax of this age.
Some may ask, why all the activity to get out a message? For Biblical Christians who have been born again the answer comes easily. The God we serve has given us the privilege to be His witnesses. At some future time a group of saints will take their places, prepared to run. When that moment arrives all eyes will be upon them. And compassed about by a cloud of witnesses they will take the baton to the end of the relay race.
Image from the movie, 'Chariots of Fire'.Jesus charges each one of us with the Great Commission. He is calling out to each one of us to be His witnesses, in our corner of the world. He is being very personal with each one of us. He knows where to find us, even as we nestle comfortably the lukewarm Western Church of Laodicea, a church He will spew out in times to come. But even though Jesus has words of rebuke for His covenant people in Christendom all is not lost. The Holy One of Israel is calling out a new ekklesia, a new Congregation. Jesus is calling upon us to abandon the cheap merchant religious contracts and deals of religi-business and to "come up higher" to embrace the true and genuine blood covenant Christianity. Blood Covenant Christianity was seen in the early church and can now be seen overseas in the Suffering Church. This is the Christianity of total commitment that will be seen in the latter days.
Our Messiah is a holy and righteous. He is very particular about whom He chooses. He is gathering His single undivided Elect. And at the end of this age He will take them into the glory at the Resurrection-Rapture at the Last Day. The word "ekklesia" translated "church" or "congregation" means "called out" or an "assembly". But called out to whom and by whom? Jesus/Yeshua is "calling out" His chosen covenant people. The Shepherd of Israel is going out to find His lost sheep, even on a dark and cloudy day. He is wooing and drawing us to Himself, one by one. He is knocking at the door
And so our mandate is clear. Many in our present day "Emerging" Western Church are treating their Christian faith as a mere slumber party. Some are even 'Slouching towards Gomorrha'. Our present day popular "seeker friendly"/pagan accommodating Laodicean Church is loosing the spiritual battle. Her members have been doped and dumbed down by the religious hirelings. The Church in Western Christendom is in fact the prophesied wayward Gomer. She is compromised, confused, . . . "out of it". He is going out on the town in the company of strangers, even as darkness falls. And so what do we see today? The Western Church does not stand up for Biblical truth. She lies down by the wayside, hypnotized like a chicken. Sleeping Beauty sleeps fitfully in her glassy crystal casket. There she lies in a toxic swoon. The poisoned apple of carnal false religion is in her mouth. She tries to find rest and peace on a bed of narcissism. She views her True Husband indirectly. She views Him remotely, through the same mirror with which she pampers and worships herself. The modern and post-modern Church in the West seeks "self esteem" first and foremost. She pays her motivational ministers handsomely to get it for her.
She does not know that "self esteem" is a hoax, an illusion, even as she seeks it out in the Christian bookstores and the seedy religious bazaars of psycho-babble. She does not know that he only esteem that is genuine and lasting comes from a life lived in the glory of God. Real and eternal esteem can be provided for her. But only by the indwelling Christ.
So the Western Church, as Sleeping Beauty lies there, well fed but spiritually malnourished. Her heart has been torn by her many lovers. And her mind is befuddled by a babel of religious misinformation. How sad!
Dear Lord!
Is anybody going to help her?!
There is another woman, the
woman of wisdom.
She has some wisdom and some guidance for the people as they come to the City of God.
King Solomon saw her crying out in the open concourses and in the gates of the City.
But he said that few are stopping to listen to what she has to say.
And so, dear saints, here we are and here we stand. We are fifteen years into the age of the internet. The whole world lies open to us and to God's Holy Word. It seems we have our work cut out for us. We hear the distant rumblings of thunder, and lightning flashes across the horizon. The time is late. So we've not a moment to loose.
Let us pause here and take a resolve right now to order our priorities aright. Let us align ourselves in the Spirit and in the Truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach. As the wise virgins let us find the oil for the lamps against the coming night. And let the indwelling Christ, the Light of Israel, God's Living Word be seen in our midst. Let God arise and shine! And let the lights be seen in Christendom once again. This is the glory that the prophet Joel saw peaking and coming to a climax at the very end of this age. And this is the true and genuine Latter Rain Revival promised for the latter days.
Contrary to what we have heard there is going to be an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter days and inside the future 70th Week. The Promised Revival of the latter days has now begun. The Spirit of God is moving among us, all across this world, as we gather in His Name. The Word of God is going out, amidst the worship and the praises of God's people. The greatest awakening this world has ever seen is now beginning. And the promised End-Time Revival will climax in a blaze of glory at the Second Coming of our Messiah.
So in the Good News we have some cheerful news to report.
The scattered lights of Abraham are even now being regathered.
And a wedding party is on its way, . . . .
Towards the coming Bridegroom.
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